
Northern lights-fem photo

March 13, 2020

Northern lights

Northern Lights-fem photo

Day 19 (Week 3)

8 updates

11 photos

Day: 19

Today she found her “forever” home.

4 years ago

Day: 18

Doing well. A little light green. I need to figure out how much and when to start feeding these guys. Doesn’t help that every strain I grow is a new to me strain so I don’t know what to expect. She is getting moved into her permanent home, a 5 gallon fabric pot, tomorrow.

4 years ago

Dazz82 She looks like she could do with some food now, northan lights grow like crazy!!

Dazz82 That yellow leaf means she needs some nitrogen in her, give her a feed of about 250ppm

Day: 15

More leaves popping out

4 years ago

Day: 12

3/25 Doing well. Added super small, trace amount of food (drops left over from feeding AP and QuickStart)

4 years ago

Day: 8

3/21 doing well. Leaves a little yellow. Could be she’s in need of nutes or more likely too close to the light. I raised the T8 up a bit. Added more “soil” too.

4 years ago

Day: 6

Someone grew 2 inches overnight. Moved her closer to the T8 to slow down the stretch. Light is on 18/6 timer to prevent burning her first leaves. Bottom watering only to get the roots to reach for water.

4 years ago

Day: 5

Leaves were stuck in the seed shell until this morning. She’s now under a T8 light that’s about 12” away. She’ll stay here for about two weeks until she’s big enough to go under the SF1000 led.

4 years ago


Macadelik Looking forward to seeing the 1000 perform!

Day: 1

Put seed in coco/perlite/tap water last night. Moved to ballast in grow tent today.

4 years ago


Macadelik Are you using your ballast to heat your seeds?!? That’s an amazing idea!


Macadelik Btw nice spider farmer 🤘


Macadelik Sorry for the comments, I’d move that wire from blocking that light in the corner! May melt it too if it’s there too long.

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