
First Ever Grow- FINISHED

White Widow Fem-Auto 1

Crop King Seeds ordered 5 got 7 seeds total. Finished season with 2.45 oz of smokable bud from two plants!

White Widow Indica Dominate/Sativa/Ruderalis

Day 88 (Week 13)

81 updates

302 photos

Day: 88

9/7/19 Dry weight 2.45 oz so I’m happy with that. It’s not as much as I expected. Was expecting over 3 oz but I will take 2.45 oz any day of the week! Smoked some yesterday evening and I’ve never been so high in my life I think! I only smoked what had fallen off .05 oz which I added Freaking amazing weed!!! Should be jarring them up today. It got me as high as I’ve ever been yesterday when I smoked my first j from this crop!!! Got some 2 way boveda humidity packs to put in the jars for 58% rh. Not sure if I still need to burp the jars since I’m using humidity packets. Please comment if you know!!! Thanks again to everyone who made this crop happen. My success has been in part due to the advice I got along the way. Will be starting a second run really soon, gotta wait to get more soil now. Then I’ll be planting new seedlings again 💪🏻

5 years ago

Day: 81


8/31/19 Cut the girls down yesterday afternoon and trimmed all night. Trichomes aren’t what I want them to be but I was afraid if I didn’t go ahead and harvest them I would be really messing them up. Hope it wasn’t a mistake but I am listening to you all and trusting your experience to guide me. I’m exhausted but wanted to go ahead and post these pictures up so everyone can see the girls are about 90% trimmed & are now hanging up drying as of this post. All the trim is in a bag in my freezer for now. Not sure what I’ll do with it but at least I have it. I threw everything in the bag big fan leaves and all. Was way too tired to keep trimming, so I will let them dry and finish trimming another time. Got to use my trimmers, cutter, and my trimming trey. It caught some of the crystals (or kief) and didn’t know what to do with it so I just ate it all. Feeling pretty okay but that may be in part from my pain meds I took earlier as well lol There really isn’t as much bud as I thought it was. I’m going to be really hades press to make this last me till my next harvest. May take me a while to get enough grown to make it last me. I thought I would have 4-5 ounces with this run, but I don’t think I’ll be getting that much from the looks of things. It’s going to be tough stretching this batch, but I’ve been without any smoke for several months now. It’s better than nothing I guess. I’m thankful for what I have so far for sure! Guess we will be going dark for the next week or more. We will be back posting again when it’s ready to be jarred. Not really thinking it’s going to last long enough to properly cure to be 100% real with ya 😂

5 years ago

Robibus Probably for the best. Your next grow will get better. Dude! I hope your joking about the keif. You don’t eat it! Unless it’s decarb that to activate it. What I do is toss it on a bowl and smoke it. With a good screen in my bong I smoke it pure. Burn it slow. You can get much more keif than you got from trimming if you got a screen built in that tray. I’m not sure what you got. I got a picture what I use on my last update, I just harvested. Dry that sugar trim, freeze and shake. Google is your friend too. You’ll get lots of answers for stuff your unsure about.

CBD Well I guess I just got sorta tired of finding so much mixed up information about growing cannabis that I lost faith in “google” to help me much further and just learn from experience and people that offer support here and I decided what is best vs what I’ve read/heard from there. So yeah I did eat it. Lesson learned. I didn’t get a whole bunch of keif from wet trimming. I froze all the trimmings and they are in the freezer still. Not sure what I’ll do with them just yet. Haven’t got that far in my researching- been overwhelmed by all my research I’ve done! The plants are still drying. I keep checking on them. No cracking branches yet.

Robibus Yes you will get 8 different answers when you ask 10 different people. While every way might work, it depends on other factors. It’s confusing but you will find your grove after a few grows and see what works better for you. You always learn as you go Keif is the same as weed, you have to decarb it to activate it for it to give the effect. This is done via heat. Heat when you smoke it, or decarbing it in the oven at a low temp. You don’t get too much from the trimming process. This is what I do and it works quite well. See my last update. There’s a picture after a keif shake. The trim is dried, freezing helps but is not needed at that point once it’s dried. I put it in that container with a coin (quarter). There’s a 120micron screen on top. I flip it over glass and all and shake. If you got a flat screen tray the. You get a card and gently work it knocking the crystals off through the screen. You won’t get all and don’t try. You will start to get plant material after working it a few times. At that point I use the rest for a green dragon tinture This keif I think is great for bowl toppers or just pure. You will not get a better hit. Keif is as pure as your gonna get unless your making shatter. You can use it for edibles, just remember to decarb it first.

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Day: 80


8/30/19 Week 12 from seed Yesterday I got confirmation twice I should shut down the grow on these girls, so I switched the lights off around 5PM yesterday. Got the microscope today, it’s so freakin hard to see anything at all with it, but I was able to catch quick glimpses of the trichomes here and there. Most trichomes I saw were either clear, some were cloudy and very few were turning Amber. I could hardly catch a glimpse of them. I’ll keep trying. I thought for the “indica” to be dominant- to get the couch lock I’m looking for, the trichomes need to be amber and not nearly all clear or cloudy!? So at this moment I’m very very confused where to go from here now! Please advise me if you can/will! Need a consensus.

5 years ago

Robibus Well you are correct, however my personal experience is you don’t need to wait till amber. I wait till a few amber Those digital microscopes are a pain to use. You can’t hold it, can’t have any airflow or movement. When I used it I just snipped a sample and put it on the table to look at. Jewelers loupe works great for me now. Your problem is them dying before harvest. You seem to be on your plants. Honestly if it was me, this is what I’d do. Anything with dying sugar leaves you need to chop. You never want your bud turning yellow. As for other bud sites with healthier looking leaves you can let them go a bit longer and see how it goes watching them carefully. Since your flushing the good leaves might continue. The dead leaves will never come back. I trim them off when they are too bad. Most fall off One last question. You give a ppm. Is that water going in or runoff? Well water? City water?

Robibus Also don’t try to zoom in too much, it’s harder to see. 50-100x is all you need

CBD Okay sounds like good advice to cut off the buds with the dead “sugar” leaves. I’ll do that later this evening. Thank yo I for that advice. I am using city water, with the Ppm shared is what I’m feeding them with. I really never get enough runoff to test anymore. The girls hold so much water because of the miracle grow soil I used. Lesson learned with the soil now for sure. Also I can’t get Fox Farms Ocean Forest where I live for some stupid reason so any other suggestions for soil for my next grow? Thanks so much for all your feedback. It is very very appreciated.

