July 2019
Barneys farm LSD grow indoors
Day 95 (Week 14)
12 updates
18 photos
Day: 95
Loads of yellowed leafs (feels like more then it should during flowering) magnesium sulphate was mixed with the water.
5 years ago
NickYo I’m not sure but I think you could have a sulfur deficiency.
Day: 87
The plant is producing buds nicely. No new (unwanted) buds grew in the bottom. Little yellowing on bottom leafs.
5 years ago
Day: 83
The plant was cleared from all unwanted small buds and yellowed leafs. Only watered with ph’d water due to noticed overdose.
5 years ago
Day: 78
Buds started to form
5 years ago
Day: 74
8th of flowering
5 years ago
Day: 70
4th day of flowering
5 years ago
Day: 61
The plant almost reached the desired size. Flowering will start in a week.
5 years ago
Day: 57
Scrog net installed
5 years ago
Day: 38
The plant was transferred into bigger pots and training began.
5 years ago
Day: 19
The first 3 pointed leafs appeared
5 years ago
Day: 11
The plant is currently 4 cm tall and has the first two pair of leafs. Grown under 2 30w light in a small veg box with a pineapple chunk seedling.
5 years ago
Day: 5
The first leaves
5 years ago