Grow Mek, Grow!

Grow Mek, Grow!

Hindu Kush Auto

Summer 21’ first auto grow

Fabric Pots

Hindu Kush Auto

Day 77 (Week 11)

8 updates

22 photos

Day: 77


Is it time for them to come down yet or do they still have another week or so? Two of them still have a lot of white hairs. One of them have very few hairs. Went in the grow room today and noticed that all of them started to turn yellow all over the plant. Any feedback is much appreciated.

3 years ago


Funky84 Best way to know is to invest in a 30x-60x scope

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Funky answer is 1000% legit, ppl here can’t tell u when to harvest because they can’t see the trichomes unless u take a pic. U definitely need to check trichomes & the loupe is about $10 or spend $20 to get the digital scope for better shots. I don’t usually do autos but I can say for sure they not done just based off age, plants take 60 days or more to flower so unless they started flowering @week 2 it’s not likely they done. Hope this helps, btw the yellow is a problem most likely with feed if it affected every plant so check ph

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Day: 64


Should I start flushing now? I don’t have the microscope, was wondering if there’s another way to tell.

3 years ago

grower222333 I could have an hours long discussion with you but the short version is flushing’s benefits is a myth and you shouldn’t do it Plant looks great, the microscope is the best way but if that’s not an option just watch to make sure the leaves aren’t completely dying (brown, dry) and that most of the bud hairs are amber.

grower222333 This plant doesn’t look ready to cut for another good 2 weeks I’d say


Caliban I don’t flush. Organic soil should never need flushing if using organic Nutes. Let the plant use up the soil naturally and eat the fan leaves to fuel the buds. Agree that you probably have a couple more weeks to let them fatten.

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Day: 55


Anyone know if I can do anything to get the two plants we on the left the same size as the one on the right? Right plant is appearing to mature more and more everyday. However the two on the left have been looking the exact same for about two weeks. Anyone know if this is normal? I really want to snip the tall skinny plant down because it’s growing in length but not the buds. Picture 4 is a photo of all 3 plants. I have been giving each plant the same feeding using Beastie Blooms, Cal mag, and the FF trio

3 years ago

alawishes86 It’s only 3 picture being shown…. Either way just be patient they’re all individuals and are doing their own thing. My experience has been the same with a strain or 2 and I’ll tell it I’m chopping you down in x days and lol they listen cause they fatten up quick!! Just trust the process

bling guru

bling guru Add sugar, molasses or honey to your watering. It’ll help beef up the blooms

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Nothing will change the genetics just gotta take good care and see what the potential is. As the first comment says they’re all individuals. No offense to the second commenter but he’s wrong about adding honey,molasses and etc, it’s common bro science but if u read up on it you’ll see what the sugars actually do 👍🏾. Happy growing all

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Day: 33

Been a rough week and I have been kinda neglectful to my girls 😔 noticed they were showing small amounts of deficiencies in a few bottom leaves on each plant. At some point last week they started to preflower. Fed them two nights ago, with their first feeding of nutes and cal mag. Also switched their light cycle to 12/12 now that they are producing flowers. Anyone know if autos are best on a 12/12 or 18/6 during preflower?

3 years ago


GreenNinjaMaster Keep them going 18 hrs on and 6 off. Autos don’t need the lights at 12/12 to flower

Day: 22


3 Hindu Kush autos are doing fine as well. Only one of them were big enough to LST. I brought them another light and they all now have wayyyy more space. I believe that may be the reason that two of them are a tad smaller than the one that is currently being LST’d. Hopefully buy next week the other two will have caught up. One of the are starting to get orange spot on the tips. Trying to figure out what that may be. Other than that they are doing great.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looks good 💫🔥🌲☘️

Day: 12


We’re now at day 12 and happy to say that they all made it 🥰. They all seem to be doing great. Haven’t been doing much to them, being that they are still getting nutes from the medium. Watering only when they need it.

3 years ago

Day: 2


So far Helmet Head is hanging on. I made the decision to remove the seed casing myself because, it was really struggling. One of the cotyledon leaves came off during the process but ultimately think I saved her. I see a lot of growth compared to her first day. Plant C also attached with only one cotyledon leaf but she’s still growing as well. I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️ don’t know if it’s a genetics thing? Or if I planted them too early Plant B seems to be the only one that had no issues.

3 years ago

Day: 0

Suggestions would be helpful! I have a helmet head seedling. I’ve spray it with water twice today to loosen the shell, however it still looks the same. Should I leave it or help it out. If so lmk what methods work! Thanks 🙏🏽 I have 3 in this set and don’t want to lose one of my girls.

3 years ago


PurleyBoy92 This just happened to me and i left it. The shell started to mold, then i took it off and the plant grew for like a day and died 😭. I think i waited too long to take it off.


Caliban Give it some time. After another day just use tweezers or a toothpick to tease it off.

Peng Keep putting droplets of water on it, you don’t want it to dry out and harden, also do this before trying to remove it manually, plant the seed point up next time 👌🏻

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