

First Grow!

Indoor 600 watt LED

My first proper grow. I've had outdoor auto-flowers but they are not amazing. So it's a tent indoors with 600 watt LED.

Vanilla Kush

Day 125 (Week 18)

35 updates

90 photos

Day: 125

Trimmed today, gonna give it one day drying on the tray then jar it tomorrow. I'll weight it in a couple of weeks when I'm close to the curing done. Exiting times.

3 years ago


MrStopPlayin Nice πŸ’ͺ🏿πŸ’ͺ🏿

Day: 116


Day 72🌻. After two days of darkness they have been cut and hung. The room smells heaven.

3 years ago


bigsammy Beautiful


pigmisser Thanks man.

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Very nice πŸ‘

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Day: 102


Day 58 🌻. Getting frustrating now🀣. They are happily going along, little sign of milking nevermind any amber. They're getting heavy though, had to start stringing them up as they are growing outwards rather than upwards.

3 years ago


JG705 Looking like some πŸ”₯πŸ’¨


pigmisser Innit boss. Just the these last couple of weeks have been torture. After finishing, drying and curing I don't think this will be ready till December. Looking at these fat buds I'm rattling.


JG705 I hear yah, I’m week 7 of flower today, had slow growth in veg, bad ph, I’m getting ancy too πŸ˜‘

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Day: 96


Day 51 🌻. Gotta be close now. Been checking and everything is still clear, no ambering so not yet. Getting inpatient because they smell heaven.

3 years ago


pigmisser Thanks man, getting their ain't they.


bigsammy Yes they are looking amazing

Day: 89


Day 44 🌻. All going good, They fruit flies are all but gone now and the girls are doing their thing. I reckon they'll go another two weeks.

3 years ago


Mystrain420-@eaegifts Nice growmie πŸ‘πŸΎ


pigmisser Thanks πŸ‘

Day: 86

Day 41 🌻. Just had to make a little apple cider vinegar trap as I saw about four fruit flies titting about my plants. I've also disturbed the soil. I must have over watered and I noticed a couple of leaves I'd pruned dropped onto the soil, so they must have been well happy with their new home. After this run, because I dont want to use any chemicals, I'll clean clean tent down and the next lot I grow will have a layer of gravel on top of the soil. We live and learn innit.

3 years ago

Peng Welsh cockles, nice one 😎


pigmisser They way forwardπŸ‘Œ

Peng Food grade diatomaceous earth m8 not gravel!

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Day: 82

Day 37 🌻. All looking lovely, getting the odd strand of orange through them too. I've stopped the spot problem with a flush, I'll go back to feeding next week.

3 years ago

Peng Beautiful 😎


pigmisser Nice one manπŸ‘

Day: 80

Day 35 🌻. Looking good for the most part but I've got a few leaves with tiny spots of yellow. I reckon I've over fed them because I've read that Vannilla Kush craves the magnesium. I'm gonna flush them for a week and see if it halts it. If not it could be a deficiency and I'll give them more nutes. First grow so it was never gonna be without hiccups.

3 years ago


steezykayla Can you take a pic of the yellowing? Since you’re in flower Id say it prob needs cal mag


steezykayla Over feeding or β€œnutrient burn” looks like the very tips of the leaves are burnt dry and crusty and pretty easy to identify


pigmisser Just added boss...

Day: 77

Day 32 🌻. Another feed and all is looking good.

3 years ago


bigsammy Now that looks like a real deal set up


pigmisser Thanks man, it's starting to look like weed now rather than just a plant in my bedroom🀣.


bigsammy 🀣🀣🀣🀣I bet she don’t smell like the plant in your bedroom

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Day: 75

Day 30 🌻. Had to drill some hooks into the support bar in my tent to raise the light as they go for a final stretch. I would have got a pull system but the bungies have been alright so far.

3 years ago

Peng Yo! I couldn’t see your comment about U.K. weed on @badkarma’s update, but I moved away from there to get decent weed. Yer right about they’d sell his mouldy grow 1.4g in a 20 bag. Living there was painful!


pigmisser It's proper bad man and it's getting worse. The only thing you can smoke that's alright is cheese and I'm sick to death of it. Hence this first grow, which is going great and it's all for me 😁 πŸ‘Œ

Peng Damn I wish I coulda got cheese, it was all stardawg I hate smoking that! I followed you so I can keep up with the situation, it was awful before I left 3 years ago. I dread to think what brexit and lockdown has done. I bet it’s pure survival on the streets.

