

Kush Mints

Fall 2021 - Indoor

32x32x64 indoor tent. Kingbrite 480watt at 40%. Athena nutrients. Coco coir. Clones brought home Sept 15. Flowered on Oct 8. Harvested Dec 12, 65 days of flowering. Total dry weight - 358 grams/12.8 ounces

Kush Mints Clones

Day 137 (Week 20)

54 updates

179 photos

Day: 137

Cured for a month. Nice dense nugs and smells incredible. Never thought I’d have too much weed haha

2 years ago

Day: 106

Smells great, smokes great. This is by far my most successful grow. Looking forward to popping some IHG beans in January ✌️Happy New Years everyone !!

3 years ago

Day: 102

Made some bird 💩 bubble hash. Just did a 220 and 120 micron. This is what happens when you over agitate dry trim. I’m turning these into temple balls anyway but I’m still disappointed about the color. Live and learn!

3 years ago


bigsammy Seeds for sale


lolaperez Congrats on the seeds. Please don’t spam my posts soliciting your products


lolaperez I would genuinely appreciate it if you both keep this altercation out of my posts

Day: 97


Cut, dried, and trimmed. Time to cure. Total weight is 12.8 ounces from four clones in a 2.6ft x 2.6ft grow tent. I used a 480watt light on 80% during veg and about 40% during flower. Started September 15, flipped to flower on October 8. I’m going to give myself some credit and say it’s about 1.5 grams per watt. Very happy with that. Flowered for 65 days. Dried for 8 days. Honestly it’s a little more crispy than I’d like but it smells incredible and the cure should help bring up the humidity a little. I’m curing without using Boveda pack for as long as possible.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Congrats 🎊🎈🎉🍾


Feelingood 😲🎉


lolaperez Thanks guys!

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Day: 87


Well that was a pain in the ass. But it’s done! Chopped on day 65 after 48 hours of dark and no water. Looking good. Temps are around 70f and 50rh, hoping to let it dry out for 7 days. Hopefully I’ll start trimming next Sunday. Looking like 12-14 ounces in this.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Congrats 🎉🍾🎊🎈


Herban Happy harvesting!


lolaperez Thank you!!

Day: 86


Day 63 of flower. Well, this is as far as she goes. Into the 48 hours of dark, no water, totally bro-sciencing it up. Crossing fingers for no mold and tight buds. Canopy felt heavy for sure. Yield should be incredible. I’ll be chopping her this Sunday on day 65 of flower! “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Rage my little trichomes, rage.

3 years ago


RodneyRN Gorgeous ladies well done


lolaperez Thank you ! The hardest part is yet to come. I’ve always struggled with drying and curing. Praying for a good nose off these 👃


highgrade Looking frosty 🥶

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Day: 86

One month between each photo. Crazy how fast it grows. Almost like it’s a weed or something! Side notes. Going to manifold/mainline from now on. No more only lst, branches are too flimsy and hard to manage. Calibrate my ph pen every month. Plan for 10 weeks minimum for flower. Use a scrog net or two for branch support. Watering twice a day with half strength nutes. Top feed plants every 10 days. Train lower and plan for the stretch better so that I can use full power of lights. Use only two plants in my current set up so I can manage the canopy/under the canopy more effectively.

3 years ago

Day: 84

Cutting another sample branch that fell over. I have a problem and need to stop touching it lol Interesting to note that the trichomes vary in cloudiness. Top bud has a lot more clear on it than the lower ones. I wonder if the fox-tailing was producing new trichomes. Also, this branch has like 13Gs on it and Is making me think this harvest might actually yield half a pound. Second photo is the first sample branch all trimmed up after drying for four days. I’m going to have to push harvest to next week even though the branches are almost about to snap. These trichomes need another 10% amber.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Congrats 🍾🎉🎊🎈

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


organic_grower Good shit man👍👍

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Day: 82

Day 59 flower. Well The universe is telling me it is time. Friday will def be chop day as the plants are basically completely falling over from the weight and lack of netting support. Hopefully all the trichs finish up.

3 years ago


organic_grower Looks like it's going to be a nice hull! Nice work lolaperez

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Solid 👍💚

Peng I go by the universe too 😎👌🏻

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Day: 80

Day 57 of flower! Alright well I changed my mind and won’t be harvesting tomorrow, unfortunately. I was going to harvest early to avoid the foxtailing but it looks like it’s actually part of the genetics so im going to let her mature for another week or two. Runoff is 800ppm.

3 years ago

Peng Good decision 😎

Day: 80

Day 58 of flower. Took a sample branch, chopping next Friday if not sooner !! Amber trichs coming in quick

3 years ago


lolaperez Thanks bro! I’m stoked !

