

2024 Grow

Round two… Fight

Mix of photos and autos from friends that produce seed.


Day 85 (Week 13)


21 updates

85 photos

Day: 85


Planning to harvest the Autos in the morning for convenience.

7 days ago

Day: 82

Ended up stripping the greenhouse plastic because it was falling apart and now have shade cloth in its place. It’s noticeably cooler in there so I think it will help transpiration during the day.

9 days ago


‖̍ˤ̰̠ʰ̬̬̥ One is blooming pretty early or is that one of those commie autoflowers lol


BoatsN’Buds Yep some autos to have a summer harvest! Speaking of which I think that’s tomorrow…

Day: 77


I might harvest in the morning just to give space for the photos.

15 days ago

Day: 74

Anxious to harvest the autos

17 days ago

Day: 71


Getting close to harvest for round 1 of autos.

21 days ago

Day: 67

Big rain storm last night but all is well. The new photos are loving the nutrients and loosing the yellow tint. Autos are getting closer but not quite ripe.

25 days ago

Day: 64

Just having Saturday morning coffee with the girls! Decided to nip the apical on the new arrivals and some of the more aggressive plants/ branches. All 5 gallon pots are regular seeds and the autos are in fabric pots. All seeds are from unofficial breeders.

a month ago


FramerFlaco Nice bro. I love chillin in the garden as well. I Can sit there for hours . Peace ✌🏽


ignite_spark How do you run electricity to the greenhouse? I have one and am about to start an outdoor grow? Any tips for a beginner?


BoatsN’Buds Check out my instagram @Boatsnbuds. I’ll post tomorrow with a run down of my setup and can give you tips from there.

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Day: 62


Added some photos from a friend and gave the OG photos a light trim. I now have a pump for all the photos and a separate pump for the autos.

a month ago

Day: 59


Still trying to find the right pump for my irrigation… plants feel dry but aren’t wilted.

a month ago

Day: 52

Repotted and topped the photos into 5 gal buckets.

a month ago

Day: 44

Improved the watering system with a utility pump and an irrigation kit off Amazon.

2 months ago

Day: 35

Removed some yellowing leaves from the photos hoping to see them take off.

2 months ago

Day: 33

Went out of town for 1.5 weeks and moved the photos to the greenhouse before leaving. I had my neighbor water the photos periodically while the autos were on drippers. Had really dry photos when I got back and could tell they were behind schedule after being neglected so I transplanted them and hopefully will bounce back.

2 months ago

Day: 33


Welp just went to prune the first true leaves and cotyledons on the autos and noticed balls on 2 out of 7.

2 months ago

Day: 19

Almost ready to water!

2 months ago

Day: 19

No water day

2 months ago

Day: 17

Indoor photoperiods

2 months ago

Day: 9

Autos in the greenhouse.

3 months ago

Day: 5

Transplanted photos to starter pots and keeping them in the house. Lights 18hrs. Heat mat 70degF

3 months ago

Day: 4

New dome

3 months ago

Day: 4

Looks good

3 months ago