
First Grow

Start of something amazing

Motor Breath 15

Day 58 (Week 9)

3 updates

5 photos

Day: 58

Four days into flowering. Both plants are around 4’-6” to 5’-0”

4 years ago

Day: 28

• both plants are roughly 1’-4” tall. • Lights are roughly 3’-0” away from top of plants • I have been feeding them General Hydroponics plus GH bio root booster almost daily. I just switched to alternating feeding every other watering. - do you think the plants show any signs of nutrient burns?

4 years ago

Day: 1

Plant A ( Left side) : under a 600w Philzon LED light Plant B ( right side) under a 1000w sun raise LED light Both plants : • feeding with General Hydroponic plus root booster. • lights are on for 19 hr/ off for 5hrs

4 years ago