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Day: 79


8/29/19 Week 12 from seed Temp 69.9°F Humidity 49% Should be getting the microscope tomorrow. Will find out how close the girls are to being finished. Figured they would be a lot bigger buds on them than there are by now.

5 years ago

fortylix I would pull soon! Your plant is basically dead(in a good way) if you let her go much more you risk reducing the flavor. I would pull her and trim let dry for at least 7-10 days. But congrats I member talking to you a few months ago and you never thought you would be here lol

CBD That is great news then thank you so much. My only question is do I wait till I get the microscope tomorrow or just cut them down now and hang them? (I’m also getting a trim tray at the same time as the microscope) Wow I am excited now 😃

FTGrower I would go ahead and pull now. You don’t want them sugar leaves browning on ya. I’m a newbie at this tho. Looks great. Congrats on the grow. Can’t wait till I get there with my first grow. Nice job and congrats again man.

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Day: 78

8/28/19 Temp 69.8°F Humidity 46% Girls are looking okay. Need to look over the girls today just to make sure everything is going well still and no mold or wpm is forming anywhere. Not sure what to do if I found some but I’ll cross that bridge if I need to. Feels like I’m just cruising till I harvest them. Should be getting the microscope and trimming tray the end of the week. Excited about that. Need to get better lighting for my next run. Feel like this first seasons run has been sorely affected by the light setup I have now which is Phlizon 600w LED. I’m Looking at the “Spider Farmer SF 1000 LED” which still only draws 100w but has a much broader light spectrum while using Samsung LED diodes. Also need a taller grow tent as this one is barely able to handle the light and plants now. If plant 1 got just 1-2 inches taller she would be touching the light at its max height right now. This tent is only 63 inches by 32 inches square. After this grow, I realize this is not a big enough space and need to upgrade.

5 years ago

Robibus Let me tell you something I learned about LED lights These watts companies post mean nothing. That 600w and the 1000w youbare looking at are mornmuch different. They both pull 100w from the wall. Now they can have different diodes 3w, 5w, dual chip. The power rating they show you is the total diode watts. They never run them at max cause they will burn up. They usually run them up to 50% or less I have a 300w that pulls 130w I have a 1000w that pulls 90w I have a 1200w that pulls 290w As you see the crazy difference. What matters is what it pulls from the wall. Also look at coverage and par values. Plan on being 18-24” above your canopy. 600-700 par is great and look at the light spread and coverage area to match your tent. If the light don’t give this info, I move on.

Day: 77


8/27/19 Temp 68.9°F Humidity 42% Started flushing the girls today instead of yesterday. Just plain pH balanced water. 4 gallons (2 gallons each- will need to up this to double or more next flush) pH 6.55 Ppm 477 & 393 Turned the light off again to take more pictures. I like it this way better than with the light on.

5 years ago

Day: 76

8/26/19 Temp 69.0°F Humidity 41% Will be feeding the girls today but I’m almost wanting to hold off till I get my microscope at the end of the week to see if I need to start flushing them instead. But I don’t think Plant 1 can go that long so I’ll just have to feed them today and if they’re ready, start flush at the end of the week! Took your advice about turning the light off and taking picks using my flash. Seems to work great. Will start using this method from now on. I know you are able to see them better so if you can help me diagnose what is wrong with them if anything I would appreciate it.

5 years ago

ItWasFate NOTHING is wrong with them ! Discolouration is a sign the plant is almost done... it’s sucking up every last bit on energy ! I’d stop feeding and just flush the next two weeks ... leaves with start to turn all kinds of Colours.. GREAT JOB! She looks real good ✊🏻

Robibus Can’t see exactly where you are in flower. 4-5 weeks maybe? If that’s the case I would not flushed based on that. I can’t remember but did you say you medium is miracle grow? While it is very normal for leaves to die back toward the end of flowering, they don’t normally turn like yours, but all depends on conditions. It looks like a toxicity and possibly a nut lockout. My first grow I used a time release dirt and feed with nutes. It was not good and I learned I believe it’s nitrogen they don’t use much of in flowering and that can build up to a point the plant will lock out nutrients, then adding more does nothing I would not recommend feeding and watering with RO water till you get good run off. 100%-%200 Then decide to feed or not depending where you are in flowering and how them trics look. Usually when pistols start turning is when I start to think about flushing, and then that’s for a week or 2. Let me know where you are in flowering, like the other person said you may just want to flush from here on out, you probably got okra you if nutes in that soil if it’s miracle grow. If not, sorry I mixed you up with someone else. Your buds look good, just might need an earlier harvest. Check out my grow, Combo grow. I just updated. On week 9 of flowering. About 1 more week left. Leaves are starting to yellow. Tips were burnt by me pushing Nutes to the max, but I’m flushing now.

CBD Thank you both for your comments and feedback. I will check out your grow you suggested. Starting week 6 of flower tomorrow. Was figuring she needed another week of feeding and two weeks of flushing. But based on what you’re saying here I think I may need to just start the flushing process now. Yeah it’s a little bit confusing for me but I’ll try to make the best sense out of it all. Yes it’s Miracle Grow is the medium. Didn’t know better and trusted the garden center employee. You live and learn. Hard to find the right medium to use. I know I need to use soil based as I don’t trust myself with coco-coair or however it’s spelled. So I’m in week 6 starting tomorrow. Will just water pH’d balanced water- don’t have RO system for my water source yet. That will take time and money to obtain. Thanks again.

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Day: 75

8/25/19 Temp 68.9°F Humidity 43% No feeding today. Will be feed them tomorrow or possibly later today if I feel they need it this afternoon. Really considering if I should start their flush now or wait till next time I water them to start it. The microscope will be here hopefully by the end of this week.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Wait for the microscope and remember to give your plant 3x the normal amount of water during the flush. Also can you take a photo with your light off and the flash on, on your phone.

CBD Okay I will make sure to water the girls extra for sure. I appreciate that info because I had not heard or read that before. It makes sense to me! I will wait till I get my microscope also. Today I took pictures of the girls with the grow light off and just flash on. I’m interested in everyone’s feedback now for sure.

