

5 Uknown Seeds


Began Germination on 5 Unknown Seeds at Approximately 1710 PST


Day 191 (Week 28)

12 updates

38 photos

Day: 191


Some of the finished product one more plant to go

2 years ago


organic_grower Nice work! Looks great 👌

Day: 187


Will be harvesting early as you can see there are some nutrient problems already know what they are their excess phosphorus but nothing I’ve tried is working so I’m going to harvest them a little early I’ve already harvested one plant pictures coming soon

2 years ago

Day: 145


Havent updated in a month got some excess phosphorus Deficiencies going on but overall they’re looking great they’re on a strict water diet now they should be ready by end of next month

2 years ago

Day: 117

So ik this is from over watering im just wondering will it shake back in time for harvest

2 years ago


Caliban It will recover. Let her dry out a bit


KingDaNovice so come to find out it was under watering

Day: 94


i think there coming along nice for my second grow 😌

2 years ago

Day: 78


Started Flowering on the 1st lets see how this goes 😊

2 years ago

Day: 74


flower day 🥰😍😋😌

2 years ago

Day: 60

feb 1 come on lol

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts That’s flip day ? Me too 😁

Day: 45

i say give it 5 more days before i start flowering

3 years ago

420chris I would wait another week or 2 until they fill out the pots


KingDaNovice yea i thought about that after i updated it ima wait until the first


jocko540 Definitely wait a couple weeks minimum

View 3 additional comments

Day: 39


What a journey this is

3 years ago

Day: 12

Will be ready for a transplant soon

3 years ago


bjbetty Where did you get it from


KingDaNovice There unknown seeds from some good stuff i got prior

Day: 6

Thriving well

3 years ago