

Beetle Grown

Fall 21

Just got back on track with some mods to the room. Looking forward to a solid harvest. Hope you all enjoy.

Fotia x Chemical Weapon - Bungs stash

Day 120 (Week 18)

17 updates

114 photos

Day: 120

Battling a few different things here. Found some powdery mildew spots and some mites. My IPM is slipping and I got some work to do. Also another thing that’s not helping is the cold. Either way positive vibes.

3 years ago


tvanhoose12 Google milk/water mixture to spray for mildew. I use it and it’s super effective. Get organic fat free milk, mix with water in spray bottle and it will get rid of powdery mildew.


forkdik I really like your setup I have a walled of shed I’m running a 5x5 in but I have equipment to go ahead and do a build out how do you like your setup and or would you make changes and why? Sry so long 😟


beetlegrown @forkdik hit me up on IG, @beetlegrown

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Day: 109


Finished up week 4 of flower on all the sisters and finished up Thor’s Hammer FF4. Noted some mites in the veg tent. Gonna have to hit that hard with some more intense IPM practices. Also notes some powdery mildew spots in the flower room. Going to hit it hard here with Dr. Zymes again.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍


ChuckShotta That color is awesom

Day: 106


Thor about to come down soon. All other girls have some pretty decent bud sites. Enjoying the grow.

3 years ago

Day: 98


Day 21 of flower excited to continue and watch these girls. Did some clean up on the canopy. Noticed some powdery mildew. Spotted it early and will treat with Dr. Zymes. No knee jerk reactions just enjoying the grow.

3 years ago

Day: 95

Girls all coming into end of week three on 12s. Thor’s Hammer is really enjoying the T5 and coming in with some purple. Only 1/4 of them do this some pretty cool. Also might have something to do with my colder room temps. Been hitting 58/59 on the cold cold days.

3 years ago


organic_grower Nice set up man! Did you figure your hermi problem?


beetlegrown @OG I’m really hesitant to make any knee jerk decisions but I’m still worrying about the future of the strain. My environment has been so damn stable. No decision yet.


organic_grower Ya man I get it. I dig your set up what kind of lights you running? The plants seem to be pretty happy.

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Day: 93


Houston we have a problem. Found this dude hiding out back. Really unfortunate to find him. Mistakes happen and he is out the room and a clone took his spot on the Scrog. Thor’s hammer coming in great

3 years ago


organic_grower FYI Pic#3 looks like a hermi..


beetlegrown @OG that honestly still could be the case. Worried about that actually the more time goes by. I have a few of her clones now that I am growing for next set.

Day: 89


These girls are growing! Ending week 2 of flower. Hoping get get a good canopy time lapse set up

3 years ago

Day: 86


Great growth! Plants looking great.

3 years ago

Day: 85

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals

3 years ago

t.lightning08 ‘Oh Chronic tree Oh Chronic tree, How sticky are your branches’


Caliban Well done

Day: 84


Added another layer of netting on the stbd side of the room. Thor’s hammer is showing some awesome stuff. Really encouraging. Did zero training or trimming with the auto. Prep room is filled with Xmas gifts so gonna wait until Santa is gone before anything else to the room is done besides watering and training. Working the canopy to be some what even preventing an Alpha Kola.

3 years ago

Day: 82

Under the 12s for the first week. The one and only auto in the Clone row Is Thor’s Hammer, check em out on IG. Showing some beauty always gotta support the 207.

3 years ago

Day: 81


About 3 days in the 12s. Happy and healthy going back to Normal feedings. Gave some light feeding “pedialite” for a few days.

3 years ago


RyGuy I like the double scrog PCV setup! Room looks awesome overall. The colors and leaves on that strain in the middle look like they came from another planet! What strain is that?


beetlegrown Actually it’s an auto called Thor’s Hammer. Bread here in Maine by a guy named Thor. If you have an IG he is on there a lot with seed auctions.


RyGuy Oh that’s awesome! I love Maine! I love a few states away but Portland, Maine is the only place I travelled to for spring break! I haven’t grown autos before but my friends who do grow say they prefer photoperiods for the plants size and. I wish we could DM on this app let me make a different IG I will post here for my medical grows.

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Day: 79


Added another trellis to the port side of the room. Stbd side coming soon. Environment is tits. Veg tent got the next round of clones ready 11/12 clone success! T5 row is loving the light. Thor’s Hammer is bulking up and looking like a true Beauty.

3 years ago


beetlegrown Day 2 of flower

Day: 75


Looking like we might have an excess of Nitro gonna do th switch here in a few days.

3 years ago

Day: 71


Got the Gorilla Grow 4x2 tent built and running a MarsHyrdo 125v in there. Clones 3 weeks old have taken but building roots slowly. Need to try and utilize a heat pad in the future. Goal is to have our next crop ready to flip upon harvest. Really liking how well these feed mixes are going. If u don’t know check out;

3 years ago

Day: 70

We hit the canopy here with some more serious strings because the webbing on the plastic junk was to wide and to flimsy. Also plastic… Next level of our trellis is going to be far superior. Did some serious under growth pruning and hit them all with our IPM spray Dr. Z. With the major under canopy work we are gonna throw some Silica in with the baseline feed. Really have enjoyed working with my BIL on this project. I’ve gotten to know him much better. It builds the family vibe here and that’s always a good vibe to have my son around. Took 8 clones of the FOTIA mommas. Built out veg tent we currently have a stable with lots of FOTIA genes

3 years ago

Day: 2


Getting back into the swing of things

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Nice training and that scrog 👍🏾👍🏾


blakzs Nice man we sort of train very similar!