

Propagation Journal

Small DIY clone box for propagation

Using a variety of methods and products to grow medicinal and non medicinal plants šŸŒ± šŸŖ“ šŸŒ±

Various strains

Day 59 (Week 9)


12 updates

38 photos

Day: 59

In addition to my apple tree šŸŒ² šŸŒ³ šŸŒ“ cuttings I went ahead and took some cuttings from my flowering mom, critical, and my purple queen foster plant since I set her to flower šŸŒø šŸŒŗ šŸŒ¹ šŸŒ± šŸŖ“

10 months ago


jamies-garden Stuck the small prop box in my veg tent since the greenhouse lung space has momma flowering so I canā€™t even come in the building when lights off so for cuttings that wasnā€™t ideal so for the little lights I use I am just leaving it at 18/6 in my small box until I get my large box into my office this week.

Day: 32

Box is pretty empty. Have a cereal milk from one of my breeding stock that popped the other day and a northern light that will be converted to hydro prolly next week after she gets some more root mass going.

a year ago

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed Cool Coleusā€™s


zer0applied Thanks! I got this plant earlier this year and I just keep cloning it over and over and over because I can and I absolutely love it as a small gift etc. as you can see I have a clone from this cutting from another clone LOL

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed I agree. I have cloned like 20 different patterns of coleus lol

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Day: 29


Transplanted some cuttings. This is what myko and beneficial microbes do in addition to IBA in a matter of a week.

a year ago


p42o Iā€™m glad I took this advice when I did! Thank you again. You have some really cool experiments going on and itā€™s sweet to see the actual impact Swing over to my update from last night Iā€™d love to get your input on a weird leaf Iā€™ve got going on.


zer0applied You have discord?


p42o Yup: furdterguson_

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Day: 26

Cookies gelato re-veg stick took root. Used my last little mini cookie cup. Looks like I have to go buy more mini cookies for the kids to eat so I can use the containers! Love saving these prized genetics after not taking cuttings until harvest LOL.

a year ago


zer0applied Sour diesel germination date - September 25th

Day: 26

Upgraded to a larger box. Keeping old box for seed germination but this box is for clones only. I have a 100% success rate now with the ā€œboxā€ lol. The Walmart special. Nothing wrong with DIY. Just because you have money doesnā€™t mean you need to spend it!!!

a year ago

Day: 23


After losing the re-veg, I took the last branch that I left and tried to clone it. Cut it back twice after failing and FINALLY it rooted. A fucking failed re-veg, still bud on the branchā€¦. Rootedā€¦. Put her in some soil and sheā€™s back in the clone box. In one of the lucky Oreo cups. Strain - Cereal Milk (RQS)

a year ago


zer0applied Chips a hoy cup. Iā€™m zooted.

LeChron James

LeChron James Fun fact. My wifeā€™s grandpa supposedly came up with the name Chips a Hoy for Nabisco.


zer0applied Youā€™re kidding me

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Day: 21


Two more CBD rooted, into legendary cookie cups for good luck. Added golden pothos cutting because I am a dork. Xoxo. Happy frog + myco + clonex = 99% success even when itā€™s looking sketch.

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James Leaves curled down quite a bit. Do you keep the root cubes really wet all the time?


zer0applied The ones in the back corner are from a failed reveg attempt and this was my last ditch effort to propagate the plant. Itā€™s failing. Yeah I keep the humidity at 100% and keep the bottom of the container wet wet. The silicone containers sit just high enough that the water is out of reach but they stay super wet, too wet but I have a 95% success rate when the clones are actually viable.


zer0applied Also that curling and wilting is because theyā€™re in shock cause I scissored them off like a fucking cave man LOL

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Day: 18

Clones doing nicely. No root movement yet. Created my own clonex spray by using a little liqui-dirt, myco, and cal-mag. Working wonders.

a year ago


agendercannabis is that a golden pothos?


zer0applied Yes lol. Long story but this is my fourth cutting from the original plant. I was struggling with this cutting since the original plant ended up dying (not my plant) but I saved her from some of her ā€œlastā€ nodes etc.

Joey weed seed

Joey weed seed I used to clone a lot of plants. It's not perfect, but I'll give you some info that helped me. 1st off, cutting half of the leaf will bring infection and decrease it's vpd. 2nd, when sourcing a clone, you won't find one with a large bottom stem, so the shell naturally stays straight. 3rd, when prepping a clone, cut off everything except the two sets of fan leaves. 4th spread out your clones more they won't get enough o2 like that

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Day: 17


Clone box is working really well. So glad I didnā€™t spend a bunch of money on a pre-built one. Total investment was around $50.

a year ago


zer0applied Threw in my golden pothos cutting becauseā€¦. I dunno. Enjoy :)

Day: 16

Took some clones from my Royal Highness momma to give my little clone box a workout. The successfully rooted Royal Highness is doing amazing and has new growth and it is only two weeks old.

a year ago


combatmedic81 I love cloning. Iā€™ve been cloning the same mai tai strain for 5 years now, still producing strong


zer0applied Yeah I usually take clones and just kinda stick them in my veg tent. This is my first go at having a high temp and high humidity box with the appropriate amount of light to do this. Since using the box itā€™s been 100% success.

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Day: 11

Knocked a branch off a Royal highness, trying to save the cutting/clone it. Also have a flowering cutting from my last cookies gelato. Thought I had more seeds but canā€™t count!!

a year ago

Day: 8

Royal highness from RQS successful root and transplant into appropriate little Oreo cup thing. I love little containers.

a year ago


amithus To those little cups from those cookies would be perfect! Nice call