
Mars Hydro LED + Other LED

Finished with SK402+

All 4 plants grown in 20 litres air pots under a Mars hydro LED and another non descript LED. Both lights were replaced by the Spectrum king 402 LED in the last two weeks of flower. Tent size: 1 x 1 x 2m. Lights were switch to flower on 04/07/2018. **Harvest results** Black dog: 2.25 Oz Sunset Sherbert: 2.5 Oz Pineapple Kush: 2 Oz GDP: 2.3Oz

GDP, Pineapple Kush, Sunset Sherbert and Black D. O. G.

Day 53 (Week 8)

3 updates

9 photos

Day: 53

All plants have now been harvested.

6 years ago

Day: 49


All plants are now falling from weight and are mostly ready to be harvested

6 years ago

Day: 47


Plants are falling from weight and have needed to add yo-yos to keep branches from falling.

6 years ago

JC Pineapple Kush was watered today