

Shishka-Macy + Shishka-Martha

Shishka sisters Fall 2022

Decided to get the sisters of Mary started so they can grow together

Shishkaberry Kush

Day 186 (Week 27)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 186

My first trimmed Bud. Proud papa

a year ago


SM0K3Y were the trichomes milky when you harvested ??


Blitzed Speckled with some auburn. This specific Bud was a base branch I had to use led’s pointing up and in because I don’t have a reflector tent and i had to Jerry rig something to keep the light exposure up with the more covered lower flowers.

Day: 4

Moving the girls to their big girl beds faster than I expected

2 years ago


GreatScottBuds Oh yeah those taproots are ready


Blitzed Thank you. First to comment back. I was shocked because I test ran a seed from the same batch and it took twice as long to germinate half of that. Amazing contrast

Day: 2

Macy and Martha are fast sprouts already

2 years ago