FastBuds Test - FBT2209 Auto
Spring / Summer 2022
Another FastBuds freebie getting started.
FBT2209 Auto
Day 115 (Week 17)
74 updates
1053 photos
Day: 115

She’s all dried up and in jars curing now. 58.6 grams of of solid bud and will give her a week or so of curing then will give her a try.
3 years ago
Day: 107

Got her all chopped and trimmed up. She’s now hanging in the drying boxes and can’t wait till she’s done. She’s got a really strong fruity smell to her with a hint of diesel so looking forward to finding out what strain she is. Ended up with 235.9 grams of wet flower right now.
3 years ago
Secman Nice🤤🤙
Day: 105

Just some updated pictures, she’s almost dry. May end up chopping her tomorrow.
3 years ago
Family Pharm Fluff great colors love it
Day: 104

Just waiting till Saturday and for her to finish drying up. Saturday will be chop and wash day then hang her in the drying box.
3 years ago
ig:@eaegifts Beautiful colors on this girl and very frosty 👍🏾👍🏾
Day: 103

She got her last round of water today and she should be dried up and ready to chop by the weekend. Trichs are looking all milky with about 10-15% amber so should be just the way I like them by chop day.
3 years ago
Day: 102

She’s into week 15 now and this is her final week and final few days. I’ll get her chopped up and started drying this weekend. She had just enough water to hold her over until I got back from my mini vacation. I’ll give her one more gallon tomorrow and she should soak that up and be ready in Saturday.
3 years ago
Day: 97

Going to give her water tomorrow the will be out of town until Monday but another gallon of plain water will keep her good and when I get back Monday, she’ll be ready to chop. Her purple, pink and orange colors are gorgeous and I just wish the camera would show them.
3 years ago
Day: 95

Starting to get a little more amber in her but not quite where I want her yet but just about there.
3 years ago
Day: 94

She’s getting really close and looking like she may be getting her haircut by next weekend but we’ll see what the trichs say. Right now, they’re mostly milky with a few clear and amber mixed in there.
3 years ago
Day: 93

Starting week 14 and gave her a gallon of plain pH’d water today. She’s getting close to finishing up so she’ll get nothing but plain water until she’s ready and will start checking trichs soon.
3 years ago
Day: 91

The end of week 13 and she’s definitely got a bit of a deficiency going on. From what I can tell and looked up, Mg, so will double check pH and maybe up the dosage of Cal-Mag.
3 years ago
Day: 90

Just some more daily pictures, nothing much to speak of other than she should be getting water tomorrow.
3 years ago
Day: 89

Just a few updated pictures and did some leaf tucking today.
3 years ago
Day: 88

Into week 13 now and she was thirsty so she got a gallon of water with nutes today. Starting to dial the nutes down and she’s down to her last few weeks so following FOOP’s chart till the end, then give her two weeks or so to flush.
3 years ago
Day: 84

She was thirsty today so she got a gallon of water with cal-mag in it today. Then did the usual leaf tucking and such and that’s about it.
3 years ago
Day: 83

Another day of nothing going on. She will be ready for a round of plain water tomorrow, want to give her a little more time to dry up.
3 years ago
alawishes86 Looks good. Only thing I’d do differently is take the plant out from your space and put it in my tent 🫠🫠🤫🤫
Day: 82

Another day and nothing much to speak of, other than continuing with doing leaf tucking and such with her. Should be ready for another round of water tomorrow or the next day.
3 years ago
Day: 81

Nothing to speak of today other than a couple of adjustments to her pipe cleaners and that’s about. Tucked a bunch of leaves and moved her back into the tent.
3 years ago
Day: 80

Gave her a gallon of water and nutes today and did some leaf tucking with her as well. Nothing much else happening at the moment, all is going pretty smoothly.
3 years ago
Day: 79

Starting week 12 and not a whole log going on, she will be ready for water tomorrow. Other than that, just continuing to do some leaf tucking and removing a few here and there that are dead.
3 years ago
Day: 77

The end of week 11 today and nothing much happening at the moment. Just did a little leaf tucking and removed a few dying leaves.
3 years ago
Day: 76

All going good and she was ready for water today so gave her a gallon of water along with a feeding of nutes. It was the last bit of bloom nutes that I had but have an order in for more and will be here tomorrow. Buds are stacking nicely but a bit airy so might bump up the feeding a bit.
3 years ago
Day: 74

Just some updated pictures and leaf tucking today.
3 years ago
Day: 73

Gave her a gallon of plain pH’d water and cal-mag today. Other than that, just some more leaf tucking and one or two minor adjustments to her pipe cleaners.
3 years ago
Day: 72

