

Str8 Jelly


Plated 5 seeds 4 popped And 3 made it to transplant.

Feminized seeds

Day 106 (Week 16)

18 updates

36 photos

Day: 106


The girls are looking good. The fade is starting. And my dude Doug is guarding the girls!

3 years ago

Day: 100


Starting to bulk up

3 years ago

Day: 90

Day 30 in flower getting frosty!

3 years ago

Jenny 95

Jenny 95 Let’s help others not to fall into scam vendors online by sharing this website which is the most reliable online https://smithsmokehub.com

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Day: 85


25 days of flower! They are super stinky!

3 years ago

Day: 77


Coming up on the 3rd week of flower… these girls are a new strain so who know how long I have left. Looking like at least 70 more days lol

3 years ago

Day: 72


Girls looking happy!

3 years ago

Day: 68

Week one of flower complete. Only 9 more to go lol

3 years ago


Mayo239420 They finna stretch fast

Day: 64

Man I love my girls thickkk!!! Look at all those top spots!

3 years ago


sewerg36 F yea bro looking deeecent fs what medium and food you running


dabsRus420 I use coco and I use mills nutes. I bottom feed my girls. They like to suck !! Lmao 🤣🤣


sewerg36 F yea I’m also in coco and mills

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Day: 62

Second day of flower and man that canopy is looking bomb!!! Also my coco is alive!!!

3 years ago


dabsRus420 The fact that I have mycelium growing on my coco surface is a wonderful thing and it shows that my coco is alive and healthy!! It is a beneficial fungi because it’s white. It is NOT a mold that will negatively impact my flower. In fact, it will help my plant to fight off some diseases. Not to say you can’t get a disease but just that healthy medium is a great deterrent.


IGrowHowIGrow Nice thick stalk.


dabsRus420 Thanks man I like my girls thickk!!

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Day: 60

Switched to flower today!

3 years ago


growin4thepham Amazing canopy. Great SCROGing


dabsRus420 Thanks growmie!!


Mayo239420 Hell yea, that’s one hell of a canopy

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Day: 59

Switching to 12/12 tomorrow.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice 👍

Day: 55

Lollipop for the last time . Gonna give it a couple more days then she is going to flower.

3 years ago

stuffedbubble Looks great!

Day: 54

Net is almost filled. Switching to 12/12 October 1st for a full 60 day veg. Took clones last week

3 years ago


lettuce97 plantussassassssssy❤️


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Just a tip growmie, if ur want to properly scrog then u should flip already. Waiting until it’s full makes no sense and leaves u without space for the stretch


Mystrain420-@eaegifts They look good btw

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Day: 49

Screen is almost full. Gonna take clones tomorrow.

3 years ago

apawishes86 Wtf! Lol how many plants is that’s lol


dabsRus420 3 plants.


dabsRus420 Posting a video now

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Day: 40

Added first net. Gonna veg till it’s filled out then swap to flower then add second net

3 years ago

Day: 33

Defoliation of the lower leaves.

3 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts They look great, very uniform training and thickness in the stems. 👍🏾👍🏾


dabsRus420 Thanks man. Actually there is very little training if any lol. Just pure great genetics. I only topped once to keep them at the same height.


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Damn fine genetics rite there. I know tied wit the coco u about to have a great yield 👍🏾

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Day: 25

Topped today

3 years ago

Day: 23

Getting ready to top in the next couple days

3 years ago