
Peyote WIFI

2nd grow

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Day 34 (Week 5)

8 updates

8 photos

Day: 34

Tha plant had 24h of darkness cause of Electrical difficulties so I’m pretty sure it’s flowing. What do y’all think?

5 years ago

Day: 29

Looking great feeding her organic grow nutritions at half strength.

5 years ago

Day: 18

She is looking lovely. Her bottom leaves are a little yellow so ima start giving her nutrition tomorrow.

5 years ago

Day: 8

She is looking good opened some more vents to let more air in

5 years ago

Day: 4

Looking good

5 years ago

Day: 2

Looking good

5 years ago

Day: 1

Put Tha plant in coco coir mix with perlite and earthworm castings. Watered with ph balanced water. Tha grow set-up I’m using is a 4 by 8 gorilla grow with a 1000w led grow light.

5 years ago

F.R8NK Can I get soil from Home Depot

Day: 1

Looking good(day 2)

5 years ago