Starting week 11 and she’ll be getting water tomorrow. No much else to really speak of other than doing some leaf tucking with her. May start doing a light defoliation but really don’t want to this far into flower already so may just continue with daily tucking.
3 years ago
Day: 70

The end of week 10 and again, a couple of adjustments to her and that’s about it. She’s good on water for a few days and just did a bit of leaf tucking after I put her back in the tent.
3 years ago
Day: 68

Did a few little adjustments to her today and gave her a gallon of plain water with just Cal-Mag. Other than that, just watching her start to stack up.
3 years ago
Day: 66

Just did some leaf tucking and took some updated pictures, not much else going on.
3 years ago
Day: 64

The start of week 10 and gave her a gallon of water with a feeding of nutes today. Did a little adjusting to her pipe cleaners as well and I think that should be all the adjusting.
3 years ago
Day: 62

Did a lot of adjustments today, trying to keep her low and spread out, can’t have another giant like my Amnesia Zkittlez. She should be getting some water tomorrow.
3 years ago
the-archaic-revival 111 Awesome :) is this just your basic LST? I’m newish and need to start training my ladies
Luvs2Grow Yup, just use old fashioned pipe cleaners, about as easy as you can get.
stick e fingerz Facts!
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Day: 61

A couple minor adjustments today and some leaf tucking. She’s still good on water for another couple of days and not heading out of town this weekend now so she can take her time drying up now.
3 years ago
Day: 60

A couple very small adjustments today and nothing much else other than leaf tucking. I’ll be out of town again for Memorial Day weekend so I’ll give her a good watering Thursday night and should hold her over until I get back on Monday.
3 years ago
Day: 59

Nothing to speak of today, didn’t have to do any adjustments and looks good after her watering yesterday.
3 years ago
Day: 58

Starting week 9 and all going well and did a little defoliation today. She got a gallon of water with nutes as well as doing a little adjusting to her pipe cleaners.
3 years ago
Day: 56

Did some leaf tucking with her and a couple minor adjustments to the pipe cleaners. All looks good for the end of another week.
3 years ago
Day: 55

Nothing much to update today other than daily pictures. Didn’t really have anything to do to her today.
3 years ago
Day: 54

Gave her a gallon of plain water tonight and did a little bit of adjusting to her today. Did a little defoliating as well and she’s just about set up for full flower and stretching.
3 years ago
stakzup 😂
rhanneman1 👍🏼
Day: 53

Into week 8 now and had an extra day on my weekend vacation but the water I gave her before I left held her over, she’ll be getting a gallon tomorrow. Did quite a bit of adjusting to the pipe cleaners today and a pretty light defoliation.
3 years ago
Day: 48

Did quite a bit of adjusting to her today and getting her ready for the weekend. I’ll be out of town for a couple of days and gonna give her a watering with feed tomorrow and that should hold her over till I’m back.
3 years ago
Day: 46

Nothing to speak of today, she should be ready for some water in another day or two. Did a couple minor adjustments and that’s it.
3 years ago
Day: 45

Did quite a bit more adjusting to her pipe cleaners today. Looks like she’s getting ready to start her stretching so wanna get her a bit more spread out and try and keep this girl a little shorter and compact.
3 years ago
Day: 44

Did some more adjusting and such today and that’s about it.
3 years ago
Day: 43

Starting week 7 today and started her off with her first round of bloom nutes and a full gallon of water. Did some minor adjusting to her pipe cleaners as well.
3 years ago
Day: 40

No adjusting and no water today. Just gave her a once over and moved her back into the tent.
3 years ago
Day: 39

Just did some adjusting to her pipe cleaners today and that’s it. Throwing more pistils so next week will probably be her first full week of flower, looking forward to going through her stretching now.
3 years ago
Day: 38

In to week 6 now and she’s really starting to take shape now. Did quite a bit of adjusting to her pipe cleaners and such today. She also got a half gallon of water and veg nutes. She’s showing a lot of pistils so this might be her last round of veg nutes and will start bloom nutes next feeding.
3 years ago
Day: 35

The end of week 5 today and did some more adjusting to her pipe cleaners. That’s about it for this girl, should be giving her another quarter gallon of water this weekend sometime.
3 years ago
Day: 34

Did a bit more adjusting to her pipe cleaners today and that’s about it for the day.
3 years ago
kaijuGrows The bristles don’t cause any issues? Super intrigued here
Luvs2Grow Nope, been using the pipe cleaners about 3 years now and not a single issue.
kaijuGrows Rad
Day: 33

Quarter gallon of water yesterday really seemed to help her out so she’ll be getting at least that much from here on out. Since she did a bit of stretching, I did some adjustments to her pipe cleaners and that’s about it today.
3 years ago
Day: 32