Day: 74

8/24/19 Temp 72.5°F Humidity 46% No feeding today. Will likely have to feed them tomorrow but will have to check them tomorrow to make sure. Plant 1 (taller plant) is fattening up very nicely while plant 2 isn’t fattening up quite like her sister. Ordered a magnifier and trimming sifting tray as well as some trimmers. Getting ready for these girls to be cut down, trimmed and jarred. I got a six pack of 1/2 gallon mason jars and all I’m waiting to get right now is some humidity packs. I’m wanting to order fabric pots for next grow session. I tried to order the fox farms ocean forest soil mix and they won’t ship it to me. I found some pro soil mix at a local store I have heard people use before but I didn’t buy it. Wanted to check here and see what everyone suggests first.

5 years ago

Day: 73


8/23/19 Temp 73°F Humidity 52% No feeding today. The temp and humidity is up because I had to close the tent for about an hour today but I got the tent back opened up to let all the humidity and heat out now. The temp inside the tent was 68.8°F and humidity was around 41-42% when I woke up this morning. Rarely do I need to close the tent up anymore. They are looking good and fattening up nicely. Not sure how much longer they will need to go. I guess I’m going to break down and order the magnifier to look at the trichomes on the girls. Probably start flush in a few weeks or so. Posting some extra pics for y’all to enjoy 😉

5 years ago

Day: 72


8/22/19 Temp 71.0°F Humidity 42% No feeding today. Today starts week 11 from seed. Not sure how much longer she will go but figured I’d stop feeding and start flushing around September 4th. Still need to get a magnifier soon.

5 years ago

Day: 71


Temp 70.3°F Humidity 42% No feeding today. The girls are fattening up pretty nice.

5 years ago

Day: 70


Temp 72.3°F Humidity 43% Fed the girls yesterday. They are getting fatter bud sights. Still not a ton of trichomes visible yet. Starting to wonder if the taller on is not a White Widow at all and some other strain. Got my seeds from Crop King and I’ve heard of that sort of thing happening before. Her shorter sister is really starting to fill in with trichomes which is what makes me wonder. Guess I’ll know when it is time to smoke her! Am planning on keeping the two separated when I harvest them.

5 years ago

Day: 69


8/19/19 Temp 71.6° Humidity 43% Will be feeding both girls today. Next time will start flushing I hope! Want to say thank you to everyone for the feedback yesterday. I will be taking all your suggestions to heart! Fed 4 gallons of water (~2 gallons each) pH ~6.35 Ppm ~695

5 years ago

Day: 68


8/18/19 Temp 70.5°F Humidity 41% No feeding today. Will be feeding the girls tomorrow for sure. Just checked the calendar and I got about 2 weeks before I’m scheduled to start flushing the girls. Hoping they are ready by then but as of right now I don’t think they will be. They haven’t packed on the trichomes like I’ve been expecting them to. As a matter of fact Plant 1 (tallest one) is hardly producing very many trichomes yet while plant 2 (smallest one) has twice as much or more on her. I don’t know what to think of this grow yet. I’m getting very nervous about things because I’m not seeing a lot of trichomes yet to be honest. Guess time will tell Still considering other strains to potentially grow next. I’m pretty sure I’m mainly looking for Indica or Strong Indica dominate very potent strain that’s easy to grow for beginners. Appreciate all the suggestions so far!!

5 years ago

JoCo Critical kush from Barney’s Farm is great with fresh pine and lemon pie terpines

Day: 67


8/17/19 Temp 71.2°F Humidity 42% No feeding again today. Picked up plant 2 (smaller plant) and she is starting to feel lighter after 2 weeks not feeding/watering her. I figure to give her another 2 days and she will be ready to feed again. By then Plant 1 will be ready as well since she is already feeling light again. Crazy how Plant 1 is taking way more nutrients and water than Plant 2 at over double the rate and they are both the same strain, have been fed and watered exactly the same until the last feeding I gave Plant 1 and everything is the same🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t understand why or how this is? Funny also how Plant 2 which is not as thirsty as her taller sister is more frosty with trichomes🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s so confusing. Any suggestions on what we should grow next please comment down below. Got more White Widow seeds I can grow again but was considering throwing 2 plants in the tent to grow again after these girls are done. Just to add some variety. Really like the therapeutic effects I get from indica strains. Not sure I’ve ever had hybrids or sativa to be honest. Also looking for deals on trimming trays and what exactly I should be looking to buy. Going to be getting some mason jars and some humidity packs for when it comes time to jar up the harvest. Not sure what to do with the trim yet. Was thinking of just make it all edibles of some sort, or does anyone have a better suggestion? Please keep in mind- this is my first time doing all of this. All I’ve ever done before is smoke weed and that’s it. Yes I’m watching videos and reading trying to learn daily and struggling to come up with the right plan so far. I’m relying on all of you to help guide me. Thanks for following my journey so far. Getting very very excited about this first grow. They are fattening up slowly but surely.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Hey man. It depends on what you like smoking? I personally like my CBD strains so I've got some Charlotte's Angel seeds. Do you like a head high or body high or a bit of both? When it comes to harvest all you need is some surgical gloves, trimmers, hangers, jars and humidity packs. You've already got a humidifier which is a big plus when drying because you want to keep the humidity at 50% and temp low to stretch out the drying process to preserve thc. Personally I wouldn't make the whole harvest into edible. Maybe turn the small plant into edibles and the big on for your personal stash.

Robibus Hey how’s it going. Even though they are the same strain they can definitely grow differently. One might be more healthy than the other. However 2 weeks is a very long time to go without a watering. What’s your medium, and container size. For my grow I water 3gal containers every other day, and 5 gal every 3-4 days which is about norm throughout the grow cycle slowing down at the end. Lots of other factors to consider too. Your humidity looks fine, temp can be a little warmer. I like 75-77. I drop it down to 71-73 last 2 weeks of flower. I saw your using 5 gal buckets, how is your drainage? If your an indica lover there are many hybrid strains out there that are great. Don’t knock out sativas too. I like variety. Love the sativas for wake and bakes, keep you going all day. Durban Poison is incredible. I got 3 other sativa hybrids growing now along with a Durban. I love keif, and you should too! It’s easy to collect from your sugar trimmings and air buds. I dry it, freeze it, then shake it through a fine mesh screen. I have made a tray myself but sometimes use asomething I found on eBay. It won’t get all the trichomes but it gets a lot and you can only do it so many times before you start getting plant debris. The rest I soak in some 190 proof moonshine for a tincture. All I can say is enjoy yourself, it’s a great hobby. Try different strains. Your doing good for your first grow. Mine was some serious nute lock, but they survived. You’ll learn a lot along the way.

