Fall 2021
GDP cross in coco coir and soil mix, LPC in soil. Both planted in 5 gal Vivosun fabric grow bags. Sharing one 100W LeFreshinsoft full spectrum grow lamp and a CloudLine T4 exhaust fan w/temp control set to high of 76F/60% RH during late veg (week 5-8). Fox Farms nutrient trio schedule adjusted to more gradually ramp up PPM.
London Pound Cake 75, Granddaddy Purp x Death Star x Purple Haze
Day 119 (Week 17)
31 updates
31 photos
Day: 119

Last pics before chop for GDP tribrid, which I think I’m calling “Double Purple Death”. Buds actually turned out slightly bigger than the London Pound Cake, probably since it grew much closer to the light.
3 years ago
Day: 119

LPC #75 is looking good, however trichomes are still looking awfully clear on this one. Trichome analysis pics to follow.
3 years ago
emaj7b5 👍🏼
Day: 119

Trichome analysis of LPC #75. Big, bulbous trikes, but very few seem to have gone amber or even milky yet. As this is a heavy indica, I think I’m going to let it go another week (two weeks total) past the original chop date, for a total 12 weeks of flower.
3 years ago
Day: 119

Double Purple Death trichome analysis. Somewhat smaller bulbs than the LPC, but still plentiful, with beautiful purple and orange pistils visible. Mostly cloudy and even amber trikes can be seen. As this is mostly a sativa dominant strain, I think she’s ready to harvest.
3 years ago
Day: 103

LPC buds continuing to thicken
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Very nice 👍
DoctorCarbon Ayyy thanks bud 👍🏻
Day: 103

GDP buds continuing to thicken
3 years ago
Day: 92

Great progress on LPC over the past week. Buds are getting swollen!
3 years ago
Day: 92

Good progress on GDP, too - could be a good or a bad thing, but it looks like I’m getting a lot of smaller colas with this girl. Trimmed back most of the larf early in flower, she just has so many more tops than the other plant it’s hard to compare.
3 years ago
Day: 81

LPC after light defoliation.
3 years ago
Day: 81

GDP hybrid after light defoliation.
3 years ago
Day: 78

LPC buds beginning to form
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Pretty
DoctorCarbon Ayyy thanks, I thought so too :)
Day: 78

GDP tribrid buds beginning to form
3 years ago
Day: 77

GDP tribrid, fully refoliated with 3-5 fingered leaves. Day 6 of flower (flipped on day 71).
3 years ago
Kyhoops757 Nice dream catcher my girl put one right outside our box! Lol
stick e fingerz Very nice 👍 good vibes in there
Day: 77

LPC on day 6 of flower (flipped on day 71). Tops beginning to form clear bud sites.
3 years ago
Day: 70

LPC before flip
3 years ago
Day: 70

GDP before flip
3 years ago
Day: 65

Upper rosettes flushing out and darkening on LPC. Leaves have been “praying” on this one slightly; seems quite happy.
3 years ago
Day: 65

GDP has an entire new set of single-bladed foliage! According to the breeder, this is somewhat common due to unstable genetics. Top leaves are coming in sets of 3s and 5s.
3 years ago
Day: 57

Both plants have mostly recovered from pesticide burn. Lightly defoliated burnt leaves. Planning on week 10 switch to flower.
3 years ago
BeauXDaciousBudz Babies are saved! 😊 id try diatomaceous-earth next time. Maybe. I had fungus gnats from wet top soil. I bought azomax - wasn’t willing to foliar and didn’t see the progress I wanted. So I top dressed my pots With de and the majority died in 2 days. I watered again and it brought for the larvae(not much at all.) so I top dressed again and now I have none. I saw one like 2 days ago and I smushed it with my finger. It’s just a suggestion... idk 🤷🏾♂️ I just know tiny dust sized slivers of glass can’t be too fun for any little creature. Best of luck. Can’t wait to see whatcha get! 😊 💨
DoctorCarbon Yeah, that may be one of the last times I use a foliar spray… at least, at that concentration! 😅 I actually did use a bit of diatomaceous earth, just didn’t have enough to dress the soil completely. Still dealing with the odd fungus gnat or two… spider mites seem to have been eradicated though, between the spray and the beneficial mites. If the gnats become a problem, DE might be my first line of defense
Day: 57

Both plants have mostly recovered from pesticide burn. Lightly defoliated burnt leaves. Planning on week 10 switch to flower.
3 years ago
Day: 50

LPC filling out the canopy nicely; seems to be recovering more quickly from slight nute burn/neem oil burn compared to GDP
3 years ago
Day: 50

GDP displaying some serious nute burn/neem oil burn after applying pesticide; however, lots of new unaffected growth on lower side branches.
3 years ago
Day: 49

Both plants seem to be tolerating pesticide application well. Only finding dead spider mites. Three packets of swirskii mites placed on each plant. Light raised 4in after slight light burn spotted on top of GDP.
3 years ago
Day: 48

Confirmed the beginnings of a spider mite infestation several days ago; applied neem oil foliar spray and soil drench at first signs of infestation. Last night after lights out, applied homemade pesticide spray: 1/2 tablespoon neem oil, 1/2 teaspoon ground clove, 1/2 tablespoon citric acid and 4.5ml 100mg nicotine concentrate in 16oz of soapy water. Both plants (and even cuttings) seem to have tolerated it well. Remaining visible spider mites seem to be immobile, or moving much slower. Planning to introduce swirskii predatory mites tonight after pesticides have been fully absorbed and foliar rinse. LPC after miticide application.
3 years ago
Day: 48

Confirmed the beginnings of a spider mite infestation several days ago; applied neem oil foliar spray and soil drench at first signs of infestation. Last night after lights out, applied homemade pesticide spray: 1/2 tablespoon neem oil, 1/2 teaspoon ground clove, 1/2 tablespoon citric acid and 4.5ml 100mg nicotine concentrate in 16oz of soapy water. Both plants (and even cuttings) seem to have tolerated it well. Remaining visible spider mites seem to be immobile, or moving much slower. Planning to introduce swirskii predatory mites tonight after pesticides have been fully absorbed and foliar rinse. GDP after miticide application.
3 years ago
Day: 42

LPC after feeding
3 years ago
Day: 42

GDP after feeding
3 years ago
mattekar We’re around the same time during the grow, how does your GDP smell? Good luck with the grow!
DoctorCarbon Many thanks man! Smells mostly earthy, possibly piney, with a strong fruity note to it. I’ll follow you for updates.
mattekar Thanks man! It’s weird I have one plant that smells like ammonia the rest just smell lightens fruity and/or earthy
Day: 37

Rearranged LST clips on LPC to stretch side branches and even out canopy. Adjusted trellis to apply gentle downforce on tops. Fed Fox trio 1200 PPM 3:2:2.
3 years ago
Day: 37

Adjusted LST clips, adjusted trellis to apply strong downforce on top overnight to promote side branching and stretching. Fed Fox trio ~1350 PPM 3:2:2.
3 years ago
Day: 36

LPC reaching trellis
3 years ago
Day: 36

GDP reaching trellis
3 years ago