
Big Nugs SCROG

Summer 2020

One plant started from seed in a Rapid Rooter and then germinated in a hot house


Day 92 (Week 14)

16 updates

18 photos

Day: 92

Momma plant goes into grow she’d in two weeks

4 years ago

Day: 85

Last transplanted on 3/17

4 years ago

Day: 70

Trimmed and topped (10 weeks from germination)

4 years ago

Day: 46

Mother plant

4 years ago

Day: 44

No comment

4 years ago

Day: 40

Taking trim to make clones

4 years ago

Day: 39

Mother plant under 16/8 lights 8 inches tall

4 years ago

Day: 36

Under 16/8 lights transplant soon

4 years ago

Day: 28

Under 16/8 lights

4 years ago

Day: 26

Under 16/8 lights

4 years ago

Day: 22

Week 2 under 16/8 lights

4 years ago

Day: 20

Under 16/8 lights

4 years ago

Day: 17

Under 16/8 lights

4 years ago

Ellie Temp at 70

Day: 14

Under lights 16/8 in soil

4 years ago

Day: 11

Root system on this mother plant is not quite ready for soil.

5 years ago

Day: 7

This one seed was grown in a Rapid Rooter under 24 hours a day in a hot house. Mild nutrients Day 11 roots almost ready for the soil

5 years ago