
Outdoor Trial

Q3 2021 - August

Soaked August 24 Evening - Paper Towel Method 5 of 7 Sprouted

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Day 67 (Week 10)

11 updates

31 photos

Day: 67

It’s been a tough life for these plants, top dressed: Worm Castings, Bat Gauno, Gypsum, Lime Dolomite, Vermiculite, Bacteria Booster from a buddy have no clue what it is…smells like bananas. Mist Shield spray for pests. Defol dying leaves

3 years ago


bjbetty Life is not easy at all

Day: 59

And then there was 4. Bugs…weather…they want to live!!! Troopers…been dosing dry ferts. Worm Casting, Bat G, Dolomitic Lime, Gypsum, and this multi- 21 bacteria powder my buddy gave me.

3 years ago

Day: 32

Fed dry nutes a few days ago: Worm Casting : Bat Guano : Dolomitic Lime : Gypsum

3 years ago

Day: 24

Rain abused

3 years ago

Day: 19

Getting some sun

3 years ago

Day: 10

First Sunny day in a while. Fed 1L/5 : Grow 0.4ml CalMag 3 Drops, pH Up 3 Drops ~6.5pH

3 years ago

Day: 5

Lots of rain - Mist Shield & Mega Kelp

3 years ago

Day: 4


Lots of raining lately, been moving them around to catch the sun

3 years ago

Day: 4


The Greenhouse arrived today as well

3 years ago


Caliban Nice. Does it have the ability to block light too

Kaew Probably a little, My main purpose was to protect from Rain and Pests. It has two zipper screens, that can roll up, to fully open the up the tent from up top. Or you can have mesh screen down to protect from unwanted pests.


Herban That's neat. I like this idea so much. Best of luck with this gromie!

Day: 2


Hello World 4 of 5 Sprouted already…. 1 of 4 is kinda 🤪 abnormal growth

3 years ago

Day: 1

There are here

3 years ago