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Day: 71

Day 26🌻. Feeding with potash, calmag and molasses. Turned the light off for some pictures for a change.

3 years ago

Day: 68

Day 23🌻. Alternating between water and feed each day, only a litre in each pot. No problems and all looking good.

3 years ago

Day: 63

Day 18🌻. Final cut back today to make sure the lower bud sites get some light, also another feeding. Starting to all look and smell good, really looking forward to these. I have ordered some auto jack herer today to give autos a try. Just to work out the yield/time difference. Been considering getting a dry herb vape pen, are they any good or should I just stick with a bong?

3 years ago

Day: 62

Day 17 🌻. Bud sites showing themselves now.

3 years ago

Day: 58

Day 13 🌻. Feed, magnesium and calcium, potash and molasses. All looking good.

3 years ago

Day: 56

Day 11 🌻. Starting to see spears now and they are reaching up to the next lot of netting, so they've recovered from their super cropping.

3 years ago

Day: 50

Day 5 🌻. First of two big defoliations, scared me doing it to be fair, seems severe. But this should produce bigger buds as they'll have a rest now and come back fighting. 🀞

3 years ago

Day: 45

A bit of trimming, switched over to Flower 🌼 and second net put in ready for some fat buds 🀞. STOP THE PRESS! Just discovered that I've so far had my lights on 24hrs! I didn't check the 4 hours they were meant to be off as that's when I'm asleep. Switching over to 12hrs and I noticedπŸ™„. With just one day of some darkness, for rest, they have shot right up. Well, at least I'll know to check next time.

3 years ago

Day: 38

Just getting the netting ready. Gotta say, I'm deffo going to do four next time.

4 years ago

Day: 36

Cut a couple of the fan leaves that were just getting in the way. I've also started a bit more training with pipecleaners. Reckon I'm not far off putting some netting across, as soon as its reached I'll switch to flower.

4 years ago

Day: 32

Getting bushy, lots of new growth.

4 years ago

Day: 29

Some more training, I'm waiting on some pipe cleaners from ebay but I didn't want them to get too big before then so I've gone for some twist and bend action. I'm gonna see how they grow, but I reckon next time I'll just go for four plants.

4 years ago

Day: 29

First of the tie downs done. I'm planning on circling the main branch a bit like a crescent moon πŸŒ™. Just practicing for when I put four plants in next time.

4 years ago

Day: 27

Re-potted, light raised and the bottom fan turned on for the stalks as they are very much stronger than when I last tried.

4 years ago

Day: 26

Nipped the top off both today, first lot of training through the veg state. Gonna have a look at re-potting them this week too as they are starting to get in the way of each other.

4 years ago

Day: 23

Still on the root boost, I'll keep them on that till flowering. Growing nice and bushy and not too leggy.

4 years ago

Day: 17

Raised the light today, they are still not strong enough to have the fan directed straight at them and they are still on root boost with de-chlorinated water.

4 years ago

Day: 15

Some sudden growth.

4 years ago

Day: 12

Extra leaves developing now. Had to move the fan from directly blowing on them, they're a bit week for that yet.

4 years ago

Day: 12

All looking good.

4 years ago

Day: 9

They're loving life and growing strong. The fan giving them a little wiggle of strength as they grow.

4 years ago

Day: 7

And out they have popped! They look a little darker than I'm used to but that could well be the lighting. It's on now boys.

4 years ago

Day: 6

A good amount of growth last night, as the seeds popped. They should shed their seed today and I'll get to see those beautiful leaves.

4 years ago

Day: 2

Just put a fan in, making sure they are watered. No sprouting yet, but that's to be expected. Ordered some supplements and what not from Amazon for flowering as I already have root booster for the veg stage. Oh yes and some de-chlorinator for the water.

4 years ago

Day: 1

I've set the lights, sorted the ventilation and have now planted two vanilla kush seeds from Barney's. It's my first indoor grow and first proper grow really, so any and all advice will be happily excepted.

4 years ago