
Random seeds FIRST REAL GROW!!!!

January 2020

Started this grow with random seeds and also random lights around the house, after first few days Iset up a Giixer 1000 watt LED along with another cheap online LED panel . Using flora trio for Nutrients . First grow , feedback is welcomed plzzzzz and thanks 🙏🏾

Random pack

Day 79 (Week 12)

31 updates

80 photos

Day: 79


Haven’t updated in over a month but here ya go

4 years ago

Day: 39

All stars growing on ALL STAR WEEKEND !

4 years ago

Day: 38

Watching Brooklyn 99 with me . Lmao Jake screaming #5 in Ahmad Rashads voice 😂😂😂

4 years ago

Day: 37

The lst is working imo .

4 years ago

Day: 36

Actual light

4 years ago

Day: 35


White pistils forming all over

4 years ago

Day: 34


4 years ago

Day: 33


Defoliated her . Had too .

4 years ago

Day: 32

Stretching a little

4 years ago

Day: 31


Pistils ! She’s starting to flower . The others not showing yet .

4 years ago

Day: 30

Getting large ! Got some neem oil in today , researching researching researching to make sure before I use it

4 years ago

Day: 29


4 years ago

Day: 28


Need help guys n gals . I don’t know what this shiny shit is on here . I dunno if it’s thirps or not . I ordered some neem oil . What y’all think ? I’m pissed . Was going problem free for a good little while .

4 years ago


Walty Any chance you can get a picture under natural light?


Walty Are you foliar feeding at all?

TaylorMaan @walty thanks for helping bro ! I’ll take a pic right now I just got home from work. I’ll actually do a post . I’ve been slacking past 2 days .

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Day: 27

Getting bigger ! More pistols showing up on big mama . Third plant hasn’t shown sex yet . Needs to be a she .

4 years ago

Day: 26


Starting to see pistils on the big gal so that’s GREAT news after yesterday’s nonsense . I wish I had room for another tent so I can grow the male and get more seeds .

4 years ago

Day: 25

Horrible news Got a fuccin dude in here ... smh . Gotta get rid of him soon but I’m just making sure before hand

4 years ago

TaylorMaan That’s def a male right ?

19CLG77 OH, yes it sure is. Very common when growing from seeds

TaylorMaan Damn man I want to keep him for more seeds but tht means another tent and intake system 😐😐😐 . The budget is real lol

Day: 24

Topping seems to be going well so far think we did it early on enough . Fingers crossed 🤞🏾.

4 years ago

Day: 23

It’s going well for the big 3 ! Lil mama in the back is going but just super slow . Curious to see how she grows . But as for the others , I’m super psyched to watch them grow and how they develop .

4 years ago

Day: 22


Ladies lookin good to me ! Especially considering how they started and all the different stages they’ve been going through . They’re literally growing along with me as a grower because I knew absolutely nothing coming in! pH still between 6.4-6.7 . Feeding CalMag and floratrio (micro, grow, bloom) every other watering . Also hit them with a compost tea today . Organic Mal , wormcastings , alfalfa meal , kelp meal and bat guano ! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

4 years ago

Day: 20


Girls are looking fantastic , well 3 of them . Shorty in the back was definitely damaged during the transfer to the 3 gallon and she’s super stunted . Any recommendations? Starting some LLST , theyre young and I figured they’re autos a couple days ago which was a pleasant surprise . Topped the big one on a whim. Hopefully I did it early enough not to stunt her fine ass .

4 years ago

Day: 19


VIVOSUN 4x2 has LANDEDDDD !!! AC infinity 4” carbon filter and 4” vivosun inline fan here as well!!! Set this up in no time B !!! Smilin like Christmas morning folks

4 years ago

Day: 17

Grow tent should be here any day now . Fans came in today . Still watering , with low nutes at pH between 6.4-6.7 . Also , my newest grow light came in !!! Pulls 385 from the wall !!!

4 years ago

Day: 15

I love what I’m seeing from them . Starting to get excited !!!

4 years ago

Day: 14

They are doing well In their new medium ! Loving the extra light as well .

4 years ago

Day: 13


OK!!! Both lights are up , girls have been transported into 3 gallon fabric pots filled with FFOF let’s go !!!! The two that aren’t fairing too well I’m leaving in the mini pots .

4 years ago

Day: 12

Seem to be doing much better ! Tomorrow my second led and my FFOF touchdown !!! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

4 years ago

Day: 11


Day 11 , some growth , some leaf yellowage , does anyone know wtf type of weed plant is the one in the front middle ? Seriously wtf lol .

4 years ago

Day: 10


Some of the minis are struggling ... this is actually day 9 as well . I Fd up with the dates.

4 years ago

Day: 10


Actual day 10 lol still awaiting packages from amazon . Non patiently . Antsy as hell to get this thing actually goin . Started on a whim like fuck it Lemmie germinate these seeds n see what’s up . Now I’m getting INTOO IT

4 years ago

Day: 9


Getting bigger . Still waiting on my FFOF , grow tent and better lights . Literally learning on the go and hitting amazon every few extra dollars I can get lol 😏

4 years ago

Day: 3

Added some Mylar to the closet and also transferred out of the solo cups into cheap little mini pots I got at the dollar store . Looking to transfer to 3 gallons in the coming couple weeks . The little minis are loving actual light lol . My temps have been ideal so far as well . 78 degrees and 55 percent humidity . Thinking about giving a mini dose of Nutes in a couple days . My ph down should b here any day now .

5 years ago


leland3471 Id be super careful giving nutes without a correct ph. Those little guys are super fragile atm.

Dukeshaba Ya man I wouldn’t give them anything yet

TaylorMaan Thanks guys I added MINIMAL but it didn’t seem to hurt them toooo badly , they def felt it the next few days

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