

x3) Blueberry ๐Ÿซ

Feminized Photoperiod Seedsman Freebies๐Ÿ‘Œ

x3 Seedsman BlueBerry ๐Ÿซ ,going to mother one โ˜๏ธ of the 3 to take cuts from every 4-5 weeks so I can keep a perpetual clone grow 4 wks between each new wave of cuts ๐Ÿ‘ an Iโ€™ll take about 2-4 cuts if possible every 4-5 wks

Feminized BlueBerry ๐Ÿซ Photoperiod ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Day 109 (Week 16)

8 updates

15 photos

Day: 109

Time to chop her trichomes are just going to be ambering an degrading at this point an not filling or fattening/riping anymore so the trade off ainโ€™t gunna get much better then now do chop it is ๐Ÿ‘

2 years ago

Day: 93


3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Nice Iโ€™m bout to drop some blueberries ๐Ÿซ today ๐Ÿ‘

Day: 40


3 years ago

Day: 30

๐Ÿ‘ she had a very slow start but sheโ€™s catching up lil by lil

3 years ago

Day: 21

Transplant went well yesterday ๐Ÿ‘Œ really glad too cuz this oneโ€™s the only freebie surviver from the Seedsman blueberry 3pk

3 years ago

Day: 13


3 years ago

Day: 5

I germinated these sep.28 an one โ˜๏ธ from the 3 sprouted just 5 days agoโ€ฆ.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค” but they did pop there taproot 2nd day into the water soaking (first 24hr) then paper towel germination method then planted into peat plugs an took soooo long to grow a longer tap root I saw when I opened the plug to see Wuts up with it an so I just planted into solo cups an so far one sprouted finally ๐Ÿ‘

3 years ago

Day: 4

So far still only one โ˜๏ธ an two are still with little tap roots but I donโ€™t have the heart to throw em out so Iโ€™ll put them in jiffy plugs an see wut happens

3 years ago