

Drunken Bastard

Indoor - 2024


Drunken Bastard

Day 55 (Week 8)


18 updates

24 photos

Day: 55

More training for her

2 months ago

Day: 50


3 months ago

Day: 47

Leaning towards female

3 months ago

Day: 45


3 months ago


FramerFlaco 😎πŸ’ͺ🏽🍻

Day: 31

Well!! Bounced right back from the transplant shock and stress from me clipping some of the leaves πŸ‘ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½ no sign of sex yet

3 months ago

Day: 25

Transplanted into 3ltr pot, still wayyy too early to tell sex

3 months ago

Day: 22


3 months ago

Day: 18

Doing well gonna top this arvo 🫢🏼

4 months ago

Day: 15


4 months ago

Day: 10


4 months ago

Day: 8


4 months ago


BizzareLand This is 8 days after you germinated or planted into soil for seedling stage?

Day: 6

Was getting burnt from the light! Moved the light up abit more other than that doing well πŸ‘ŒπŸ½

4 months ago

Day: 5

Very interesting 😍

4 months ago

Day: 4

Slow easy growth from this one gave it a feed of 5ml aptus startboost today πŸ’ͺ🏽 looking very different

4 months ago

Day: 2

Definitely showing D.B Genetics. Excited about this one ☝🏽

4 months ago

Day: 2


4 months ago

Day: 1

Went to go pop some Chem cookies and this one came up by surprise.. the bro must of unknowingly popped it in the bag

4 months ago

Day: 1


I put her outside to start flowering 3 weeks ago.. just now showing signs.. so day 1 of flower

2 months ago