
DWC auto white widow X crystal meth

Winter 2020

4x4 tent, 600 watt mh for grow cycle

White widow X crystal meth auto

Day 84 (Week 12)

20 updates

35 photos

Day: 84


Starting flush! Almost done. The smell is amazing.

4 years ago

Day: 77

Last week of nutes!

4 years ago

Day: 73

Bit of ph trouble but should be ok. 4 pens and none really reliable. Even paper strip is out by .4 but reliably .4.

4 years ago

Day: 70


Can’t wait. Almost done. Still looks a couple weeks away tho. So much for the 63-70 days the seed seller said it would take.

4 years ago

Day: 66

Ooh that smell! I think 4 autos is a bit much for a 4X4 tent.

4 years ago

Day: 64

Almost there!

4 years ago

Day: 63


Still doin well. Supposed to be done in 63 to 70 days. Looks like at least a couple more weeks to go. Here’s the 4 sisters in 4x4 tent. Real tight for room.

4 years ago

Day: 57


Topping out at 31”. Buds and smell are getting better by the day

4 years ago

Day: 51

Nute change day again. Bit low on ph this time. Yellowed a few leaves still growing well. 28.5”

4 years ago

Day: 50

27 1/2” tall now.

4 years ago

Day: 45

23 and a half inches. Budding well.

4 years ago

Day: 43

22” and just started to flower

4 years ago

Day: 39

Almost 20”

4 years ago

Day: 37

Up to 18” now. Perfect roots. Looks great so far

5 years ago

Day: 34

Growing more than inch a day now. Switched to hps today. 16” high no sign of flower yet!

5 years ago

Day: 32

Starting to stretch. No buds yet...

5 years ago

Day: 29

Growing like a weed!

5 years ago

Day: 27

Growing well. Only minor LST by moving leaves. No bending or pruning.

5 years ago

Day: 18

Leaves a bit droopy. PH is a constant issue.

5 years ago

Day: 11

Germinated 11 days ago and was moved into 5gallon bucket with 6” net pot.

5 years ago