Hash Bomb X3
Winter 19
GYO seeds, 3/10 these are regular, photo seeds. Two of the three seeds looked to be female, we’ll see what happens.
Hash Bomb by bomb seeds
Day 85 (Week 13)
16 updates
17 photos
Day: 85

Late update, hash bombs have a clear headed, psychedelic effect with a fair dose of couch lock, super frosty #3 pheno will remain in the lineup!
6 years ago
Day: 66

On auto pilot full nutes and flowering well. Only topped once and with LST probably 30 or so bud sites
6 years ago
Day: 63

3 still faster and frostier than 1
6 years ago
Day: 58

Hash Bomb #1 and #3 females are still going in the tent, #3 is much bigger and flowering much faster. Getting about a liter of nutes each
6 years ago
Day: 49

1 female 1 possible famale, and 1 with nuts!
6 years ago
Day: 29

Hash bombs are still growing fast, and vigorously. I am worried about failed topping that might have taken off one or two of the nodes by the top.
6 years ago
Day: 28

Turned the fan back on due to slowed growth. No food or water today.
6 years ago
Day: 27

First feed at 3/4 nutrients, and I left the exhaust fan off last night, looking to see if it slows growth. Topped #2 the mutant, so all of them have had first topping. mutant also appears to be growing a crazy 10 fingered leaf, or, hopefully, 3 leaves right below topping.
6 years ago
Day: 26

Topped pheno’s #1 and #3 on 3/4, #2 was not ready. They both bounced back VERY quickly, #3 is pulling further away from the others in size and vigor. No water or feed today.
6 years ago
Day: 24

Heavy water for all. Phenos #1 and #3 are much bigger, lighter in color, and firmer leaves than pheno #2.
6 years ago
Day: 22

Gave one ring of half nutrients, then water down with normal seedling water mix. All three are growing great, Pheno #1 and #3 are almost identical in size and structure. pheno#2 ,with the mutant leaf, is a little bit smaller. Super healthy
6 years ago
Day: 19

Just transplanted all of the hash bombs, they got watered in well with half distilled and half tap water, +10 mL of full strength nutes, plus root accelerator, plus a total of 2.5 ml of cal-mag.
6 years ago
Day: 17

The Hash bombs are all looking great. They’re all at a very event rate of growth on the same set of leaves, however we do have the number to pheno that grew a monster, two headed leaf. Pheno #1 seems to be the biggest of all the plants and the lightest green in color, so craving the most nutrients. Have to start bumping it’s feeding up!
6 years ago
genghis_quan Are those white specs mildew? Or from watering with nutrients on top of your plant leaves.
Day: 12

First decent water with one and ahalf milliliters of route Excelerator, all three are looking good with two having slight curve to first set of true leaves.
6 years ago
Day: 5

Two out of three of the hash bombs have popped, one was popped yesterday, and the first one was three days ago. I have moved the three day old hash balm to a solo cup, and the 2nd one will be moved in 2 days. Still waiting on the last one to sprout.
6 years ago
Day: 0

Seeds planted today, will update. Humidity almost 100%, temperature around 80°
6 years ago