First grow
Gorilla glue #4. First grow. Mother plant for clones. Gonna keep in veg state for clones. 5000 lumen 45 watt LED. Small fan. DIY grow tent
Day 17 (Week 3)
8 updates
10 photos
Day: 17

It died :( but here’s a avocado BLT on a pretzel bun with Gouda cheese.
5 years ago
Day: 8

Plant got under watered and had a little damage. I managed to save her though
5 years ago
Day: 4

2pm shes looking good
5 years ago
Day: 4

11pm. She is really taking off. I’m removing the bag from over the top of her. I’m moving her closer to the light because she has stretched a lot. Gonna check back tomorrow with a morning update.
5 years ago
Day: 3

After getting all the remaining husk off she is starting to open up to me :)
5 years ago
Day: 2

Seedling is struggling to shed left over husk. I removed it carefully with tweezers. I’ll see how she does later.
5 years ago
Day: 1

The husk just fell off after this photo was taken. For me this begins day 1 Gorilla Glue #4. I just started to supply some heat to go with the light on this girl and she really perked up from before. I’m using a jiffy dome for humidity and heat for the seedling. Spraying light mists of water in dome to keep humidity up. And a heating pad under this tray dome to warm her up. She was super cold and not happy before.(wish I took a before photo) Anyhow, for lights I’m using 5000 lumen 45watt led light spaced 18”inches from the top of the plant. I’m running straight 24hours on light. Until this girl gets some height and leaves she’s staying in the dome. For a make shift tent I used 6$ tarp from the hunting section. Seems to be working fine. Got a small little fan for CO2 circulation for when this girl comes out of her dome. No nutes at this stage. Barely keeping soil moist careful not to over water.
5 years ago
DShelt Hell yeah! Looks like fun!
Day: 1

This is 4 hours after the last photo. Husk fell off and now I’ve added a closer light for heat and a ziplock bag to help hold moisture
5 years ago