CBD Thank you both for the comments. I will look into those strains for sure now. I’m more of an indica guy- need it for my pain and I like the sedative effect it gives me too. I am using 5 gallon buckets with probably 100 holes or so in each bucket top to bottom and underneath as well. I water usually 1.5 gallons per plant but last feeding the taller plant was more thirsty and I gave her 2 gallons with very very tiny little bit of run off. Was surprised at that too!! Temps are somewhat uncontrollable as I’m dealing with so many variables it is hard to get those temps to that number but I will make a better effort at it now for sure. Thanks for the advice on what I’ll need to get for harvest time!! Will be using the trim/sugar leaves for edibles and maybe put some in some vodka and use it for cocktails 🍹 Thank you all so much for the input and advice. Really appreciate the feedback. Getting very very excited to harvest these girls.

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Day: 66


8/16/19 Temp 68.1°F Humidity 43% No feeding today. Plant 2 still feels heavy after 9 days since last feeding her. I’m not sure what to do at this point? She still looks good to me but I know that can change over night! Could use some Help? Advice?

5 years ago

Day: 65


8/15/19 Temp 69.8°F Humidity 42% No feeding today. Plant 2 (shortest plant) is still heavy. I don’t know what is wrong but she’s not up taking water much from the soil it seems. Idk if I should go ahead and water her just to make sure she gets fed or just wait and see if the bucket ever gets lighter? It’s been at least a week since I’ve watered/feed her! She’s still producing buds pretty good though so idk 🤷🏼‍♂️

5 years ago

Day: 64


8/14/19 Temp 71.3°F Humidity 40% Fed plant 1 (tallest plant) yesterday afternoon. She took a full 2 gallons with maybe 1% runoff if that!!! She is a thirsty girl. Wondering if I need to give her a full 3 gallons next watering? Any thoughts or suggestions on why she is needing so much more water? Should I give her 3 gallons next time?

5 years ago

Day: 63


8/13/19 Temp 72.9°F Humidity 39% I may feed plant 1 (blue bucket/taller plant) today. Plant 2 isn’t up-taking water like her sister does. Fed plant 1 2gal water 3ml Cal-Mag 4ml Buds and Bloom Fertilizer 8ml Big Bloom 0ml Grow pH 6.43 PPM 687 Keep hitting me with your suggestions for an extremely potent Indica strain to grow and where to buy them online. Not sure how these hybrids will work for me.

5 years ago

fortylix I get mine from seedsman right now I’m about to harvest a mini auto gun plant! I have some candy cream seeds from them growing atm as well.

CBD Nice 👍🏻 are they potent Indica or are they hybrids? I’m really unsure of how I’ll like these hybrids? I don’t give a damn about sativa to be honest. Don’t know if I’ve ever had sativa strain, I’m sure I have but I couldn’t tell you.

Day: 62


8/12/19 Temp 70.1°F Humidity 39% No feeding today. Keep hitting me with your suggestions for an extremely potent Indica strain to grow and where to buy them online. Not sure how these hybrids will work for me. Appreciate the feedback I got on another update post.

5 years ago

Day: 61


8/11/19 Temp 72.6°F Humidity 43% No feeding today. Nearly forgot to take pictures and post them today. I’m used to doing it first thing in the morning or sometime in the AM and forget to. Got distracted. Plants looking okay I guess. Took plant 2 (white bucket ) out yesterday and looked over it really good. Some of her leaves were so dried up from “burn” that they literally crumbled in my hands at the touch of it. Let me explain my theory of why and get your feedback on it... Had to think back to when I first planted these girls. I remember I wasn’t pH balancing the water for the first few weeks or so. Thinking this led to root damage early on possibly since there were nutrients already in the miracle grow soil I’m using which possible burnt up the roots of the weaker plant- in this case Plant 2 being the weaker of the two. While Plant 1 was able to weather the early storm of this, Plant 2 might not have been able to handle this from the start compared to her sister. This is just a theory based on what I’ve seen from other people’s experiences only I had to piece it all together to create the forensic analysis 😎 Thoughts? Also looking for Indica strain to grow for my next run possibly, or I may just keep trying to grow the remaining seeds I have of the White Widow then switch to another strain. Just not sure how these hybrids will work for me. Never tried them and don’t think I’ve ever had sativa strains either so this will likely be a new experience for me and I don’t know how I’ll like it. It’s possible I’ve had White Widow in the 90’s when it came out but back then you never really knew what you were buying. Took time to find a grower/dealer that sold the good stuff, for those of us who remember the good ol days.

5 years ago

Day: 60


8/10/19 Temp 71.7°F Humidity 41% Not feeding them today. Bud sites are looking good. Seeing a lot more trichomes on the leaves now. Appreciate the feedback yesterday on what indica strains I should consider growing next. Just to recap: Looking for the best couch lock Indica seeds. Needs to be extremely potent (assuming that means high THC), easy to grow for beginners & where I can buy the seeds at online. I’m not sure about these hybrids. I don’t give a damn about a head high sativa! I’m growing my own medicine. Still researching Hindu Kush and Afghan Kush which were suggested to me yesterday. Appreciate all the feedback 👍🏻

5 years ago

Day: 59


8/9/19 Temp 75.4°F Humidity 54% No feeding today. Looking good. Bud sights are developing nicely. Seeing trichomes on the leaves. From what I can see the girls are looking okay 👌🏻 Plan on flushing the girls in a couple weeks or so. Need to get a +50x magnifier 🔎 soon I suppose to make sure the trichomes are Amber. I want that couch lock. Need to start looking at getting trimming trays and trimmers ✂️ What Else will I need?🤔 Already got gloves... Saving Jars to put buds in, but that’s not needed right now. Any suggestions? Also what is the absolute best Indica couch lock strain known to man kind these days? And where can I find its seeds at online? As far as I know, I’ve never had these hybrid strains before and don’t know what sort of high they’ll give me. This White Widow will be my first hybrid strain I’ve smoked and I’m really nervous they aren’t going to give me what I’m wanting- extreme couch lock feeling. That said, I’m looking at different seed banks to buy my next set of grow seeds from. Looking for indica only strains I think. Would appreciate suggestions! Already used Crop King with this grow. Thanks!

