Don Malverde

Don Malverde

Vanilla Frosting by Humboldt Seed Company

Winter 2020

Two Vanilla Frosting in the tent but one is germinating with the other girls from Humboldt. I had one Vanilla Frost that I planted alone 30 days before but will be flowing together without this one and I will be updating both.

Vanilla Frosting

Day 113 (Week 17)

9 updates

66 photos

Day: 113


Time to πŸͺ“. Plant 1 of 2. Day 64.

4 years ago

superbikeshaun That’s looking absolutely delightful πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


dale2216 😍

Day: 113


Plant 2 of 2 πŸͺ“time. Day 64

4 years ago

Day: 101

Week 8 Update - Ripening

4 years ago

Day: 92


Beginning of Week 7 // one week of reduced nutrients and then flushing begins 😊

4 years ago

214dj Beautiful bro

Don Malverde

Don Malverde Thanks for the props! These colors are popping with the purple phenotype.

Day: 88


Week 6 of 🌻

4 years ago

cranky_vet Love the colors

Day: 63


End of week 2

4 years ago

Day: 22

Baby girl growing great like her big sister

4 years ago

Day: 15


Here is the baby girl transplanted and her big sister.

4 years ago

Day: 1

She is in the back left.

4 years ago