

First gro

No idea what I am doing -plan to transplant to outdoors


Day 184 (Week 27)

48 updates

155 photos

Day: 184

Harvested Hawks little clit and hung in garage to dry x ~7 days. Plant reached about 6 feet tall. Bottom photo shows bids harvested and trimmed from red headed stepchild. Weight after drying, before curing was ....

4 years ago

Day: 173


Did a partial harvest of red headed stepchild, trichomes turning amber, most pistols have changed colour. Other plant a week or 2 behind.

4 years ago

Day: 161


Red headed stepchild about 3 weeks into flowering. Noting buds growing, trichomes visible. Fan leaves yellowing. Adding potassium based fertilizer weekly. Hawks little clit also flowering but not as far along, plant is about 6’ in 10 gallon pot vs. 5 gallon pail that other plant is in.

4 years ago

Day: 148


Hawks little clit starting to flower. Likely 6’tall. Other plant has been a little further into flowering now. Both plants look healthy. Added some bloom fertilizer to the plants today as well.

4 years ago

Day: 136

Plants have entered pre-flowering this week. Added some higher potassium and phosphorus fertilizer last weekend, along with likely last dose of all purpose fertilizer.

5 years ago

Day: 127

Red headed stepchild and hawks little clit still growing well in veg stage. Trimming leaves periodically to create good air flow and light penetration. Looking like plant is preparing for flowering stage. Fertilized again today with 20-20-20. Hawks little clot growing a lot now that it’s in 10 gallon pot.

5 years ago

Day: 124


Started curing covidia today. Small buds. Likely due to early flowering period and unfavourable light and temperature outside. Only a few seeds found when harvesting. Buds started at 55% humidity when placed in jars.

5 years ago

Day: 122


Harvested Denny’s left nut. Not quite as dry as I wanted but no fan for circulation. Not a great plant, ended up hermy and a ton of seeds unfortunately. Still gonna try and smoke it, if not use for edibles. Still lots of trichomes and has a reasonable weed smell. Plant to harvest Covidia in the next couple days. Re used jars from household to try. Have hygrometer and humidity packs for jars. Will store in cold cellar. Other plants doing well.

5 years ago

Day: 115


Harvested Covidia. Buds seem very small. Almost like it paused in flowering stage. Trichomes turning amber and smell strong so decided to harvest anyway. Other plants has been drying 2 days.

5 years ago

Day: 112


Harvested Denny’s left nut today. More white pistils left than I would have preferred, but trichomes appeared to be showing more amber in colour. Left most leaves on while drying, took off fan leaves. Hung in garage. Not the best ventilation, but humidity in high 50’s to low 60’s. Temp between 20-24 degrees Celsius. Other plants doing well. Also moved smallest plant in to 10 gallon pot a couple days ago. Doing well after transplant. Have 2 clones that are doing well as well.

5 years ago

Day: 109


2/4 plants flowering. Plan to harvest one in next week or so. Pistils starting to turn orange. Increased fertilizing on veg plants to weekly. Watering plants every one to 2 days. Temperatures regularly above 30 Celsius over last while.

5 years ago

Day: 103

2 plants still flowering. Debating on starting flush on closest to full flower. Some hairs turning colour but most still white. Fertilized the 2 plants in veg stage. Both growing very well. Watering every 1-2 days.

5 years ago

Day: 96


Buds on Denny’s left nut are gaining some girth. Other plant flowering as well. Dealt with some mould on the soil of the two flowering plants. Was maybe too damp in greenhouse last night. Trying to get some appropriate fertilizer for flowering stage. Other plants healthy. Took clones info redheaded stepchild last night.

5 years ago

Day: 92

2 plants flowering already. Just had the longest day of the year. Likely due to starting to early, or too much of a difference in light schedule when plants were inside vs. Moved outside. I don’t think these were auto flowering plants, but don’t really know as these were grown from random seeds. Plants all doing well. Added bone meal to flowering plants vs. 20-20-20 fertilizer. Should have used something with higher potassium. Watering every 1-2 days. Fertilizing every 2 weeks.

5 years ago

Day: 87

2 plants with pre-flowers. Trimmed plants yesterday to clean them up. All seem to be doing well. Topped the smallest recently and is doing well since. Fertilizing every 2 weeks. Watering every other day for most part.

5 years ago

Day: 79

Tallest plant now 3’ tall! Fertilized all plants yesterday. Continue to get lots of heat and sun. Watering every 2-3 days for most part.

5 years ago

Day: 76


Tallest plant ~34”. Watering every 2-3 days. Getting good sun and heat. Taking out of greenhouse on sunny hot days as some leaves are burning off. Otherwise plants appear healthy.

5 years ago

Day: 71

Not a lot of change since last update. Cooler weather over past 2 days. Sprayed stems and leaves with organic canna spray today.

5 years ago

Day: 69


Rainy day, wasn’t expecting it, watered plants last night, therefor keeping them inside during rain. Topped sections filling out well.

5 years ago

Day: 66


Another sunny and hot day. Watered plants at end of day. Plants starting to fill out more horizontally. Trimmed off some lower leaves.

5 years ago

Day: 63

Back 2 plants 26” tall have had good sun x 2 days and hot temps. Buddy’s plant is coming back from the dead well. Growing day by day. Added small amount of 20-20-20 fertilizer yesterday.

