

Wedding Cake C


Pro-mix/ KISS GH feed schedule

Wedding Cake pheno.C

Day 111 (Week 16)

44 updates

85 photos

Day: 111

Chopped after dark period. Blacked out room and 60/60. Should take at least 10 days.

2 years ago


Gaharvest Awesome job. Love slow drying 👍🏻👊🏻


Vgrow I’ve noticed the longer slower, the better the terps profile.


Gaharvest Smooth and flavorful. The best👊🏻👊🏻

Day: 104


Flushing once more with 6.8ph and 120ppm. Molasses and fish shit. Top trichomes lookin close. Probably put in dark Wednesday. Crazy strong smells

2 years ago


Gaharvest Looking awesome 👍🏻👊🏻

Day: 102

Flush once more and going to let her dry and finish up.

2 years ago


budman0211 Beautiful!


Gaharvest Pretty colors👍🏻👊🏻

Day: 100


6.3 Phd water and mykos,banana tea, molasses 1.5g

2 years ago

Day: 97

Starting flush with phd water and molasses. And supported for the weight it’s got and going to put on in the last week

2 years ago

Day: 94


Get some ripening feed before flush.

2 years ago

Day: 92


Get some feed. Moving right along. Buds are huge.

2 years ago

Day: 89

Get aggressive bloom feed before start cutting back. Buds are huge this bottle fed.

2 years ago

seed2pot Is this a slight lst or heavy lst I really like the build on her she like perfect height


Vgrow I topped at the second node then spread her arms. It only 4 main branches and a bunch of side growth.

Day: 86

Getting some feed 5.7 weeks into flower.

2 years ago

Day: 83


Bloom feed day 2 of week 5

2 years ago

Day: 80


Get some feed. Lookin frosty and stacked.

2 years ago

Day: 77

Getting aggressive bloom feed a little over week 4 bloom.

2 years ago

Day: 73


Bottom leaves are hanging so Get a little feed/water She frosty af 26 days in flower

2 years ago

Day: 70


Get fed. She looks like she needs it. Day 22 since flip

2 years ago

Day: 66


Getting fed.

2 years ago

Day: 62


The only one showing signs of needing water.

2 years ago

Day: 59

Don’t know why I didn’t stretch her like this a long time ago. Got fed

2 years ago

Day: 56

Week 2 since 12/12.

2 years ago

Day: 53

She asking for drink. 7th day since 12/12

2 years ago

Day: 49

A little more transition feed before starting bloom next week

2 years ago

Day: 47

A little transition feed for 12/12 tomorrow. I don’t like feeding this close to lights out. I just want them to not have to be fed or watered for at least 48+ hours after 12/12. Y I don’t know sounds like it be a good thing for her to just not be bothered while transitioning. But idk 🤷‍♂️

2 years ago


Caliban Just feed once a week on the same day. Makes it easier for the plant and yourself. Remember it takes about 5-7 days for the organics to become available so you are anticipating a week from now. Looking good Vinny


Vgrow Caliban thnx. All I got going starting 12/12 today. I just hope I can get these all done and ready for me to be in Italy. With no garden worries. My first photoperiod.

Day: 41

A little water cleaned up the underneath. Sure drinking a lot just got tea the other day

2 years ago


Caliban My advice would be to dial back the feeding a tad. They look lush and dark green which is usually a sign of lots of N. Let them run a bit before feeding again. Just advice. You can do what you want


Vgrow Caliban. Thnx. I’m going to flipping to flower in like a week or two so need to get them ready

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Day: 39

There got a 2 gallon, now tea.

2 years ago

Day: 38


Getting some tea. After I put her in a 2 gallon to flower.

2 years ago

Day: 34

Needing some feed

2 years ago

Day: 31

She asking for water so a little LST and food and she should be good.

2 years ago

Day: 29

Was doing som LST and whoops that sux. Thinking might take the other top branch as well. Idk I’ll think about it. Figure take it out bigger pot and stretch

3 years ago


bigsammy Beautiful

Day: 28

Some LST and little water

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Nice bro 😎

Day: 26

She asking for water. So she getting it and some LST. At this stage would it be more beneficial if I remove the big fan leaves to get energy directed other

3 years ago

Day: 21

Just going to see what happens by not putting money into her since I need to down size not sure which ones to get rid of.

3 years ago

Day: 19

Cut the 4th off Will get fed tomorrow. Roots already

3 years ago

Day: 15

10:00 Went to a 1 gallon and fed. Hopefully she get bigger if I give her some root room.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz That’s a beauty


Caliban Looking good. Now give her space and time to grow. 💁‍♂️


Vgrow As I’m looking at her I don’t know why I didn’t bury her deeper I was going to put her in a 5 gallon for flower so hopefully it ain’t to late by then.

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Day: 13

22:45What’s this. I know the needs water and some nutrients but what’s this??

3 years ago

tokyo2004 Seems like it’s just lacking proper nutrients

Day: 13

Get cup flood seedling feed

3 years ago

Day: 11

Still heavy waiting to get last seedling feed before veg transplant.

3 years ago

fuzzzy37 Can you recommend a decent online seed retailer please pal

fuzzzy37 Your seedlings look so strong and healthy… can you also tell me what ingredients are in your soil


Vgrow It’s just pro-mix from menards and all they had to eat other then what’s in the soil allready is very little of the flora series seedling feed. Once I put them into veg pot they will start there weekly feeding schedule. And see how they do. First time with these nutrients used fox farm trio the first grow. I got one plant I’m trying a water only grow. If works out to my satisfaction I’ll stop these bottle nutrients.

Day: 10

See how important higher Rh is at seedling. Will keep domed till about 2-3 node. From my understanding seedling stage is till 2-3 nodes. Then she in veg.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz That sounds right to me

Day: 9

8:00. Growing much faster since I put back in dome.

3 years ago

Day: 7


6:45. Still a little heavy. Waiting to not over water. Putting in tent out of dome. Almost out grew dome.

3 years ago

Day: 6

Cup still feels heavy. Waiting to get feed seedling flood. Take the dome off for about an hour or so in tent to prepare for when put in there.

3 years ago

Day: 4

7:45. Moving along. Dome staying on.

3 years ago

Day: 3


9:15. Stretching like crazy put more soil filled cup yesterday. Not sure when to take dome off.

3 years ago


ziggydawg When you see green you can take off the dome.


Vgrow It is green lol. The first true leaves out??


ziggydawg I’m saying in general when you see green you can remove the dome lol.

Day: 2

20:00 This how fast from earlier, think it might be time to put a stronger light over them or just move her to the vegging tent.

3 years ago

Day: 1

After less then 24 hrs

3 years ago


Vgrow Moving quick but I think she do better under better light. Yea I know I need to start them with more soil in the cup.

Day: 0

Soaked 18hrs. Dome on

3 years ago