

Wedding cake x Z Cake


10 female clones from my buddy. They look a little rough but hopefully we can make them happy


Day 123 (Week 18)

31 updates

277 photos

Day: 123


Learned a lot from this grow. As usual. Gonna set up my next grow here within a week.

3 years ago

fjeff Nice work


dolomight Nice job 👍🏿


lawson999 That looks way better than those autos

Day: 118


Bucked and trimming

3 years ago


SHG 👊🔥🙌

Day: 113


Well, I went to chop and they were covered in botrytis. I lost 4 whole plants. Cut out would I could in the other 6. Pretty sad day.

3 years ago


NorthernGrow204 Oh man that is brutal losing 4 plants, my honest condolences that is a hard day. Do you have an idea why it happened? I’m just trying to learn here ✌️


smokingforthegram From what I’m learning, the spores had been introduced awhile ago. How? Idk. But my tent was really humid during my 24 hours of darkness and that allowed the mold to grow. Bud rot is a bitch. And it hits out of nowhere. I’m going to get another dehumidifier and a hanging sensor for light/temp/humidity

stroxan I’m sorry to hear of your losses. You mentioned your tent was humid during your dark session, was your ventilation still going? This type of stuff scares me.

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Day: 110


24 hours of darkness and then the chop

3 years ago


GROWNH Beautiful 🔥🔥🔥


dolomight Wow😤


Mr_KaLi Just beautiful 🤩

Day: 106


Well 4/10 plants look weird and I just can’t figure out what’s wrong. I flushed them and it’s their last week thankfully. I will chop them if the weirdness gets into the buds

3 years ago

snopea123 Beautiful 🤩


zenith37 Bud Rot

kaliblaq Why do they look weird? Where do you see bud rot?

Day: 99


Start of week 9 and we’re soooo close. Last feed and next week we flush

3 years ago


StephenHawking That looks just ... amazing ! 😍


smokingforthegram Thanks guys

Day: 92


Fed them today and flushed the sick one. Let’s hope that helps.

3 years ago


hem-p Beautiful buds ❄️😋🏆💯


smokingforthegram 🙏🙏🙏🙏

kaplanalec792 Wat soli an nutrients do you use

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Day: 87

All my girls are looking good except this one. Can’t tell if she’s just pulling the hardest or if it’s lockout.

3 years ago


mystrain420 Is the purpling part of it or genetics? I noticed the entire stalk isn’t purple and you pot size looks at least 7gal so she’s not root bound


smokingforthegram I’m sure the purple is from the cold cause it’s pretty damn cold here. The pots are 3 gal.


Zoeyy101 I’m literally going through the same thing with my Peanut butter strain. But mines started from the top. Yours may be a lock out tho

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Day: 84


The frost is real with this one

3 years ago

Day: 78


All things are looking good!!! Just a few weeks left!! These girls are all frosty and now I just want them to be thick!

3 years ago


hem-p 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽The frost is Realllll 🙌🏽💯

Day: 73


Lollipopped and fed! Lights resuced to 65% and 32+” away

3 years ago


Prodigy How big is your tent? lol I need the size you got! love the crop keep up the good work!!


smokingforthegram @prodigy it’s a 4x4 :) I squeezed 10 3 gallons in there


Prodigy I have a 4x4!!!! I haven’t tried this many yet though, I’ve been running 6 in it maybe time to jump to 8!

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Day: 66


Fed with cal mag today. Watered between 5.8 and 6 cause my soil meter was saying my souls was very alkaline. Lowered lights to 75% and they’re about 33” above my plants. Tallest plant is 17”. I don’t know where this purple is coming from and I’m unsure if it’s genetics or not.

3 years ago

Day: 60


A little before and after shot of the defol today. They were fed and watered yesterday. Lights are still at 80% and 30+” away. I also added a little more fox farm soil to get that high nitrogen up. They are a little lack in luster. Yay week 4 of flower

4 years ago

Day: 56


Gettin fed next watering. They’re really starting to turn around

4 years ago

Day: 53


Week 3 of flower. They’re definitely hungry again. I just watered them with some cal mag and next water we will feed. They were growing about a half inch to an inch a day.

4 years ago

Day: 49


All my bottom growth is coming up nice and green so I think I’ve fixed my nute problems. Or atleast have a handle on it.

4 years ago

Day: 44


Switched my nutes to terp tea bloom. They seem to love it

4 years ago

Day: 41


Week 1 of flower. Lights still at 75% and 28”. My girls are about 13” tall.

4 years ago

Day: 37


Day one of flower. They got a nice defol today. You can see before and after pics. I also turned my light up to 80% and after 6 hours they started to taco and get light burn. So my lights are at 75% 28”. Anyone else have an sf4000?

4 years ago

Day: 35


Looking healthy. Fed and watered yesterday. I increased my light to 80% and raised them to 28”. Hopefully no light burn. If they’re happy after that it’s time to flip.

4 years ago

Cjcis1 They look good what soil and nutrients did you use


smokingforthegram @cjcis1 fox farm ocean forest, cal mag, fox farm veg nutes

Day: 31


Watered and defoliated.

4 years ago

Day: 27


They got fed, re tied, and defoliated yesterday. Been having a lot of difficulty finding the right amount of nutes and this light is such a beast. I wanted to flip by tomorrow but idk if they’re healthy enough yet. So one more week.

4 years ago

Day: 22


Help idk what’s wrong

4 years ago

makisupagardens They look hungry.

Day: 19


Before water and after water pics.

4 years ago

Day: 17


Finally have some bug traps for the flies. Also what’s your opinion on purple stems?

4 years ago

Day: 14


Retying every few days cause these girls are beasts.

4 years ago

Day: 11


GUESS WHO GOT A NEW SF4000?????? That would be me.

4 years ago

Day: 9


All tied down

4 years ago

Day: 8


Topped/pinched them today. They also got watered. Gonna tie them down after they recover from being topped. Also noticed some bugs so I’m doing a neem oil spray.

4 years ago

Day: 3


Transferred them to 3 gal pots and they sure do seem happy. Gonna start lst soon. Possibly topping

4 years ago

Day: 0


Definitely looking rough

4 years ago