
First grow

Winter 23/24

Two plants from seed

Double grape

Day 76 (Week 11)


23 updates

61 photos

Day: 76


Full fade on one and the other is starting

5 months ago

Day: 70


Got different PH down hopefully that helps

5 months ago

Day: 66


Pretty sure the issue was nute lock from high pH I think I’ve got it sorted now

5 months ago

Day: 62


Some issues not totally sure what it is but some burnt tips

5 months ago

Day: 57

Looking good Scrog net stuck in mail so I’m using twine

5 months ago

Day: 55


Changes more than you realize

5 months ago

RoMag They look exquisite!!! You have a very nice set up. Your plants sure enjoy their environment.

Day: 53


No update. They are drinking lots

5 months ago

Day: 47

Plants are possibly stressed after the move some spotting on leafs

6 months ago

Day: 45

Moved plants downstairs

6 months ago

Day: 42

Been out of town wife is taking care of them. I think I stressed the one on the right out and it went to flower early

6 months ago

Day: 33

Looking good

6 months ago

Day: 33

Leaves getting trics

6 months ago

Day: 28

Definitely was underfeeding, replanted one and added a top dress and mulch to the other. I have only bottom waterd plant on right

6 months ago

Day: 23

Replanted one of the girls, same stain but quite different structures.

6 months ago

Day: 22

Moved light up to top of tent further from plants and increased intensity

6 months ago

Day: 20

Thinking about staring to LST. Noting some discolouration on leaf margins

6 months ago

Day: 19

No changes

7 months ago

Houston! How far have you been keeping your lights ?

pady Too close but dimmed I just pulled them up

Houston! I’m just asking because it looks really great ! And I’ve been having a hard time getting a good distance

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Day: 17

Still top watering

7 months ago

Day: 16


7 months ago

Day: 15

Watering every other day

7 months ago

Day: 14

Moving along for week two

7 months ago

Day: 11

Second spout came late

7 months ago

Day: 1

First sprout

7 months ago