
My first attemp to grow

First grow

Germinated my seed by soaking in water till the root tip came out and planted in “a pot for a pots” small grow kit fabric pot which came with nutrients for the soil on February 25. Tried a grow light but had no luck since it still was still too cold and I didn’t have any way to control the temperature. After putting outside about 2-3 days later I had my sprout. I struggle controlling temperature and have gotten a new light, but I do put her outside a few hours and then transfer back inside to finish her hours

Northern lights autoflowering

Day 80 (Week 12)

21 updates

35 photos

Day: 80

Lil budding plant

3 years ago

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 Nice, outdoors? 🔥

Day: 59

Redid my lst and trimmed some of the larger fan leaves so the plant would send the energy elsewhere. She started to bud, but I have my lights on a 20/4 and she apparently said fuck it. Gonna still hold off on changing to 12/12. I got the deficiency’s goneeee let’s gooooo. (For anyone new, my plant got stunted because I didn’t have a bright enough light and had too cold of temps in my set up! Watch out for that stuff)

3 years ago

stoned Thank you Troy farms!

Day: 55

Finally big enough for some lst

3 years ago

Day: 53

Got some yellowing going on the leaves, I think I may have brought the ph down, will have to check to make sure run off is 6.3

3 years ago

Day: 52

Looks like she’s either trying to start flower, or just really wants to show me she’s a female. Either way right now her soils ph is at 9, looking for the best way to bring down that ph without sending her into shock. Her leaves are very dry as well, not sure if that is normal or just because she’s thirsty and at a low humidity

3 years ago


mystrain420 If her age is correct then yea she should show sex by now. As for the soil ph I’m not 109% sure if garden lime would work but I use it when I mix my coco yo bring ph to 6.0 on other thing I can think of on the spot is flushing with a low ph to bring it down

stoned Age is correct, just looks like she is starting to flower on the top two branches. Right now I’m trying very very low doses of hydrangea soil acidifier, reccomended with that is a tablespoon I’m only doing half cause I haven’t seen anyone use it for cannabis and seeing how she responds. I flushed and rephed and it’s at 7 now.. thinking I may need a new ph reader

Day: 49


Starting to fill out, still small. I have her on a 18-6 cycle right now and some outdoor light a few hours every day. Gave nutes today

3 years ago


mystrain420 Lst and she’ll get huge.

Day: 45

Transplanted to a 1 gallon pot(tall fabric) yesterday and am happy to say she was not affected, I’ve struggled with transplanting before so I was worried! Still not sure about the leaf with the mark on it, can’t tell if it’s something eating it, a deficiency, or just wear and tear from how I have to take it out of the set up for watering.

3 years ago


ChasingTerps Nothing is wrong with the plant it looks great.

Day: 44

Is this a deficiency? It’s only on the one leaf

3 years ago

stoned I was thinking maybe very yearly mites, will be getting neem oil tomorrow to get on top of it, thank you Troy farms!

Day: 43


All the nodes have new leaves and branches forming, also I think she’s starting to show sex, I definitely stunted growth early on, just glad she’s coming along and showing such big differences everyday

3 years ago

Day: 41


She responded very quickly to being topped, gave recharge, a little bit of worm castings and a quarter gallon of water, boomed this morning! I had to trim some of the lower leave that had been affected by over watering a few days ago and adjusted my watering schedule. Last picture is from a few days ago when I topped! So happy to see her booming, she has been a slow grow so far, I don’t think it’s an auto

3 years ago

Day: 37


Topped for the first time, didn’t remove new growth from the node

3 years ago

Day: 36

New growth every day, had some slight over watering ended up cutting off the first leaves to break soil since they were dying

3 years ago

Day: 32

Normal or overwatering?

3 years ago


noobnomore44 Are you growing this out doors?

Day: 28

I have new growth coming in on every node and kind wanna help that grow, gently guiding the leaves down to expose the new growth more. Let me know what ya think?

3 years ago

stoned Thank you Troy farms, I’m waiting another week or so to top

Day: 27

Used real growers recharge(something kinda like cal mag) and wow did this girl love it! So glad to be seeing results

3 years ago

Day: 25

Sunlight yesterday did her good, two new fan leaves already growing in one night. My ph is slightly high, I’ve heard coffee grounds are a good way to get the soil to be slightly more acidic when mixed with normal soil

3 years ago


gregg01f Possibly needs a little cal mag from advice I have received mate, leaves look a little light green.


SHG 👊🔥🙌

Day: 24

Letting her get some outdoor heat and sun, while she’s growing under the light I have I think it’s still too low and might have caused some stretch the past week. Happy to see any growth in my make shift tent though

3 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 23

Starting to see some better growth now that the heats going up and I got a fan for my grow space, really happy to actually see the growth in each picture/ journal I post

3 years ago


SHG 🔥🙌

Day: 16

Hoping she’s doing good, seems like she’s growing slow, but I do see growth so I’m glad she’s not stunted

3 years ago


cutty Looking good ! be careful not to over water

Day: 11

Moved indoor with a new light, just need to find a way to control temperature inside without a growtent

3 years ago

Day: 7

This is going to be my first grow and for such I chose autoflowering and am going to be doing outdoors. I have a grow light but it’s not strong enough, nor do I have a grow tent/ am not able to get one. This is at day 7 and she’s already looking happy, just hoping not to stunt her growth since it can get chilly at night. Currently have plastic bags over to act as a green house, please let me know any good tips you may know!

4 years ago