Day: 78

Buds are getting heavy and the canopy is starting to fold lol. I should have kept the scrog net up for support but prioritized the dehumidifier instead. The small sugar leaf is fading more quickly than I’d like and the fox tailing is getting crazy. Think I’m going to just flush with PHd water for two more days and chop on Sunday. Hopefully the trichs finish up in time. They’re close enough but hope to see some amber by Sunday. The third picture is pretty extreme and only on one bud, thought it looked pretty funny! Last photo is one month ago on November 3rd.

3 years ago


gayla_d 🔥🔥

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍


lolaperez Thanks guys! And Gayla, after you mentioned it.. I think there might be some genetic factor to this foxtailing. My poor watering habits didn’t help but there are some strange patterns in growth that make me think the genetics might favor foxtailing/not be the most stable

Day: 77


Day 54 of flower. Turned the lights to 14 off and 10. Lowered the lights to 30%. Hopefully these helps mature the plants faster. I want to chop ASAP because of the fox tailing. Think I’ll chop next Wednesday at day 61.

3 years ago


organic_grower Looks awesome man!! Gonna be so good smoke.


gayla_d I love kush mints. Foxtailing (if not genetic related) is usually caused by light or heat stress, so good call on dimming.


lolaperez Thanks Organic! And hi Gayla, yeah hoping it helps. I think the fox tailing came from poor watering habits. I use an auto feeding system that doesn’t saturate the diameter of the pot so I have to hand feed it about once a week to get all the dry spots. Ignored this process for a few weeks and was around the time the fox tailing started :/

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Day: 76


Day 53 of flower. Looks right on target for chopping next Friday. Some serious fox tailing has me considering chopping sooner. Trichomes are basically 95% cloudy with a handful of amber and clear trichs. Hopefully it ripens up quick. Also hoping for a sick fade on the leaves !

3 years ago

Day: 74


Day 52 of flower. Starting to transition to flush. Buds are still fattening up and trichs are slowly turning cloudy.

3 years ago

Day: 72


Some bud shots. Day 50 flower.

3 years ago

Day: 70

Thankful 💯 Day 48 in flower

3 years ago


organic_grower Nice work!


lolaperez Thank you!


JuanO Looking frosty❄️ Good job so far👌🏻

Day: 69


Two more weeks!

3 years ago


ธtaySalty Looking ☃️

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍


trichomemonster_420 Awesome job brother she looks beautiful

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Day: 67


Day 44 of flower.

3 years ago

Day: 67

Day 45 of flower. Already seeing some cloudy. Probably chopping in a couple of weeks!

3 years ago

Smokinmomma88 How did you take this picture?


lolaperez Jewelers loop pressed against an iPhone camera

Day: 64


Day 42. End of week six. Three more to go!

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Tents looking great 👍🏾


breez That’s awesome 👏


lolaperez Thanks guys !

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Day: 63


Look at that fat chunky ass nug at the bottom 😍 I’m smoking that one first. Orange hairs coming in too.

3 years ago

Day: 62

Day 38 of flower

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice bro 😎


lolaperez Thanks man!

Day: 62

Snowing in SoCal

3 years ago


Moneybaggz Nice 👍


Mr.Fisher Hehehe bet you had to put on mittens to go take these photos


lolaperez Thanks guys! Just raw doggin it and enjoying the powderr 🌚

Day: 60


Day 37 flower. Everything seems dialed in. Hopefully the weather and humidity stays agreeable.

3 years ago


skanteog Nice what you hittin temp and humidity


skanteog My humidity been high, too high I just ordered a 200$ dehumidifier I think it’s very much worth it


lolaperez RH is around 50-55%. I have a dehumidifier too but it’s not too effective if the ambient air is above 80%

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Day: 60


She chunkin up

3 years ago

Day: 59


Can’t wait until I get more space and can run several tents! I’m already wanting to start a new crop

3 years ago

Day: 56


3 years ago

Day: 56


Is this leaf discoloration PH issues?

3 years ago


Funky84 Could be PH issue or they are amping up eating given they are at day 56 which isn’t a bad thing. Nothing to worry about, they will finish fine for you. 👊🏻👍🏻


lolaperez It’s only been in flower for 35 days at this point. Maybe you’re right tho, the color only seems to be effecting the larger fan leaves

Day: 55

Added another fan under the canopy. They’re looking frostier everyday!

3 years ago

Day: 53


Stacking..Getting fatter. Flower day 30.

3 years ago

Day: 53


Pictures really don’t do her justice. Crossing my fingers these girls make it to the finish line.

