

Jack h auto

Winter auto run

Clones from momma on Jan first

Jack herer

Day 911 (Week 131)

72 updates

72 photos

Day: 911

Hello used been week ago light dose it seemed tho kill them but now they piped up in the tent how should I handle this ??

2 years ago

jdbudz Maybe lady bugs? Looks like Aphids kinda. Not good


forkdik I think ur right I have been it’s helping


forkdik Mfr are fast and get around from room to room quickly

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Day: 351


2 years ago

Day: 321

Auto vs photo

2 years ago

Day: 321

Autos blowing up

2 years ago

Day: 321

This gal stackin

2 years ago

Day: 321

Ph vs auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Gs auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Pho vs Auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Pho vs auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Gs auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Hps and led

2 years ago

Day: 321

Photo vs auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

New lighting led our w the HPS

2 years ago

Dripping Sauce

Dripping Sauce They sell Mylar reflective survival blankets for less then a $1 a pop when bought in a bundle. I always thought about building my own structure around a light by taping Mylar to cardboard and basically crating a cardboard box around a grow setup. Vents/fans could also be added. It’s just an idea. You look like an avid diy’er

Dripping Sauce

Dripping Sauce I also thought about adding Mylar covered cardboard around plants outside to enhance the light coverage. But I don’t think the airplanes will appreciate being blinded 😂


CaptainCannaBeard I’ve done it, well the Mylar on cardboard in the basement part. Not the blinding the airplanes part lol it worked better than having NO reflective material around the plants

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Day: 321

Glass slipper auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

HPS girls are taking offfff

2 years ago

Day: 321


2 years ago

Day: 321

Jh autos stressin

2 years ago

Day: 321

Glass slipper lil to much water the new room holds moisture like a mfr compared to the old room

2 years ago

Day: 321

Look at all the goodies!!

2 years ago

Day: 321

Show now

2 years ago

Day: 321

Getting right along

2 years ago

t-rent 🎟

t-rent Any for sale

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Day: 321

Photo vs auto still going at it

2 years ago

Day: 321

Battling the aphids in full flower is a daunting take my friends

2 years ago


budman0211 Just dealt with mites!! Pain in the ass!


forkdik Was my first time this is my second grow so it was a heart stopper at first now I’ll be more prepared and the plants beginning to recover !! Hoping for best !


budman0211 Hell yea man nice!! Yea I’ve been doing it for some years but always learning. Learned this run to be preventative with pests cause the fuckers just show up unannounced!!! 🤣 😂 😂

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Day: 321

Glass slipper recovering from aphid issues

2 years ago

Day: 321

Auto be photo 5x5 man photos stacking up and stank

2 years ago

Day: 321

Looking good

2 years ago

Day: 321

Photo vs autos

2 years ago

Day: 321

Jack h auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Wbc round 2

2 years ago

Day: 321

Glass slipper auto

2 years ago


forkdik She’s not doing well All three of these took a hell of a beaten and somehow they’re still making blood

Day: 321

These girls lol some how pushing out the dank they got the smells and some size info how they went threw three moves and all kinds of bs along the way and still they kicking give it up for plays slipper agouti by Willy’s farms and it’s a freebielol

2 years ago

Day: 321

Glass slipper auto

2 years ago


Gaharvest Cool colors👍🏻👊🏻

Day: 321

And they say u can’t be rough w autos bs give em hell they come right back and go to skip a beat !!

2 years ago

Day: 321

Blur pls viparspectras aren’t bad at all if I do say so myself !!!

2 years ago


SinSemillaWhisperer420 Getting chunky! 👊


HammertimeAZ You’re doing something right growmie


forkdik Thank u !!

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Day: 321

Glass slipper autos are packing on the weight !!! Stanky add only plant I can smell out of the 14 in flower all the time even with both filters going these puppy’s are gunna be slammin son !!!

2 years ago

Day: 321

Jack herer auto #1. Getting along ok

2 years ago

Day: 321

Jack herer auto#2 sure are big bushy mfrs !!

2 years ago

Day: 321

Fam looking damn fine !! Should have got some clones smh 🤦‍♂️

2 years ago

Day: 321

Purp kush she went into flower on her own on 24/0 so I threw her in w the big girls

2 years ago

Day: 321

Wbc the one !! She’s always a banger !!

2 years ago

Day: 321

All three glass slipper autos are bulking up huge !!

2 years ago

seed2pot Woah check out those pistils though


HammertimeAZ Very pretty!


Gaharvest Looks so cool👍🏻👊🏻

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Day: 321

Mephistopheles are not doing so hot weird coloring

2 years ago

Day: 321

Crazy ass plant here lol jack herer auto

2 years ago

Day: 321

Yet yeeet

2 years ago

Day: 321

Just finish already lol

2 years ago

Day: 321


2 years ago

Day: 321

Lady’s room full up

2 years ago

Day: 321

Glass slipper auto is beast

2 years ago

Day: 321

Glass slipper auto

2 years ago


bigsammy amazing

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Nice ezsprayer 👍👍👍😎😂

Day: 321

Glass slipper

2 years ago


bigsammy 🙏🙏🙏

Day: 321

Glass slipper #3

2 years ago

Day: 321

Big chop day

2 years ago

Day: 321

Glass slipper on her final days

2 years ago

Day: 90

Glass slipper still going strong

2 years ago

Day: 70

Glass slipper ong she’s a super yeild we and easy grow

2 years ago

Day: 68

The gals don’t look happy they all got a good healthy drenching with plenty of run off and saturation as I have not been watering correctly and learned this today with another grower and a few experiments with run off and ppm stuff

2 years ago

Day: 65

Drenched her a day ago she’s deff the runt of her litter hope bounces back quickly autos aren’t as finicky as they say !!!!

2 years ago

Day: 55


2 years ago

Day: 50

Glass slipper autos

2 years ago

Day: 50

Jack herer autos

2 years ago

Day: 50

Glassipper #3 auto

2 years ago

Day: 50

Jack herer auto

2 years ago

Day: 45

Glass slipper auto

2 years ago

charlie_wax Will the lower, bigger fan leaves flower, too? firstgrower


forkdik I fan leaves don’t flower the stems above them do at the node where a new shoot around grow flower can grow


forkdik Theses autos are my first try so I didn’t touch them but to add the support stake

Day: 18

Liking good

3 years ago

Day: 12

Day 12 girls all looking good

2 years ago

Day: 12

GSCX day 12 Dwc vs coco

2 years ago

Day: 5

Mephistopheles auto run

2 years ago

Day: 3

Day three orange Deisel

2 years ago

Day: 0

Next run Mephisto

2 years ago

Day: 0

New seeds in!!

2 years ago

Day: 0

I’m ready to smoke em

2 years ago


Gaharvest What is Jack Herer? They look awesome 👍🏻👊🏻


BINAII They put out some fat flowers!!


forkdik It’s a strain this is glass slipper tho I just logged it under the wrong one