
Second Auto Run

Winter 2019

All in 3 gal. fabric pots except Dark purple, she’s in a 2 gal. fabric pot. Under Electric Sky ES300. Soil is a mixture of Dr. Earth Homegrown potting soil and some recycled Happy Frog soil, and coco coir amended with dry organic amendments and Nature’s Living Soil for autos.

Mamba Negra, Thunder Bloody Mary, Taison, CBG Auto, Dark Purple

Day 23 (Week 4)

4 updates

10 photos

Day: 23

1/20/19. Started low stress training.

6 years ago

Day: 18

1/15/19. TBM sprouted on 1/10. CBG Auto is growing slowly

6 years ago

dpcuda360 All others doing nicely

Day: 8

1/5/19. ES300 at 60%, 48 inches from the canopy. DP, MN, Taison all doing well. 3.5, 4.5, and 4.5 inches respectively. I f’d up the Thunder Bloody Mary seeding, so i dropped a new seed of the same strain on 1/5. On the up side, the CBG Auto sprouted.

6 years ago

Day: 4

1/1/19. TBM, MN, Taison and Dark Purple all sprouted over the course of 3 days, CBG Auto did not sprout. Dropped a second seed on 1/1/19.

6 years ago