5 years ago

Clos23 Look into Hindu Kush or Afghan. Those are straight Indicas. I’ve seen Sensi seeds have those in they’re bank. I order from seedsman

Day: 58


8/8/19 Temp 76.4°F Humidity 39% Feed the girls today. 3 gallons (~1.5 gal/per plant) 6ml Cal-Mag 1.5ml Grow 6ml Buds & Bloom 6ml Big Bloom PPM 758 pH 6.55 I just realized the girls are now into their 9th week starting today and I probably should have only fed them Buds and Bloom and Big Bloom and no Cal Mag or Grow! Well next feeding will do just that. Another two weeks starts the flush!! So excited, can hardly contain myself. Still no frosty buds or sugar leaves but do see some trichomes forming. I’m sure that will change in the coming few weeks as the plants finish flowering.

5 years ago

Day: 57


8/7/19 Temp 74.6°F Humidity 44% No water/feeding today. Plant 1 (blue bucket) is starting to feel light enough to go ahead and feed her but plant 2 doesn’t seem ready. I’m going to wait one more day and feed them both at the same time. I think Plant 1 will be fine till then. Looking good besides some of Plant 2 leaves turning and drying. Bud sights are fattening up which makes me very happy to see. From my best calculus it will be around the first week of September when I will be able to harvest them, but I am going to need to get a magnifier to check the trichomes once the time comes. I can definitely see some frosting on some of the leaves beginning to show!!

5 years ago

Day: 56


8/6/19 Temp 73.3°F Humidity 40% As you can see the girls are looking fairly well. Noticing some dried up leaves and some discoloration on some fan leaves but I think that’s from when I watered them with nutrients once pouring some of the water on the plant leaves, not knowing it was not good for the plant. You live and learn but what’s got me nervous is the drying up of the leaves with the discoloration combined. Wondering what could be causing it. They are fed and buckets feel fairly heavy today. Plant 1 (blue bucket) is definitely lighter than plant 2 but plant 2 is the one with the damaged leaves? So I’m left scratching my head 🤔

5 years ago

Day: 55


8/5/19 Temp 72.8°F Humidity 41% No watering/feeding today. Turned the girls about a 1/4 circle. They are looking pretty healthy today for sure. It looks like bud sites are growing great from what I can see. When I was defoliating yesterday I noticed some trichomes on the lower bud sight leaves. Though they are guide small, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

5 years ago

fortylix Haven’t been on in a while and wow man she looks amazing! She’s getting really tall!

CBD Thanks man yeah she is. I’m so excited and I can’t wait till she fattens up and finishes so I can smoke her 😂

Day: 54


8/4/19 Temp 72.8°F Humidity 41% Both buckets are feeling pretty light. Plant 1 in the blue bucket (closest to me in 1st picture) is lighter than her sister. Feeding the girls today. Both plants showing signs they need to be fed. Will be giving all their nutrients this time! 3 Gallons water (1.5 gal/plant) 6 ml Cal-Mag 3 ml Grow 2 ml Micro 6 ml Bloom PPM 799 pH 6.55 Wasn’t enough runoff to collect a sample for testing. Will make sure to feed more water next time. Had to defoliate some more today. Looked at some of the fan leaves and saw what looked like it could be mold on them. Quickly took off those leaves and also decided to remove all the lower growth that simply wouldn’t produce much if anything. Left everything that had solid pistols but everything else that was low I removed. Going to invest in another smaller fan to help circulate the air from below also. Not sure my big fan is cutting it. Also some leaves looked really dry and some were contorted from either excessive wind from the fan or nutrients I may have accidentally poured on them? Either way I removed most of those as well leaving some as I didn’t want to strip all the big fan leaves off the girls.

5 years ago

Day: 53


8/3/19 Temp 68.8°F Humidity 48% No watering today. Saw your comments in another post and I will be following your advice since it makes more sense and I don’t want my buds to be negatively affected by not properly feeding the girls. Thinking about going ahead and feeding them today but I feel it needs to wait maybe another day or two. Thanks 🙏🏻

5 years ago

Day: 52


8/2/19 Temp 71.2°F Humidity 47% No water/food today. Rotating the girls a little today. Still looking good from what I can tell.

5 years ago

Day: 51


8/1/19 Temp 76.2°F Humidity 47% Temps and humidity are good from what I can tell. Girls are looking good from my perspective. You can see plant 1 closest one in the first picture woke up nicely after her watering yesterday. Raised the light as high as I can get it in this tent. Right now it is about 10 maybe 12 inches from top of tallest plant (plant 1). Heard that LED lights are the biggest reason for dead plants because of the lights being too close to the tops of the plants. I feel like my light has been too close the entire time, but what do I know really?🤷🏼‍♂️ Had someone give me advice to lower them and I did once. So much confusing information out there it is hard to know what is right and what is wrong. Honestly I feel like my instincts have taken over during this grow and I make adjustments as I “feel” they need to be made. I’m sure mistakes have been made but I don’t see anything that shows me my plants are dead or dying soooo... thousands of years of these plants growing naturally what really could I do to change that honestly? I feel like I would have to make huge mistakes along the way for it to make big impacts on the girls. Other than bugs and overwatering them what can I do wrong? I’m very moderate with my watering/feeding them. I only see light pest issues (gnats I have had every year no matter what even before I started growing). I feel like things can go really wrong fast but I’m on top of things several times a day keeping my eyes on them. Just a matter of time at this point. I don’t know how long these girls will be in flower. The site I got my seeds from says 8 weeks- we shall see!?

