1 pot for now

1 pot for now



8/22 Started soak


Day 14 (Week 2)


7 updates

8 photos

Day: 14

2 weeks today!

2 years ago

Day: 11

Day 7

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz 👊😎

Day: 11

Day 9

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Try watering towards the edge of the pot not at the base this will invigorate the roots and get them searching for the moisture big roots=big plants 👊💯😎

Day: 11

Day 12

2 years ago

kenlowsmokes Looking good 😎

Day: 4

Can't believe how fast this auto is growing.

2 years ago

Day: 3

Same picture as yesterday. Forgot to take picture of germination.

2 years ago

Day: 2

Started germination

2 years ago