
Northern Lights Auto

March to May 2019

Two Northern Lights Autos from Crop King Seeds in FFOF with trio nutrients at 1/2 to 3/4 strength. 1xMars Hydro 300W and 400W HPS

Northern Lights

Day 102 (Week 15)

21 updates

47 photos

Day: 102

6/17/19 Getting closer to finish. Trichomes are mostly clear but some going cloudy now on the buds. Good pistil development get all around and definitely thickening up. Buds are weighing down branches hard. Did not water today... trying to push it to learn limits. Will water tomorrow with MagSulfur

5 years ago

Metalriot Damn I’d love to know what the final yield was on that bad boy! Looking good!

Day: 100

6/15/19 Branches are getting too heavy now so I had to tie them kind of together to maintain some shape since I didn’t SCROG. She is also thirsty. Watered 1 gallon until a little runoff

5 years ago

Day: 97

6/13/19 Still explosive growth of buds. Feeding it on the heavy side 5mL Floranectar 5mL CalMag 10mL Tiger Bloom 5mL Big Bloom 825 ppm

5 years ago

Day: 95


6/10/19 She was showing some PK and Mag deficiencies partly due to it being almost time and some general nutrients. Since she isn’t super close, I’m feeding today in 1 gallon. 3mL Big Bloom for general poop. 6mL Tiger Bloom for PK boost. 6mL FloraNectar for sugar and Mag/Sulfur. Total PPM: 450

5 years ago

Day: 92

6/8/19 Completely dry again. Watered 1 gallon with Great White Myc and 5mL Floranectar. 50ppm

5 years ago

Day: 91

6/6/19 Fed 3 mL Tiger Bloom, 2 mL CalMag; 2 mL Floranectar. 250 ppm Looking great still. Buds are fattening up nice. Humidity is kind of high so increasing air flow. No issues

5 years ago

CashMula Freaking awesome!! Great job!!

Gocolts18 We got a ton of rain and water in my basement so humidity was an issue with my fan at full blast. So I started drawing air in from my bedroom and that fixed it. Not sure where your tent is, just an idea if you have any more humidity issues.

Day: 89


Update on harvest from last week! Decent grow! Lots of lessons learned to get a beefier bud next time! Final results: 83 grams of good quality (presentable in public lol). 29 grams of ugly weed that will get you high. Probably used in edibles. 19 grams of sugar leaf trim to be used in edibles Use a lot less nutrients next time! Going to try out a super low one by transplanting into fresh soil song the way.

5 years ago

Day: 87

Watered with 1 gallon and 10mL of Floranectar. Plant looks amazing. Smells my entire garage and outside it too 🤷‍♂️

5 years ago

Day: 84

Watered the big girl today. Trichomes clear and pistils are still almost all white. Stem is disappearing between buds now and I’d say there’s still 3-4 weeks left.

5 years ago

Day: 82

Fed full strength bloom nutrients. 3tsp big bloom 3tsp Tiger 1tsp CalMag Still looking great and smelling phenomenal!

5 years ago

Gandalf Nice, I hope mine turn out like that, happy token

OregonWeezy Nicely done 👍

Day: 81

Chop day!

5 years ago

Hrose2383 Lookin good! Quick question what row of leaves do you top a plant at?

Greg.gibson7 I don’t top my autos. Just aggressive pinning down fan leaves so low nodes get light

Day: 80

Left is turning purple still but it’s done getting watered and fed. Plan on cutting tomorrow or Wednesday! Foxtailing on main cola Right is still airy buds but thickening slowly. Watered with one gallon today

5 years ago

Day: 78


Watered once more to see how much purpling of leaves happens. Picture 2 here shows some of the color change. Since trichomes aren’t a lot amber, i watered once more today. Right is still growing well. Fed full strength flowering nutes. Will continue this regimen until flushing at end

5 years ago

Day: 76


Defoliate all fan leaves with no sugar for the final few days to test that out. Still looking healthy and growing slowly. Buds are still getting some white pistols so I decided to let it go a few more days until it dries out after the watering now. Right plant is continuing to fatten. Watered 1 gallon today and will feed full strength flowering nutrients in 2 days. No issues

5 years ago

Day: 74

Left is winding down but still showing no signs of deficiencies. Growth has slowed but Amber trichomes aren’t widespread yet. Still only one or two for each bud. Watered 1 gallon today. Right continues to be a beast. Buds are fattening up and smell is great. Watered 1 gallon today

5 years ago

Day: 72


Left is close to to harvest. Plain water today. Still only a few Amber trichomes. Right is fattening up fast on the Tiger Bloom at 100%. Watered today and defoliated some fan leaves that are blocking nodes. Looking real healthy

5 years ago

Day: 70


Left is fattening up nicely. No deficiencies after 1 week of flushing so I know I’m good on feeding levels previously. Continued watering today. Main cola is a monster Right is starting to bud up nicely. Still stretching unfortunately and had to improvise the lighting again which may hurt yield. Fed Tiger Bloom, CaMg and Big Bloom today Humidity is creeping into 70% range due to rainy weather here mixed with watering today. Increased air flow in garage but still humid so got some DampRid to keep in the garage

5 years ago

HogmollyHunter The cola on the one that is stretching is gonna be massive if it fills out!

Day: 65


Continuing flush on left and full flowering feeding using fox farm trio on right

5 years ago

Day: 64

Flushing for close to 2 weeks starting today

5 years ago

Day: 63


Left one is massive. No grow issues whatsoever the entire grow. Right one was not autoflowering so I flipped it 3 weeks ago. Stretched to almost max height

5 years ago

Day: 54


Fattening up nicely! Starting flush on left

5 years ago

Nevoscope What do you flipped it?