5 years ago

Day: 50


7/31/19 Temp 73.2°F Humidity 47% Watering the girls today. Just cal mag as I am totally confused. One of y’all commented to make sure to add grow and bloom etc to my water today but I was under the impression I need to just water ph balanced water with just cal mag between feedings to help lower the nutrition to levels in the soil between feedings. I have not watered since last feeding, this will be the first. So in order to keep from adding too many nutrients I am playing it safe as I didn’t get confirmation back. I do appreciate the feedback but I was left more confused than before. So playing it safe today 3 Gallons of Water (1.5 gal/plant) 5ml of Cal Mag Ppm 556 pH 6.73” ~5% Run off Ppm 626 pH 7.14 Plant 1 in the far back of the first picture perked right back up. She was thirsty, but her sister Plant 2 could have gone another two or three days I think.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Remember an auto flower plant has a life cycle of about 80 Days max so taking a week to just water normal ph balance water takes a week away from the plant getting more nutrients. I mean yeah it’s good getting rid of the excess salts and stuff before switching to flowering but there’s better ways of doing that. Florakleen is a nutrient you use with one watering and it will get rid of excess salt and reset your soil... But either way is right. I just personally find it better to not flush the plant before flowering but do both and see what you prefer that’s the beauty of growing.

Day: 49


7/30/19 Temp 74.3°F Humidity 40% No water again today. Maybe tomorrow will see. The soil is starting to feel dry on top but still wet less than an inch down. Willing to wait another day or two.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Remember to use your flowering nutrients now and not the same veg nutrients.

CBD I used them with the last watering. Thought I was supposed to only flush for a couple wagering before feeding them again? I’m confused now

Day: 48


7/29/19 Temp 75.3°F Humidity 42% No water. Don’t see any explosive growth or trichomes yet. Figured I would be seeing a lot more than I am seeing by now. Then again I’m only 1.5 months into growing 🤷🏼‍♂️

5 years ago

Day: 47

7/28/19 Temp 73.5°F Humidity 43% No water today.

5 years ago

Day: 46


7/26/19 Temp 73.4°F Humidity 43% Defoliated lower and obstructing leaves and insignificant bud sights way down the bottom of the plant. Felt the need to open the plants up a little and allow better air circulation to get down to the soil which it wasn’t. No water today. Soil is still wet. Leaving tent open 24/7 and temps and humidity are staying stable. Not seeing trichomes but seeing them hairs grow is exciting. Told the girls today they need to hurry up and develop so I can smoke them. Not sure it will help but I’ve heard talking to them will help- open to trying it😂

5 years ago

Day: 45


7/26/19 Temp 74.1°F Humidity 59% No water again today. Humidity has been way too high lately even reaching as high as 75%!! Fell in forced to open the grow tent up and let the air circulate better from my house into the tent. I’ve been opening up two cents along the sides on the bottom of the tent which has been working fine, however I think since these girls are getting into the flowering stage they are getting hotter and are producing more humid environment as well. That is just my uneducated theory. Temps and humidity have stabilized since opening the tent up some.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Put the humidifier off during flower bro. You don't want to get bud rot... I asume you can't set the humidity on the humidifier? If you can set it to like 40% you don't want it to go over 50% when flowering you'll lose all you bud if you get bud rot. Your grow will be fine without a humidifier during flowering. Humidifier just helps during seedling and veg stage.

CBD I’ve turned it off a few days ago. The humidity still seemed to go above 58% even up to 60%. I’ve got the tent open or it would be higher still. I just defoliated some lower leaves I help get more air flow to the soil as the soil is still really wet from her last feeding three days ago. She had too many leaves blocking the air flow so had to strip some of them off just now. Any other suggestions welcomed. Appreciate your feedback!!

Robibus Hey hey, she is looking pretty good I’m also a tent grower, on my 5th grow. Yes they will produce more humidity during Flower. You don’t need any humidity in there. I’ve had grows in high 30% humility and as high as 50-60%. I’ve learned a lot and got a dehumidifier to help out. At this stage I would get air circulation if you don’t already have it. On top and bottom. Don’t worry about a little defoliation. Trust me I went extreme one grow 3 weeks in flower. Intake fans along with the exhaust fan works well too.

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Day: 44


7/25/19 Temp 75.9°F Humidity 61% Humidity is too high so opened the tent up to let some humidity escape. It didn’t take long for the humidity to drop. Turned off the humidifier last night. Humidity outside has been really high. Noticed some yellow spotting on some of the leaves. Going to have to investigate it to find out what the problem may be. Rotated the girls some to help even the light exposure. They are still growing as I’ve had to raise the light a bunch over the last week or so. Raised the light again this morning. Plant 1 keeps stretching too close to the light, I guess that’s a good thing but quickly running out of room to raise it. Going to have to figure some other rigging setup out for the light to make more space. Good problems to have I suppose?!

5 years ago

AlphaKush Yeah man that’s a good problem to have! Next time put them in smaller pots that should help make them not grow that tall. Plant size depends mostly on the size pot you use.

Day: 43


7/24/19 Temp 75.3 Humidity 56% The girls seem to be doing okay. They are much bigger it seems. I feel like they are growing bigger and bigger every day still. No water/food today as the soil is still quite saturated. Turned the girls a little bit.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Looking good!

Day: 42


7/23/19 Temp 75.7°F Humidity 57 or 48% depends on if you’re reading the hygrometer or humidifier? They are growing still. Getting taller and taller. Very pleased with the heights of these girls now. I saw someone else has the same white widow autos growing from the same place I got mine and his are only one day older than mine and his plants have WAY more bud development and has a lot of trichomes frosting his plants than I do. I don’t see any trichomes yet on my girls. I’m sure it is partly due to this being my first ever grow, but the difference is significant and has me fairly concerned. Makes me think I’ve done/am doing something very wrong and I don’t even know it.

5 years ago

AlphaKush Hey man. Never go with the reading the humidifier gives you. And yes this is your first grow but his plants are probably developing faster and frostier because he has a better light. A expensive good quality light makes the biggest difference in a grow especially AUTOS. He might also be running his Autos 24hours (I'm not sure if your also running them 24/7) Lastly he might be growing in coco which means the plants will have better root development and can also be fed more nutrients more frequently.

CBD Interesting points. Yeah I’m running 24 hr schedule since the start. Okay it must be the light and the coco making the difference. What a great argument in favor both those things. Sadly my money is extremely tight and I’m not able to purchase those more expensive lights for a long long time out. Guess I’ll just have to be satisfied. I could change to coco but it is a little too intimidating for me right now. Gotta get your nutrients perfect and water daily etc. I’ll get there I’m sure but right now I need to stick with soil I think. Thanks for the input. Appreciate it very much. I learned something.