5 years ago

Day: 61

Plants outside for a few days now, doing well I think. Temperatures around 16 Celsius and sunny. Plan to add fertilizer once soil dries out. My buddy’s plant is also starting to take off.

5 years ago

Day: 57


Plants outside in the greenhouse, hopefully for good now, shouldn’t have anymore frost. Transplanted last plant into 5 gallon pail. Plants seem to be doing well since topping.

5 years ago

Day: 56


Topped the 2 tallest plants at 6th node today. FIMed the smallest of my plants at 6th node as well. My buddies smaller plant outside in the greenhouse today.

5 years ago

Day: 55


Tallest plant 22”. Plants still inside most days. Hoping to move outside tomorrow. Plan to transplant one in solo cup to 5 gallon pail. Small plant growing leaves, seems to have bounced back. Large plant has drooping leaves on bottom branches. Likely from over watering?

5 years ago

Day: 49


Tallest plant ~18”, second tallest ~14 inches. Inherited buddy’s plant (tiny one in black pot) as he was struggling to keep it going, soil too thick IMO. Will see if it rebounds. Transplanted into lighter soil (potting spiked with sheep manure). Added root support formula to it, as well as tallest plant as it has been a bit droopy and someone pulled it right out the other day. Also found my cat eating some of the leaves as well, so hopefully not too much damage done.

5 years ago

Day: 46

Plants still inside for most part as weather not cooperating. Temperatures below zero at night. Added second light to help support. Hoping plants will be outside by next weekend.

5 years ago

Day: 44


Tallest plant 16”. Was a nice day so plants outside. Still coming in at night due to cold temps. Using light indoors as well. 2/3 plants transplanted to 5 gallon pails. Watering every 2-3 days very lightly.

5 years ago

Day: 40

Tallest plant 14-14.5 inches. Plants inside as nights still too cold. Plant that was looking unwell from exposure to cold temperatures has bounced back. Looking forward to warmer weather for the weekend.

5 years ago

Day: 36


Tallest plant a little over a foot. Transplanted into 5 gallon pail. Other 2 still in solo cups. Used dirt from flower bed, sheep manure, triple mix soil, and potting soil. Holes in bottom of pail. Tonight will be first full night outside. Supposed to get down to 2 Celsius.

5 years ago

Day: 31


Spent a little time outdoors on 420! 2/3 looking like females but maybe too early to tell?

5 years ago

Day: 29

Spending a few hours outdoor today. ~16-18 hours of light daily (indoor and outdoor combined). 2 larger plants appear to be female.

5 years ago

Carreography What makes u think that ?

Day: 27


Tallest 11 inches. Watering lightly daily. Moved smaller plants closer to light. Adjusted light at tall plant hitting it. ~16-18 hours of light.

5 years ago

witchcat And this is all from one CFL? Wow thats great! Coming along nicely

Day: 26

Still 16-18 hours of light from single CFL. Tallest plant ~8.5-9 inches.

5 years ago

Day: 23

Spent a couple hours outside in the greenhouse. Still too cold at night to stay outside.

5 years ago

Day: 22

Tallest is ~8 inches. Greenhouse up and ready to go. Plan to move plants outside in 1 week.

5 years ago

Day: 20

Tallest is 6.5 inches.

5 years ago

Day: 18


No significant changes. Greenhouse arrived, plan to set up this weekend and move plants outside by end of April. ~16-18 hours of light per day.

5 years ago

Day: 16

Tallest plant 6.5 inches tall. Getting 16-18 hours of light per day. Watering every other day.

5 years ago

Day: 14

Tallest plant 6 inches. Accidentally bent stem, hoping will continue to grow. Multiple leaves growing on 2 plants now. Plants getting light from lamp or in window with natural sunlight ~18 hours per day.

5 years ago

Day: 11

Tallest still around 5”. Another set of leaves growing on 2/3 surviving plants. Some concern smallest plant not growing properly, stem is getting taller but leaves not really expanding.

5 years ago

Day: 10

Tallest now 4.5 inches tall. Continuing with ~18 hours per day of light. Considering purchasing autoflower seed to replace dead plant to get back to 4 plants total.

5 years ago

Day: 9


3/4 plants growing, other appears dead. No leaves on one of plants yet, but getting taller. Raised lamp today. Tallest plant ~4 inches tall.

5 years ago

Day: 8


2 growing, 1 sprouted a little more, other still appears dead. Tallest is ~3.5 inches tall

5 years ago

Day: 7


2 growing, 1 sprouting, 1 dying? Tallest ~3 inches tall

5 years ago

Day: 6

Still at 3 of 4 that have actually sprouted. Tallest is about 1.5-2 inches.

5 years ago

Day: 5

2/4 sprouted today, one was difficult to see so no pic. Germinated with ~20 hours in warm water, then planted into soil in solo cups with drainage. Warm water added. Light x ~14-18 hours per day. Minimal water added daily as soil remained damp (may have over watered to start).

5 years ago

Day: 3

Seeds (4) initially left in warm water in dark x ~20 hours (day 1). No seeds germinated, therefor planted into soil in solo cups, with drainage holes, ~approximately 1 inch deep. Handled seeds with tweezers. Tried to plant “pointy” end down, however I wasn’t always able to differentiate the pointy end. Warm water added.

5 years ago