Virgin Grow Diesel Auto
First Grow - Nov 2023
One diesel auto seed in a 5gal fabric pot. First time grow, bedroom closet
Diesel Auto
Day 69 (Week 10)
27 updates
68 photos
Day: 69

Edit: didn’t chop. Gonna give it another week or so. Let the trichomes get more amber.
a year ago
Cannabis Baba Wow that beauty.🥰😍
Esau Top
Day: 58

Been dealing with something munchin on the leaves. Applied some neem oil to the soil and watered. About 2 weeks or so from harvest!
a year ago
guitarist Please stop using Neem oil on flowers. Very bad if you smoke!  try to use something natural.
guitarist Well, something else natural is what I meant. I realize oil is natural but if you smoke this, it could mess up your intestines.
dad_b0ng That’s the plan. I was in a pinch and some of the locals with more experience than I swung by with it. I didn’t get it on the flowers at all, though.
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Day: 36

Moved up from 450ml to an unmeasured amount; minimal runoff, so I’m guessing the soil isn’t too saturated. My moisture meter was point to the early stages of “dry”. Did some very minor trimming from last post until now. Still seems to be doing great!
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Good job brother 🙏🏽👊🏾🫡
Day: 31

Been a few days since I posted! She’s getting tall! Seems to be coming along nice!
a year ago
jamiespotstand She’s gorgeous. I would def clip off all those fan leaves running up her main stem.
dad_b0ng Thanks!! I appreciate it! :D I’ve considered it, but I’ve been running into some conflicting opinions about trimming, especially with autos.
Rastaman 2.0 🔥🔥🙏🏽👊🏾
Day: 25

She’s bulking more and more! Are this pistils starting to show up?
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Start thinks about some defoliation soon to get more lights to those pistols future coming buds 💯💪🏽
dad_b0ng Kinda feelin silly, but would you have tips/tricks/advice on how to go about doing so without stressing it out too much?
Rastaman 2.0 If you have discord add me on it I will show you everything.rastaman19_76.
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Day: 24

A lot of secondary growth coming in! Still on the same regimen for now.
a year ago
Day: 23

Removed the end table the stand was on to allow for more vertical growth. Couldn’t raise the lights higher, so had to lower the plant.
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Great job keep doing like that she looks pretty amazing🤩💯🙏🏽👊🏾
Day: 22

She’s lookin bigger and better every day!
a year ago
Professor Chag Hey I have that soil moisture meter, and I’m pretty sure you have to push it down atleast 6 inches deep to get an accurate reading
Professor Chag Overall nice healthy plant
dad_b0ng Word! On the back it just says “to root depth” so I just kinda been guessin lol
Day: 21

Excited to see what the future holds. Still on the same regimen: 450ml water w/ 2tsp/gal concentration of Fox Farm Grow Big when top soil is dry
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Keep it like that 💯🙏🏽👊🏾
Day: 20

Still veggin strong! Still at 450ml when the top soil is dry, with ~1.5tsp Fox Farm Grow Big per gal. Lights are still 8”-10” above the canopy.
a year ago
jamiespotstand Dude, lookin amazing
Day: 19

That stem is getting nice and thick and everything seems to be filling out better than I could have ever expected
a year ago
Day: 18

Even more growth! Secondary sites are looking healthy as well!
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 🚀💪🏽
jamiespotstand She’s looking wonderfully healthy!!
Day: 17

Secondary growth sites are coming in strong! Lookin forward to watching her boom!
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 She is a beauty 🤩💯👊🏾
Day: 16

Stem seems to be bulking up! 💪🏻 the new leaves are filling out nicely and seem quite green! I think she’s gonna thrive!
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 💯🙏🏽💪🏽
Day: 15

Start of day 15. Moved to 450ml of water around the edge. Buried the bottom of the stem in soil from the edges to stabilize while she bulks up :)
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 💪🏽🙏🏽👊🏾
dad_b0ng I think one of my favorite things is seeing how much she changes just from when I leave for work to when I get home.
Rastaman 2.0 That’s why I love growing auto flowers you see changes every day and they are fast💯
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Day: 14

She’s fillin out nice, but decide to do some yoga while I was at work today. Decreased the space between my lights and have her entirely centered under them (front/back and left/right). ~24 hours since feeding; still damp. Will feed/water tomorrow.
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 She is pulling to where the light was stronger for her or your ventilation let her lean but she is good and still straight leafs just get a little bit soil from the edge with 2 fingers make her stand tall again.tomorrow when watering go to 450 ml you have 5 gallons keep watering edge and do like you are doing when dry again you water her or nutrient.1 more week you can start lst.
dad_b0ng Got her standing up, but she seemed quite floppy when trying to do so, has me slightly nervous. I assume the leaves will point back towards the light again? Since straightening her up has em kinda angled now.
dad_b0ng Like, the stem seems suuuuuper unstable.
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Day: 13

~16 hours after first feeding. Starting small with 1ml/gal of Fox Farm Grow Big, 300ml serving
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 Look how she is praying to the lights God 😁 she’s happy asf in there bro 💯
dad_b0ng So that upturn isn’t a bad thing, then, yeah?
Rastaman 2.0 Nope is actually is her telling you not overwater and she is good when your leafs drippy is overwatered.
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Day: 11

More fan leaves are showing up; started watering the edges of the pot instead of around the base of the stem. Hopefully we’ll see the stem bulk up a bit :)
a year ago
Rastaman 2.0 She is going great keep watering like that 💯👊🏾
Rastaman 2.0 Remember this you are using 5 gallons in 3 days when they are 14 days you give water like that but 300 ml ph water and circle every 24 hours let soil dry of its moist you can do 1 more day than watering create roots for your plants you got enough gallons to create a huge plant.
Rastaman 2.0 You can use grow nutrients do you have nutrients and ph pen already? Auto flowers some will start flowering by 27 or 30 days.some by 4th or 5th soon she hit the 2nd week she will go fast.
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Day: 9

Seems to be doin alright. Fell over shortly after the picture when watering. Stood it back up and reinforced the bottom of the stem with some soil and seems to be stable with the fan on.
a year ago
chickendinner Look at that stretch!
dad_b0ng Any tips on correcting stretch?
chickendinner Lower your light a bit, if it falls over again, support with soil, bury it back to half the stalk height. The stem that is buried will grow roots
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Day: 7

Fan leaves have started; still 20/4 for lights.
a year ago
kyler Is that 20 on 4 off
dad_b0ng Yeah
OpioidDaddy Do you reduce the amount on later? I just put mine to 24 after having it 18/6
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Day: 5

Shell split! Leaves are growing!
a year ago
Day: 4

Have a sprout! 20hrs on/4hrs off scheduled
a year ago
Day: 3

a year ago
Day: 1

a year ago
Day: 0

Dropped the seed in the water!
a year ago