Day: 41


7/22/19 Temp 81.6°F Humidity either 58 or 49%? Depending on if you read the hygrometer or the humidifier 🤷🏼‍♂️ Fed the girls today 5 gallons water with: Cal-mag 4 ml Fox Farm Nutrients Trio- 1) Grow Big 6 ml 2) Big Bloom 6 ml 3) Buds & Bloom Fertilizer 6 ml pH 6.68 PPM 769 Water Temp 80° ~1 gallon of Run off Run off PPM 383 Run off pH 5.56 Seeing a lot of pistols and I think buds are starting to form. I’ll take close up pictures of a grow site and post it today also. Rotated the girls a bunch today and switched their positions as it was easier to feed them that way. Had to raise the light up a bunch yesterday because the girls are getting light burns on the edges of the leaves from the top down to about half way. Looked it up to make sure it wasn’t nutrient lockout issues or deficiencies and from my reading it looked like it is because the light was too close. So raised it up probably about 4-5 inches. May go higher if that isn’t enough. Will wait and see. This heat is recking havoc on both me and the grow tent temps. I’m using ice again to combat it. Going through ice faster than the freezer can make it. Come on cooler weather.

5 years ago

Day: 40


7/21/19 Temp 82.3°F Humidity is either 47% or 56% (depending on if you look at the humidifier or the Hygrometer?) I don’t know which humidity reading is accurate as the hygrometer reads 56% and the humidifier reads 47%. This is nearly a 10% difference which is not good and doesn’t leave me with confidence in either readings. Which should I go by? No water again today. Rotated the girls. Trying to keep the temps down in this heat wave is a real challenge especially since two of my ice buckets have busted on the bottom from the constant freezing and thawing they have had to go through ruining one of my good storage dishes! I’m seeing pistils clearly on the tops of each branch forming nicely. Can’t wait till they are done and I can harvest them. It’s so exciting. Next feeding will probably be tomorrow, but I’ll check the soil to make sure.

5 years ago

Day: 39


7/20/19 Temp 77.5°F Humidity 54% No water again today the soil is still pretty saturated. Rotated them this morning some. This heat wave we are having is terrible. The temps got up a little over 80°F in the tent this morning. Had to start using ice again to help cool things off. The past week or so I haven’t had to use any ice and the humidifier is really helping to keep the temps cooler too I feel. Raised the light up about 5+ small clicks again this morning. It just looks like the girls are really stretching and growing really tall.

5 years ago

Day: 38


7/19/19 Temp 75.7°F Humidity 45% No water again today. Grow baby grow! Got the humidifier for the grow tent today. It’s all set up and running great. Will see if this will help keep the temps better regulated.

5 years ago

fortylix Looks good man! With the buckets next time fill them up more it looks like the sides are kinda high up and might have been blocking some light getting to the bottom leafs.

CBD Definitely plan on doing that. I didn’t realize it would compress down like that. But for sure plan on doing that for next grow 💯👍🏻

Day: 37


7/18/19 Temp 75.5°F Humidity 44% Raised the light again about 10 small clicks = maybe 1 inch if that. Seems like having the light higher has really increased the plants growth a ton. No water again today. Topsoil is still wet looking. Steady growing like crazy. I wonder if this is their flowering stretch I’ve heard about?

5 years ago

Day: 36


7/17/19 Temp 76.2° Humidity 43% Wow the growth is amazing. Completely blown away how much these girls have grown over the last few days. Bumped my light up a click or two with is very very little. Want them to keep reaching to the light. No water today. Buckets are still heavy with water from their last watering and top soil is still wet looking.

5 years ago

Day: 35


7/16/19 Temp 76.6° Humidity 40% Grow girls grow. Another overnight growth spurt!! They are growing like crazy now. I’ve heard they will double in size when they enter flowering stage and I’m wondering if this is their flowering stretch? Regardless I’m happy about it.

6 years ago

Day: 34


7/15/19 Temp 77.5 Humidity 38% Stopped low stress training on the girls for now. Not sure when/if I’m going to train them next. Time will tell. Raised the light probably only an inch or two between yesterday and today. I raised it up too high again then thought better of it and lowered it back down. Trying to find that optimal height. Seeing solid growth overall. I think plant 2 (white bucket) is finally hitting a growth spurt. She still has smaller branches than her big sister, but is nearly as tall as her sister. Not as bushy, but very close in height. Wondering what to expect from her yield🤔 Ended up watering the girls yesterday and boy have they responded very well. They both put on height over night. I do not know how tall they were before, but they grew some overnight to my eyes. I give each bucket a small rotation everyday. Sometimes once a day and sometimes twice a day. Really trying to give the lower branches some serious exposure to the light on all sides. Need to invest in another light or two really. That will take several months. Cold air humidifier is on the way. Walked away from the grow tent after checking on the girls saying to myself “I love it” over and over again. Think I’m hooked?

6 years ago

AlphaKush What ligth are you running bud?

CBD Phlizon 600w LED

Day: 33


7/14/19 Temp 75.3°F Humidity 37% Ph 6.6-8 (kept fluctuating, never settled) Ppm 470 Decided to go ahead and give the girls another watering today giving them only Cal-mag and used 1.5 gallons per plant with approximately 10-15% runoff. I wanted to give the girls at least one watering between feeding to help carry away any nutrients that may still be built up in the soil from their last feeding. I’m seeing pistols coming from the tips of each top on both girls and they grew some more overnight it seems. They are both taller than the buckets they are in now. The soil must have settled like 4 inches or so with watering, etc. I didn’t expect that to happen. Got a cool air humidifier coming the end of this week I’m excited to get to help me the humidity a lot better, and I’m hoping an added benefit will be easier to maintain lower temps too.

