
Emric seed

Summer 21

9 plantes


Day 107 (Week 16)

17 updates

20 photos

Day: 107


3 years ago

Day: 97

Feed +49

3 years ago

Day: 74


3 years ago

Day: 74


3 years ago

Day: 65


3 years ago

Day: 53

Surface remplie Flo+5j

3 years ago

Day: 48

Flo j1 12/12

3 years ago

Day: 45

Passage en Flo dans les pas longtemps

3 years ago

Day: 41

Arrosage engrais

3 years ago

Day: 37

Rempotage 11l

3 years ago

Day: 32

Engrais et 2 pied toped

3 years ago


brotch Sont en santé good job !

ukodon Merci, j’espère que les branches secondaires vont bien se développer!


brotch C’est quoi la grosseur de t’es pot et tu utilise quoi comme nutriments ?

Day: 28


3 years ago

Day: 26


3 years ago

Day: 19


3 years ago


Caliban I would suggest moving lights closer. They look like they are stretched. A d they need Nitrogen too


Mr.Fisher Man pop them in a taller pot and bury them all the way up to the first set o f leaves, it’ll start to grow roots and they won’t fall over

Day: 15

Slow grow

3 years ago

Day: 8


3 years ago

Day: 1

Mise en pot

3 years ago