Red Strawberry Banana Auto & Critical+2.0

Winter ‘23

3 RSBA and 3 Critical+2.0


Day 49 (Week 7)



4 updates

14 photos

Day: 37


The 2/3 of the RSB I topped have gone into flower, as well as the Critical+ that I also topped. Untouched RSB still looking pretty as hell working on her 6th node

2 years ago

Day: 27


3 RSB looking good and one in flower. 1 Critical is getting tall and looking ugly pretty 😍

2 years ago

Day: 14


3 Red Strawberry Banana Auto and a mutant Critical+2.0

2 years ago

Day: 0

Just got my Red Strawberry Banana Auto seeds and Critical+2.0(freebies) from Seedsman today. Soaking 3 of each to start the new year right.

2 years ago