Spring 2024

First time newbie

Ice cream cake , jealousy, af BUP

Day 80 (Week 12)


49 updates

84 photos

Day: 90

Zaza boutta cut in like a week or less

2 months ago


NovaCanee How did she turn out ?

Day: 80

Help !!

2 months ago


NovaCanee This looks like a potassium deficiency i could be wrong but from the browning and yellowing of the leaves it looks like it most deficiencies during flowing could be due to lack of nutrients, make sure your ph is balanced and what i mean by that try to find the perfect ph for your plant yes the average range is 6.0-6.5 but all plant are different, also if you want to see if your soil ph is too high or your ppm of your soil is in range of the age of your plant during the next water feed check the drainage with a ph and ppm meter if they not in range flush her out then let her dry out for a couple days hit it with some recharge and proper nutes and ph also look into grabbing some molasses unsulphured which is a great safe source of potassium sorry if you know any of this already just here too help


NovaCanee If your ph and ppm of the soil is low then you don’t have to flush just feed her more with the correct ph


CERTIFIED4ZAZA Thank you so much

Day: 80


2 months ago

Day: 80

She don’t lol to good

2 months ago

Day: 80

Give me y’all opinions

2 months ago

Day: 70

My favorite one ☝️

2 months ago


blacksunset She’s looking frosty! 🥶 💨🔥🔥

Dr GreenThumb🌲🧪

Dr GreenThumb🌲🧪 bro stop lying you not a newbie don’t cap over here 🤣 all jokes aside you got a beautiful plant man🔥

Dr GreenThumb🌲🧪

Dr GreenThumb🌲🧪 and yk u can put different photos in one post so you don’t have to do different post every time

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Day: 70

She’s doing amazingly best plant

2 months ago

Day: 70

Growing like fluffy hair balls

2 months ago

Day: 69

Is it normal for my leave to be dying

2 months ago

segalu Not that I’m aware of, it doesn’t look to be the right time yet. How is cal mag supply?


certfied8 Yea I put about 2 tablespoons in two gallons I just gave it some recharge as well

Day: 69

Is this normal all my other plants good

2 months ago

Day: 69

Looking nice and healthy compared to to the one next to it

2 months ago

Day: 69

What a pretty site

2 months ago

Day: 69


2 months ago

Day: 67


Straight zaza 42.9 % thc lol

2 months ago

Day: 65


3 months ago


kushna May get a half oz out of that plant

Day: 63



3 months ago

Day: 60

Is she ready

3 months ago

Day: 60


3 months ago

Day: 59

When will they be ready ?

3 months ago


ADZ Have you got a jewellers loupe or similar device that will allow you to check your trichomes ? When they’re all cloudy and there’s no more clears left then she’s ready, some turning amber & your starting to go past your prime but atleast you know she was ready. Some say there’s a difference in high too

Day: 59

She so pretty is she ready ?

3 months ago


drowziee Nope leaves are still green if you want the most out of it wait for the leaves to discolor and shrivel up

Day: 57

Why is my leave turning yellow ?

3 months ago

Day: 56

Doing amazing should I bring the net up

3 months ago

Day: 56

Any tips ?

3 months ago

Day: 50

Pistil starting to turn orange

3 months ago

Day: 41

Pistils not orange yet should I flush ?

3 months ago

Day: 38

Looking nice 😊 and strong

3 months ago

Day: 35

There growing slowly but strong 💪 should I trim some 🍃?

3 months ago


Fitz1042 I wouldn’t do any defoliation. Looks great the way it is!


certfied8 Bet I’ll leave it alone


Fitz1042 How far into flower are you?

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Day: 35

Starting to smell strong 👃 🔥🌴

3 months ago


b.lowfarms Looks nice


certfied8 Thanks


Fitz1042 👍🏼

Day: 31

There growing up 🆙 🔥🔥🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴

4 months ago

Day: 31

Should I trim these big fan leaves

4 months ago

Day: 31

Should I trim these tan leaves with purple stems and no buds ???

4 months ago

Day: 31

Trimmed the big fan leaves that I felt was pointless

4 months ago

Day: 31

After there haircut ✂️

4 months ago

Day: 30

They seem to be doing good idk if I should add more speed to the fan and start giving them more water what do you guys think ?

4 months ago


Avengers It’s it first grow I’ve learned to water till run off

Day: 30

Starting to get little yellow in the center not sure if that good or bad 🤔??

4 months ago

Day: 30

Accidentally snapped this girl trynna do some LST🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

4 months ago

GrNadeGrade 💣

GrNadeGrade 💣 Too late for LST. A few weeks into flower, their stems become rigid (no longer malleable) in order to support the weight of the buds.


certfied8 So should I just take the net off I thought they was gonna flower like in a month or so

GrNadeGrade 💣

GrNadeGrade 💣 Are these Autos? The net doesn’t hurt, so I’d just leave it.

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Day: 30

Are these gonna be the little buds ? Or that just how they grow this my first time let me know what you guys know

4 months ago

GrNadeGrade 💣

GrNadeGrade 💣 Yes. Those are bud sites.

Day: 29

Looking healthy lmk ?

4 months ago

Day: 27

Please give me some feedback

4 months ago


ganjasaur3 Looking good 👍 I’d say a couple more weeks and they’ll be ready for some LST


@eaegifts They are ready for training now, continuing vertical growth without training leads to running outta space then burning buds on lights. Top and bend asap, you’ll get all the lower stuff to reach up, just bend with a tie in one direction for a week then reverse direction. 2-3 weeks of that and they be big enough to flip 100%


@eaegifts Clones can get into training immediately once rooted 👍🏾

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Day: 26

Should trim anything I see a lot of leaves on the bottom

4 months ago


ganjasaur3 I wouldn’t do any pruning yet ,there are some topping methods you could consider trying, personally I topped my girls at the 7th node and ended up topping them once more after that

HitachiOrange Don't even need to top them if you start LST now and do it smart 💪


certfied8 Ok so I should just put the net and leave them alone right ?

Day: 25

They are starting to look super healthy no water💦 today a lot of new growth

4 months ago

Day: 25

Look super strong and straight up 🆙

4 months ago

Day: 25

Happy Easter 🐇

4 months ago

Day: 24

Transplant done to a 1 gallon in the center let me know if y’all got any tips for me should I add more soil to the pots

4 months ago


@eaegifts Fim everyone 👍🏾

Day: 23

Let me know if you think they still look sick I put the lights down and cut down on nutes

4 months ago

Day: 23

Should I transplant this one ?

4 months ago

Day: 20

Can anybody please give me any tips if I should trim anything or just leave it alone ? It’s my first time

4 months ago


ganjasaur3 I would leave it alone for a little while and perhaps look up the lollipoping method


ganjasaur3 The one on the right is “clawing “ which can be caused by a few different things


certfied8 Appreciate it bro I’ll look that up now yea I’m not gonna touch them till Tuesday

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Day: 19

Just received clones

4 months ago

Day: 19

Moved them over from solo cups left one little girl on the side

4 months ago