

Northern Lights Auto

First legal grow! Fall 2021

Northern Lights Auto, 3 gal fabric pot, coast of Maine Bar Harbor blend

Northern Lights Auto

Day 91 (Week 13)

13 updates

84 photos

Day: 91


All done, came in at 16.58 oz wet trimmed with a trim bowl. The bowl worked amazingly, and saved me hours and hours of work.

3 years ago

Day: 87


Harvested the smaller plant a little early, waiting for this finish up.

3 years ago

Day: 67


I can’t wait to harvest this!

3 years ago

bangyang2017 How long have theybflowered


TyGuy At about 22 days right now

Day: 59


Girls are doing nice, switched over their nutrients to General Hydroponics FloraNova Bloom, 2tsp to 1gal. I don’t track PH, and only feed/water when need, I check by lifting them and checking weight.

3 years ago


Kyhoops757 Look thirsty kinda I think 🤔


Ricio Kinda lol? There super thirsty and it’s causing stress.


Kyhoops757 Didn’t know maybe he was over watering but yes plants looks stressed

Day: 51


Had to bend main stem in the tent as it was getting a little tall, shoulda topped that one…. Oh well…. Small experiment is going along nicely.

3 years ago

Day: 42


Moved small plant out of tent, it was experimental grow anyways for small pots. Starting to flower!

3 years ago

Day: 33


Switched from 24/7 to 18hr light schedule.

3 years ago


emaj7b5 How much do you expect to yield from one plant?


TyGuy Not sure, I’m keeping the smaller one in that pot the entire time, I wanted to try and a solo cup run, but I got that pot instead… I’d be happy to pull about an ounce from each

Day: 31


Moving along, trim session today.

3 years ago


steezykayla Those are mega over watered and drowning. Let your girls breathe

Day: 17

Slowly growing. Will be topping the larger one soon.

3 years ago

Day: 13


Moving along nicely.

3 years ago

Day: 10


Moving along

3 years ago

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co.

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co. I’m Growing 3 Right Now, They Are Soooooooo Huge. Get Ready My Guy Lol

Day: 2


3 years ago

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co.

E-Lee-Te Kush & Co. Get Ready I Have 2 And They Get Tall!!!!!!

kevinn_22r Wow that’s fast!

Day: 0


3 years ago