Looks like she needs a bit more water than she’s been getting so gave her a quarter gallon with some veg nutes today. Did a couple minor adjustments to the the pipe cleaners today but that’s about it.
3 years ago
Day: 31

In to week 5 now and definitely a small girl so far. Haven’t done anything different with this girl but she definitely seems like she’s gonna be a little girl. Either way, she looks healthy so I’m just gonna continue with doing LST with all her side branches and maybe she’ll surprise me.
3 years ago
Day: 28

The end of week 4 today and decided it was time to add a bit more soil to the pot. So now I’ve got it topped off and shouldn’t need anymore. Letting her stretch a bit more before doing more LST with her. I may just let her go now cause she’s already shooting out a few pistils. Gonna start giving her about a quarter gallon of water for her next drink.
3 years ago
Day: 27

Gave her another little bend over today to keep the lower stuff in the lights and that’s about it today.
3 years ago
Day: 26

Upped her water intake today and gave her almost a full liter. Also removed her two top fan leaves that are blocking the light. Still waiting for her to get a bit more stretched before tying her down again.
3 years ago
Day: 25

She’s recovered from the initial bend over and going to give her a day or two for her to stretch a bit then will continue. Other than that, nothing much else going on.
3 years ago
Day: 24

Went ahead and did her first bend over today and holding her down with a 4 inch garden staple. We’ll see how she recovers from this and after a little stretching, should be able to continue with the LST. She did get about 500ML’s of water today as well.
3 years ago
Day: 22

Starting week 4 today and giving her her first round of veg nutes today. She’s looking like I should be able to start her first bend over of LST in a couple days but I may let her go a bit longer and almost thinking of trying to let one go naturally and see how she turns out, never grown one out without LST.
3 years ago
Day: 20

Just gave her a light foliar spray today and that’s about it, not much going on.
3 years ago
Day: 19

Nothing much to speak of but did give her about 200ML’s of water with cal-mag today and other than that, just watching this little girl grow.
3 years ago
Day: 18

Looking good after a bit of water yesterday and hoping in the next week or so, I’ll be able to start some training with her, typically start around day 21.
3 years ago
Day: 17

Into week 3 now and all is good, still just giving her foliar sprays and about 100-150ML’s of water every couple days. Nothing much else happening with her.
3 years ago
Day: 14

The end of week 2 today and I did give her about 100-150 ML’s of water with a little bit of cal-Mag. Other than that, not much else going on.
3 years ago
Day: 13

Another day of just a foliar spray and moistening the soil a little. Humidity is up enough in the tent, I’m going to continue leaving her cover off for now.
3 years ago
Day: 12

Nothing much new today but I did give her about 100ML’s of water an inch or two out from her base. Gonna leave the humidity cover off of her for a night or two and see how she does since the humidity in the tent is around 67%. She is doing a little praying right now but she’s nice and green and light is only about 45% power.
3 years ago
forkdik Merica!!
Day: 11

Nothing new today and just continuing the same old regiment for now. Will start giving her 100 ML’s of water around her base in the next day or two.
3 years ago
Day: 10

Other day of giving her a foliar spray and that’s about it. Put her humidity dome back on her and she’s still chugging along.
3 years ago
bigbugga Beautiful keep it upppppo
Day: 9

Just into week two and no issues at the moment. It’s the beginning and very boring with this girl right now. Just been giving her light foliar sprays and keeping the humidity dome over her for awhile.
3 years ago
bigsammy Beautiful
Day: 7

The end of week 1 today and all is looking good and she’s nice and healthy so far. Gonna add a little bit more soil to her pot tomorrow so it’ll be fill. Gave her a light foliar spray and put her cover back on.
3 years ago
Day: 6

All good for the early stages, gave her her flight daily foliar spray and put her cover back over her.
3 years ago
Day: 5

Just some updated pics for the day and continuing a light foliar spray. Humidity is up to about 67% in the tent so gonna leave her cover off so she can get some airflow overnight and see how she does.
3 years ago
Day: 4

Gave her a light foliar spray and a bit on the soil then sprayed the inside of her little cover to keep the humidity up for her. All looks good in the early days.
3 years ago
Day: 3

She’s up and out of the soil now and gave her a hand and removed her helmet that was just hanging there. She got a light foliar spray and put her humidity cover back over her.
3 years ago
Day: 2

Nothing to update today other than she’s just starting to poke through the soil. Hoping she’ll be completely out by tomorrow.
3 years ago
Day: 1

Started germination with ziplock and paper towel on 23 March and her taproot was out today, 25 March. She is now in a 3 gallon fabric pot and in the tent. I’ve got a cover over her for a bit higher humidity, hopefully she’ll be poking through the soil tomorrow.
3 years ago