
Og scrog

Harvest early february

Dwc general hydro flora series


Day 126 (Week 18)

19 updates

19 photos

Day: 126

13 ounces after 8 days of drying

5 years ago

Day: 117

Last day with the lights on. 2 days of darkness then the chop. 🤯🔥

5 years ago

Scuba Yo she’s done look at her

Scuba Looks burnt

Day: 116

2 more days of lights on, then two days lights out, then cut her down. Can’t wait!!!

5 years ago

Day: 114

Started flush today. Will last 4 days. Then may let them sit in the dark for two days before I harvest.

5 years ago

Day: 113

Starting flush tomorrow unfortunately. Leaves are dying too fast.

5 years ago

Day: 112

I think I have root rot from a fungus gnat infection. My roots are looking brown in some spots.

5 years ago

Day: 111

Even my sugar leaves have started to die on me so I added back gro to the nutrients so I can push another two weeks. If No green on the plant no bud growth will happen. Trichomes haven’t even started turning amber yet other than on sugar leaves. Waiting for 20% then I’ll flush for 4 days.

5 years ago

Day: 110

Added gro back to the nutrients. Turning yellow too fast.

5 years ago

Day: 109

Lots of colors

5 years ago

Day: 108

Found a couple buds that had some bananas on them last night. Clipped them off and hoping the rest can finish before more pop up.

5 years ago

Day: 108

Purple leaves 👌😲

5 years ago

Day: 107

Getting close to harvest

5 years ago

Day: 107

The yellow and purple leaves scare me but sure so look pretty

5 years ago

Day: 106

Colas are getting heavy

5 years ago

Day: 105

Leaves are yellowing and turning red 🤦🏻‍♂️

5 years ago

Day: 101

Not sure why fan leaves are dying

5 years ago

Day: 81

Looking good bud city

5 years ago

Day: 69

Only one left

5 years ago

Day: 60

4 out of 5 were males 🤮

5 years ago