

Late summer 2020

One revolver auto grown in 3 gallon pot using 1000w led light.

Revolver auto

Day 86 (Week 13)

23 updates

27 photos

Day: 86

Frosty girl, few days from harvest, had a setback with spider mites which stunted her a bit but still looks pretty good.

4 years ago

Day: 72

Plant is in flower, couple weeks till done, stopped all nutes, still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 56

Still preflower , 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 51

Still in pre flower, just added dr earth bloom booster, some cal mag an fox farm bloom. The last is starting to stretch, still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 48

Plant is in preflower stretching stage! Growing about an 1/2 inch a day! Can’t wait for those big buds! Still on 20-4 light schedule (left plant).

4 years ago

Day: 44

Plant still looks good. Just gave fax farm trio, cal-mag and some flower fuel. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 43

Plant is still in preflower. About same size, just watered, still on 20-4 light schedule.(left plant).

4 years ago

Day: 41

My girl is pregnant with big smelly buds! Will be adding organic bloom dry amendments in next day or so. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 39

Plant is about same size, just added cal-mag, some fox farm trio nutes, hopefully gives it a kick start. Flowering is about to start! Smelly! Did slight lollipoping.Still on 20-4 light schedule

4 years ago

Day: 37

Plant is 18 inches tall, still training the plant to even out canopy. Very happy with how much growth their is. For 1st indoor grow I’m very satisfied. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 34

Plant is thriving with all the low stress training. Starting to smell just a little so flowering is coming. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Kbreazzy Yeo bro do you have any seeds? I think my seeds were deformed?

Trampo I have a bunch of seeds

Kbreazzy Bro my instagram is @k.breazzy get at me

Day: 32

Plant is still about 15 inches tall. One day after nutes. Still on 20-4 light schedule. Plucked a couple leaves for light to hit bud sites. Retrained the plant to open up more sites. Pretty good for 1st indoor.

4 years ago

Day: 31

Plant is 15 inches tall, still doing great. Just added some cal mag, fox farm grow big an big bloom. Less than 1/2 recommended dose. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 29

Plant is hitting a lot of milestones. A lot of nodes an tops. Currently 14 inches tall, retrained the plant, still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 28

Plant is about 15 inches tall with loads of nodes an tops, very bushy so may defoliate selectively. Couple days since adding 4-4-4 organic dry amendments and some fox farm grow big+big bloom. Still on 20-4 light cycle. Budget light is deff working well for $60.

4 years ago

Day: 26

Plant is currently 12 inches tall, added dry amendments as well as liquid fox farm grow big. Took couple leaves off for more light to the tops, still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 24

Plant is currently 12 inches tall, nodes are growing out well. Haven’t added any nutes yet. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 21

Plant is currently 8 inches tall, plenty of nodes. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 18

Plant is about 8 inches tall with lots of nodes! Great strain so far. Still on full spectrum20-4 light schedule, budget light working well. Started low stress training. (Far left plant).

4 years ago

Day: 16

Plant is still about 6 inches tall, stem has gotten stronger since the shot of 1/2 ml of cal-mag. Still 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 15

Revolver Auto has opened up a bit. Leaves are getting bigger. Stem can’t hold them up yet. Still on 20-4 light schedule.

4 years ago

Day: 14

My plant is currently 6 inches tall. Just started vegetative stage, will 20-4 light cycle.

4 years ago

Day: 13

The plant is about 6 inches tall with 4 sets of leaves on a 20-4 light schedule . No additional Nutes added.

4 years ago