

Tangerine Dream

Winter 2021 January start

5 gallon fabric pot with organic living soil amended with a 4-4-4 dry blend, worm castings, and presoaked orbeez

Tangerine Dream - Barney’s Farm

Day 176 (Week 26)

23 updates

43 photos

Day: 176

Oh what could have been. Harvested her on day 170 due to a spider might issue she didn’t bulk out. I’m just happy I saved any of her.

3 years ago

Day: 145


Looking good. Watered in some Dr Earth bud and bloom. Cant wait for her to start bulking up.

3 years ago

Day: 131


She is a really heavy drinker. Did some under skirt clean up

3 years ago

Day: 128


This girl is a total drama queen 👑 but she’s beautiful!

3 years ago

Day: 119

Stretching nicely

3 years ago

Day: 108

Flipped to 12/12

3 years ago

Day: 86

Defoliated. Lst and super cropped. Top dressed and watered in worm castings and a 3-9-4 bud and bloom fertilizer

3 years ago

Day: 83

Getting some light burn. She needs to be cleaned up and moved to flower sometime in the next week.

3 years ago

john spraggins

john spraggins What light do you use? Very healthy girl you got keep up the great work

Day: 73

She’s a bit droopy because I let her dry out too much. I’m sure she’ll bounce back quickly.

3 years ago


Mr.BlueGrow My question is why would you let her dry out


Mr.BlueGrow The only time that you should let her dry out is if you’re Transporting her into a bigger pot or your going to start drying or curing


latalbo Drying her out wasn’t my plan. She’ll be no worse for wear. I may only be a year into growing weed but I’ve been gardening in general for over a decade. Plants, especially marijuana, are very resilient. 🤓

Day: 58

Looking good. May start some lst...

3 years ago

Day: 51

I’m really happy with how she’s doing. Debating on topping her again

3 years ago

Day: 46


3 years ago

Day: 40

Moved to her final pot and topped her yesterday.

3 years ago


TwoScoops152 Looking good!

Day: 37

She’s getting somewhere

3 years ago

Day: 33

Coming along

3 years ago

Day: 29


3 years ago

Day: 23

💙 transplanted to next pot size up.

3 years ago

gunruezfinest Beautiful

Day: 16

She’s perfect!

4 years ago


pandalover Do you use mycorrhizal fungi for your grows?


latalbo It’s in the soil I mix up. The thin layer of white in top I s one of my favorite things to see when I open my soil bin. ☺️

Day: 12

Pushing out her second set of true leaves

4 years ago

Day: 9

Tiny and pale

4 years ago

Day: 5

Standing up straight

4 years ago


TwoScoops152 Is this an Auto or Photoperiod?


latalbo Photo period


TwoScoops152 Cool I just got some Tangerine Dream Auto from G.C.C recently.

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Day: 2

Put in soil

4 years ago

Day: 0

Seed in moist paper towel

4 years ago