
Oregon Outdoor Smart Pots


4 Plants: Orange Crush, GSC, Blue Lights & White Rhino. Transplanted into 3 gallon Smart Pots with Great White root powder on start date. 1 inch top layer of Gnat Nix. First Feed: Cal Mag & Water - pH 5.8-6.0


Day 67 (Week 10)

32 updates

174 photos

Day: 67

Guess I missed a few days. I decided to spend more time growing and less time telling y’all about it. It’s been really hot. All four plants seem to be loving it.

6 years ago

Grassvalleygrow Lookin good man

Day: 32


6/12/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 83 Low 54 Sunrise: 5:20am Sunset: 8:58pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots UGH!!! Did I do this?!

6 years ago

Day: 31


6/11/18: Weather: Partly Cloudy Temp: High 73 Low 49 Sunrise: 5:20am Sunset: 8:58pm Feed: 9tsp FloraGro, 2tsp FloraBloom, 2tsp FloraMicro, 4tsp Cal Mag + 4 Gallons Water ph: 5.5 - 6.0 Total Used: 4 Gallons 3 Gallon Smart Pots Fuck!!!!!!Me!!!!!! So I didn’t forget day 29 & 30. I wish I could but I’m now living with the aftermath. What ever they fucking the cause is. 🤬 Day 29 started off fine. Late rain was in the forecast. All we got was a drizzle. Temp dropped down to like 47 though. Day 30 it fucking hails like crazy, the temp never gets above 52, rains pretty much all day, then I find a weird curling of growth tips and brown spots developing. Cue the nervous breakdown. Five hours later it’s spreading. I looked all over Internet and found a millions different reasons. Cold Temps, Deficiency, or Fungus. The Orange Crush is most affected. SSH is as well just less noticeable. GSC and Blue Lights have just one light spot each. I’ve stepped up nutrients and added more Cal/Mag. Sun is supposed to come out today. At this point, patience is my “Mantra” or FML is. 😐

6 years ago

Day: 29


6/9/18: Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Rain Temp: High 63 Low 49 Sunrise: 5:20am Sunset: 8:57pm Feed: N/A Total N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots

6 years ago

Day: 28


6/8/18: Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Rain Temp: High 71 Low 52 Sunrise: 5:21am Sunset: 8:56pm Feed: N/A Total N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Wow!!! What a day. Woke up moved the ladies out to the deck and found a few bugs tucked deep with the new growth. Mixed up some proper soap and water and gave them a good bath. Watched all them critters flush down the stem. So I guess this will be a thing now. Marked a spray bottle “Soap Solution.” Picked up 10 gallon Smart Pots and Runoff Trays from my local “agricultural” store. Haven’t picked up soil yet. Figure I’ll need 4 bags. Need to get caddies too, so I can roll 40 gallons around the deck in a daily basis. Fun! It finally rained today. It hasn’t rain in at least 27 days here. I’m guessing May will prove to be a lot dryer than normal.

6 years ago

Day: 27


6/7/18: Weather: Cloudy Temp: High 75 Low 54 Sunrise: 5:21am Sunset: 8:55pm Feed: N/A Total N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Red Spider Mites!!!! More like one. Seen one while I was pruning Orange Crush this morning. I was able to dispatch quick justice on the insect. With that said, it’s time to start an offensive strategy. Gonna nuke that vine with something and make a diy soap wash to help defend against invasion. Pruned Blue Lights for the first time. Opened up some space for the lower branches to get some sun. I haven’t topped yet. Not sure if I ever will. I may have to at some point. Just not now. GSC and Orange Crush seem to be getting dryer faster. 1 gallon of water a week may need to be increased. Will keep an eye i it.

6 years ago

Day: 26


6/6/18: Weather: Sun Temp: High 81 Low 54 Sunrise: 5:21am Sunset: 8:54pm Feed: N/A Total N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots In the passed few days since I last feed the plants, they have really responded. They seem to be a bit darker green. I’m under the assumption that is good to a degree. I guess what I’m saying is that I was worried they were looking yellower than I liked. Hence the addition of Cal Mag. A vine my roommates have growing on back stairway is covered in red spider mites. They seem to love it. Hopefully they stay over there. Making sure leave debris kept under control and that these insect traps work is on my priority list.

6 years ago

Day: 25


6/5/18: Weather: Sun Temp: High 75 Low 52 Sunrise: 5:21am Sunset: 8:53pm Feed: N/A Total N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Spent most of the day spinning plants to make sure Sun was in line with where I want branches to reach.