3 years ago


Funky84 They will make it, would have to be something seriously crazy to ruin them now lol


lolaperez Hoping so man. Rh and temps is kind of a struggle. Im able to keep it around 55% RH and 78degrees. I want to raise the temps/light power but the buds are showing signs of light burn so I can’t.


Funky84 Add a fan blowing under the canopy and fans blowing on the tops

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Day: 50


Added a dehumidifier. Hopefully it drops the rh to a consistent mid 50s.

3 years ago

Day: 49

Moving along

3 years ago

Day: 47

Added an extra fan under the canopy and tried to defoliate as much as possible. It’s still a jungle..

3 years ago


skanteog I don’t like clones but you my good sir make them look beautiful those nugs gon be fire 💪🏼


skanteog You’ve defoliated great I’d let them work on the bud now less stress the better

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍

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Day: 47


Never noticed the thin film that I circled in blue before. It looks similar to the thin film that forms along branches/stems so I’m guessing it’s a sign of positive growth. The red is circled just to highlight the fatass calyx and pistil growth. Last picture shows a funky little bud. I’m still spraying the base and pots down with a baking soda and soap mix as a precaution to powdery mildew. I cannot tell if the white stuff is pm or regular salt buildup. I’ve seen salt buildup before and this looks different.

3 years ago

Peng PM grows on leaves not pots


lolaperez That’s kinda reassuring. I’ll post a picture next time bc it definitely had that fuzzy look. I wouldn’t be surprised if cloth pots meet the same parameters to grow pm as leaves.

Day: 46


I cannot believing how much these girls are stretching. F23 and they are tall. Like 6 inches from the light tall. Saw what could be some powdery mildew forming on the pots so I’m trying to defoliate and increase the air flow. It’s hard to get to the back bushes. Mainlining/manifolding would have made the canopy 10x easier to manage. Good news is the plants looks rock solid and very healthy. Lowered the lights to 60% because some of the buds were getting light burn.

3 years ago


GreenNinjaMaster Looking really good, I am excited for you


lolaperez Thanks bro. I’m looking forward to seeing your harvest

Day: 43


Lots to learn from this grow. I’m definitely going to manifold/mainline every single plant I ever grow from now until I change my mind lol I’m going to grow two plants next time

3 years ago

Day: 43


Day 21 of flower. Looking really good.

3 years ago


Mr.Fisher Mali b. So funny


lolaperez B-Rad from the bu 🧢

Day: 39


Nearing week three of flower.

3 years ago

Day: 39


Trichomes coming in

3 years ago

Day: 38


Healthiest plants I’ve ever grown. Trying not to get overly excited about yield but I have a good feeling about this run.

3 years ago


GreenNinjaMaster Looking really good 👍. Do you ever have a problem using a camera in the tent? I am always afraid the IR lights are going to make my plants herm.


JG705 Looking 💪 Lola 😎 maybe a little defoliation of the lower canopy, help out with air flow, and keep the chance of pests down 🤞


lolaperez Yknow ninja, I rarely use the camera at night bc I’m nervous about that too. So far I haven’t had a problem. Yeah JG, good looks. Gonna defoliate a little more in a week, I want to let the little bud sites to get as much energy as possible before I strip them down

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Day: 37

Lollipopped and defoliated. Damn near broke my back reaching around for the back plants. Growing weed is a labor of love lol

3 years ago

Day: 35

Buds coming in. On 12th day of flower. I need to adjust the ph a bit but otherwise the plants are looking dialed in. Temps are about 83f with the lights on, RH is 45ish. Feeding about 1600ppm. Best part is that I the light is on at 100% while maintaining this climate. Hopefully everything keeps going smoothly.

3 years ago

Day: 34


Resisting the urge to defoliate and lollipop until f21.

3 years ago

Day: 33

Lowered the canopy today. Hope I didn’t hurt them! But now there’s like an extra 20 inches of vertical space.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looks good 👍

Day: 32

Day 9? Flower. Looking healthy. I’m running out of room. Going to have to lower everything somehow.

3 years ago

Day: 27

Just exploded!

3 years ago

Day: 27


3 years ago

Day: 25

Nine day difference

3 years ago

Day: 24

A very full canopy ! Fourth day of flower.

3 years ago

zayzilla Hay boss question does the fans help the plants? I’m kinda new


lolaperez Circulating fans or fan leaves ??

zayzilla Just a fan for them to breathe or to keep cool

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Day: 23

Flipping to flower tomorrow! First time growing clones, it’s crazy only being three weeks in and ready to flower.

3 years ago

Day: 21

They’re going. Flowering in a week or so.

3 years ago

Day: 16


Going into week three of bringing the clones home. Final transplant to 3 gallon pots. I supercropped them and put on the a scrog net.

3 years ago