6 years ago

Day: 24


6/4/18: Weather: Partly Cloudy Temp: High 68 Low 49 Sunrise: 5:22am Sunset: 8:53pm Feed: 4tsp FloraGro, 2tsp FloraBloom, 2tsp FloraMicro, 1tsp Cal Mag + 4 Gallons Water ph: 5.8 - 6.0 Total Used: 4 Gallons 3 Gallon Smart Pots Pots felt bone dry this morning. I was expecting it considering the last feeding was on day 17. What I wasn’t expecting was for the soil be so dry that it actually pulled away from pot a little bit. Overwatering obviously isn’t an issue. To be honest, it’s trippy at how hard it is to not water them. It’s getting easier to resist urge, just gotta stuck to my schedule. I stepped up the nutrients a smidge. Added a dose of Cal Mag. Training is going well. Still stretching out towards the opposite side of pot. Cleaned the plates I have pots sitting on. Took a look at bottom of pots. A couple of the plants had a few roots poking out the bottom. They look super healthy. Strong and straight. Is this Air Pruning? Perhaps I should put them on rack instead to get air flow across bottom?

6 years ago

Day: 23


6/03/18: Weather: Overcast/Sunny Temp: High 71 Low 51 Sunrise: 5:22am Sunset: 8:52pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Not much happening today. Sun was booming until the end of day. Threaten rain but never did. Smart pots feel dry to the touch. May feed tomorrow depending on soils.

6 years ago

Day: 22


6/02/18: Weather: Sun Temp: High 84 Low 55 Sunrise: 5:23am Sunset: 8:51pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Noticed a small trace of burn on older leaves. To be exact three leaves. 2 days before next feeding. Will watch today. If it progresses I’ll flush immediately. Waiting game now. Sun finally out today. The temperatures will be in the 80’s. Not a cloud in the sky right now. Being able to spin plants in direction I want them to grow is nice, a shit ton of work and dedication, but nice. Training is going well. Blue Lights is laying down nicely. Thinking that on day 24 or 25 I’ll top and defoliate a bit to allow new growth. She is progressing nicely. Not much space between nodes. Very compact. Noticed pin size hole on a leaf on Orange Crush. Plant looks strong. Keeping eye on this. SSH is thickening up. Turning into a proper bush. Next week I’ll start training branches. GSC is doing well. I’m pretty certain I bent her too late. Kinda lopsided growth. Lower growth starting to reach. Prepared to have to stabilize a bit more than others at some point. Fun!

6 years ago

Day: 21


6/01/18: Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Sun Temp: High 73 Low 53 Sunrise: 5:23am Sunset: 8:50pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Found a lady bug tucked up underneath a leave on the Blue Lights. The property owner said they let thousands of these loose each year. They’ve been doing it for like 4 years now. Apparently some of have found a home here. They are kind of are all over the place. I understand they aren’t the silver bullet to stop the evil zombie insect invasion but it’s nice to know they are patrolling the neighborhood. It’s been in the high 40’s at night. In the morning I’ve been feeling the sides of the smart pots to get a gauge on soil/root zone temperatures. Feels moist still, from last feeding on day 17. Cold to the touch as well. Not sure if this is good or not, but I assume it staying cooler will be beneficial when the temps reach the 100’s later in the summer.

6 years ago

Day: 20

5/31/18: Weather: Cloudy/Morning Drizzle Temp: High 65 Low 48 Sunrise: 5:24am Sunset: 8:49pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Shitty day. Sun came out for a few hours. Light rain in the morning didn’t effect plants. This cold weather is bothersome. Plants seem to be ok.

6 years ago

Day: 19

5/30/18: Weather: Partly Cloudy Temp: High 70 Low 49 Sunrise: 5:24am Sunset: 8:49pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Solita RA Everyone! It’s cold as fuck. Acuweather said it was 49 degrees last night. Not sure how this will effect plants. Will keep an eye on them for a few days. Plants look well. Moved ties a bit to pull GSC and SSH more horizontal. Inner growth happening on Orange Crush. Will keep spreading branches outward to open sunlight to middle of plant to promote more inner growth. Plans are in motion to get larger smart pots etc...I’ve also finalized my nutrient plan based on projected daylight hours vs night going forward throughout summer into fall.

6 years ago

Day: 18

5/29/18: Weather: Partly Cloudy Temp: High 68 Low 47 Sunrise: 5:25am Sunset: 8:48pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Noticed a little bit of nutrient burn. Sticky traps are catching bugs. Cloudy day forecasted for today.

6 years ago

Day: 17

5/28/18: Weather: Partly Cloudy Temp: High 73 Low 49 Sunrise: 5:26am Sunset: 8:47pm Feed: 1tsp FloraGro, 1tsp FloraBloom, 1tsp FloraMicro + 4 Gallons Water ph: 5.8 - 6.0 Total Used: 4 Gallons 3 Gallon Smart Pots

6 years ago

Day: 16

5/27/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 80 Low 54 Sunrise: 5:26am Sunset: 8:46pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Couldn’t help myself. Decided to try to train plants a bit more lower. Noticed a few flying bugs lingering around. Picked up the sticky traps at my local shop.

6 years ago

Day: 15

5/26/18: Weather: Cloudy Temp: High 70 Low 50 Sunrise: 5:27am Sunset: 8:45pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Topped SSH last night. Seems to have bounced back already. Leaves turning lighter fast. Adjusting to new life basking in the sunlight. Still waiting on Blue Lights to jump up a bit more before topping. Seems to be producing a low compacted canopy. GSC lower growth is starting to stretch out. Stem is appearing to thicken. Orange Crush is “crushing it” right now. The LST is shaping up very nicely. Lots of training happening to broaden canopy. At the point where I have to let her grow a unstressed for a few days.

6 years ago

Day: 14

5/25/18: Weather: Cloudy Temp: High 72 Low 49 Sunrise: 5:28am Sunset: 8:44pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots Training seems to be working. SSH looks strong. Topped SSH.

6 years ago

Day: 13


5/24/18: Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Sun Temp: High 75 Low 54 Sunrise: 5:29am Sunset: 8:43pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots GSC & Orange Crush reacting well to “LST.” Started “LST” Blue Lights. Update: Eliminated White Rhino (Hermi) Replaced with Super Silver Haze clone.

6 years ago

Day: 12

5/23/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 80 Low 57 Sunrise: 5:29am Sunset: 8:42pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots GSC & Orange Crush seems to be reacted well to “LST.” Will start “LST” & Top White Rhino & Blue Lights tonight. Update: Noticed weirdness with White Rhino, think it’s a “Hermi,” not gonna chance it. Will eliminate and replace with Super Silver Haze clone.

6 years ago

Day: 11

5/22/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 86 Low 58 Sunrise: 5:30am Sunset: 8:41pm Feed: 1tsp FloraGro, 1tsp FloraBloom, 1tsp FloraMicro + 4 Gallons Water ph: 5.8 - 6.0 Total Used: 4 Gallons 3 Gallon Smart Pots Decided to start LST. Topped GSC and Orange Crush.

6 years ago

Day: 10

5/21/18: Weather: Partly Cloudy/Sun Afternoon Temp: High 70 Low 50 Sunrise: 5:31am Sunset: 8:40pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 7 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13.5 Inches Tall GSC: 12.5 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6.5 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 9

5/20/18: Pruned/Clean Up Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Sun Temp: High 70 Low 50 Sunrise: 5:32am Sunset: 8:39pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 7 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13.5 Inches Tall GSC: 12.5 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6.5 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 8

5/19/18: Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Sun Temp: High 74 Low 55 Sunrise: 5:33am Sunset: 8:37pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 7 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13.5 Inches Tall GSC: 12.5 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6.5 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 7

5/18/18: Weather: Cloudy/Afternoon Sun Temp: High 72 Low 54 Sunrise: 5:34am Sunset: 8:36pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 6.5 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13.5 Inches Tall GSC: 12.5 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 6

5/17/18: Weather: Cloudy Temp: High 69 Low 51 Sunrise: 5:35am Sunset: 8:36pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 6 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13 Inches Tall GSC: 12 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 5

5/16/18: Weather: Cloudy Temp: High 67 Low 55 Sunrise: 5:36am Sunset: 8:34pm Feed: N/A Total Used: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 5.5 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13 Inches Tall GSC: 12 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 4

5/15/18: Weather: Morning Clouds/Sunny Temp: High 75 Low 56 Sunrise: 5:37am Sunset: 8:33pm Feed: 1tsp FloraGro, 1tsp FloraBloom, 1tsp FloraMicro + 4 Gallons Water ph: 5.8 - 6.0 Total Used: 3 Gallons 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 5 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13 Inches Tall GSC: 12 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 6 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 3

5/14/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 84 Low 57 Sunrise: 5:38am Sunset: 8:32pm Feed: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 4.5 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13 Inches Tall GSC: 12 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 5 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 2

5/13/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 88 Low 58 Sunrise: 5:40am Sunset: 8:31pm Feed: N/A 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 4.25 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 13 Inches Tall GSC: 12 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 5 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Day: 1

5/12/18: Weather: Sunny Temp: High 80 Low 56 Sunrise: 5:41am Sunset: 8:29pm Feed: Cal Mag & Water pH 5.8-6.0 Plants before Gnat Nix layer applied. 3 Gallon Smart Pots White Rhino: 4 Inches Tall Orange Crush: 12 Inches Tall GSC: 10.5 Inches Tall Blue Lights: 4 Inches Tall

6 years ago

Konnex Are those cuttings?