6 years ago

Day: 32

7/13/19 Temp 76.1°F Humidity 39% The girls are showing signs of the beginning stages of flower. I can see on the main branch of plant 1 has a couple small hairs coming out of the top now. Both plants look like they are reaching the end of their vegetative life cycle (I’m assuming) which is so exciting. They smell so good right now and they haven’t even begun the flowering stage!!! I’ve got to research how much to raise or lower the light for this stage. Any suggestions? No water/feeding again today. I think when it is time to water/feed again I’ll just use the fox farm big bloom and the other one for blooming as well as the cal-mag. I don’t think I’ll need to use the other fox farm fertilizer meant for vegetation anymore with these two girls. I decided to go ahead and put more holes in the buckets today. Initially I only had holes in the bottom of the blue bucket and bottom and lower side of the white bucket. I don’t think the soil is drying fast enough so it needed more holes to help air getting more to the soil. I think this will definitely help with oxygen getting to the roots more as well. I’m still open to putting more holes in them if this isn’t enough. My hands hurt bad now though. Next grow I’m using fabric pots for sure! Super excited to see the progress. I hope they really stretch big in the coming weeks. Want to see lots of healthy buds on both girls. I started using the leaf fold/tuck method I saw someone else doing to help get more light to the bottom branches instead of defoliating anymore leaves. Still not 100% sure how to water/feed them properly right now with the miracle grow moisture control, hope the holes in the buckets help more with that now. I’m hoping for more suggestions and feedback on this issue as well.

6 years ago

Qbudz Well I’m a new grower as well I let the leaves get limp to let me know when to add water. Nice plants tho

AlphaKush Easy feeding schedule per gallon of water. Early glower stage. Week 4 -6 2ml calmag 1ml grow 2ml micro 2ml bloom Mid flower. 2ml calmag 0.5ml grow 2ml micro 2ml bloom Late flower week 9 - 10 0ml calmag 0ml grow 2ml micro 4ml bloom Two weeks before harvest No nutrients only plain water

Day: 31


7/12/19 Temp 77.7° Humidity 38% No water again today. Still reading to try and find how to water/feed using miracle grow moisture control soil. No luck yet finding much. Rotating the LST daily as needed. Witnessed some humidity build up on some of the fan leaves touching other leaves. I check fairly regularly on them (replacing the ice as needed to keeps temps down), and I run my fingers through the leaves trying to make sure nothing is staying in one place too long. I got a big fan blowing constantly 24/7 keeping the air moving.

6 years ago

Day: 30


7/11/19 Temp 77.9°F Humidity 39% Nothing new today. The girls are growing great it seems. Will be adjusting LST as needed today. No water/feeding today. The miracle grow soil holds all the water and nutrients the girls need for a long time. Haven’t had to water in I think 4 days now and it will be over a week I feel before I’ll need to at the rate this soil holds water. I don’t think I’m going to be able to do any flushing now or between any feeding stages or end of life. This soil is super absorbing and holds the water. Wish I could follow the advice I was given to get the fox farm ocean floor medium to use but I’m afraid to transplant them since they are auto flowers.

6 years ago

Day: 29


7/10/19 Temp 75.7°F Humidity 35% Happy 710 Defoliated the leaves that were blocking lower branches and I pulled off all the “low” hanging leaves as I read/heard that is where I’ll begin having issues with pests if I ever do end up getting them. So just pulled off all low hanging leaves etc. I did accidentally pull off a small ?cola? With one of the leaves and my heart sank but it was on the bigger plant. I feel like she is going to be a big girl when it comes time to harvest her so I figure it won’t hurt too badly- but still a shame. No water again today. Sprayed the girls down with Dr Earth pest control. Restarted LST on plant 2 again and I started training one lower branch on plant 1. It was growing so much it began blocking undergrowth of under branches. I’ve read/seen both good and bad things on this issue so I’m trying to not overdo it but idk what the hell I’m doing lol SIDE NOTE: I’ve never grown any plants/veggies before and I think I’ve found something I truly honestly enjoy a lot. I’m sure the work gets tedious and monotonous over time but right now this is so exciting and I look forward to waking up each day (which is big for me) and opening the tent to have a peak at the girls progress. I do get overwhelmed with all the mixed info out there, but the growing process itself is a joy. Who knew?🤷🏼‍♂️

6 years ago

Day: 28


7/9/19 Temp 77.9°F Humidity 35% Everything seems okay. Still growing stronger and bigger each day. No feeding/watering today.

6 years ago

Day: 27


7/8/19 Temp 77.9°F Humidity 39% Now it looks like both girls are doing well. Plant 2 (white bucket) is starting to grow a little each day looking more healthy like her sister to me. Hard to see it in the pictures but in person they are both growing nicely. I think the light defoliation I used to uncover their lower branches have helped from what I’m seeing- at least with Plant 1 for sure. It may not be good long term to do that a lot but it definitely helped the lower branches stretch out. Got my nutrients today- sensi cal-mag, Fox farms Big Bloom, Buds and Bulbs, & Vegetative fertilizer trio which I will use for their next feeding. The buckets are still heavy from previous feeding so it will be days or even a week before they will need watering/feeding again. It is because of the soil I had to use- Miracle Grow Moisture Control. I would like to get Fox Farms OceanForest however I’m not able to afford it yet and besides, these are auto flowers so it wouldn’t be good to transplant them anyway. I’ll let this be a lesson to me and next grow I will for sure be in a better starting position with at least some growing experience under me. Treated the girls again today with Dr. Earth pesticide making sure to get under all the leaves and tops really well and spraying the topsoil too. I see gnats in the soil scurrying as I spray. I’m not sure how often to do this treatment so I’ve been treating the girls with 250 ml split between the two every other day. Appreciate all the advice I’ve been given so far.

6 years ago

Day: 26


7/7/19 Temp 76.2°F Humidity 42% Fed the girls yesterday and I don’t see any discoloring on the tips and the girls seem to be okay. If you see something I don’t please let me know. It is hard keeping the temps down but the ice certainly is helping a lot. I do not have funds to buy an air conditioner for the tent so it has to be ice for this grow. I don’t know what else I could possibly do. I’m concerned with the slow growth from Plant 2. I removed the twist tie for LST on her for now. I’m starting to concluding that it has a lot to do with genetics. However, I am a new grower and it could be that I’ve been making mistakes I don’t even know about besides letting the temps get too high for a few day straight which didn’t help I know.

6 years ago

fortylix Under 80 degrees looks perfect even if it gets slightly above 80 you should be in the clear! I have the same exhaust as you and that baby should keep the hot air out.

CBD Awesome thanks. It’s good to hear good news

Day: 25


Temp 78.4°F Humidity 39% Set up the exhaust fan and carbon filter yesterday afternoon. Adjusting LST a round in a circular motion to help stimulate lower growth. Any suggestions for when to feed? Not sure if I just water them next time or continue feeding them with every watering?

6 years ago

fortylix You can start some Very light veg nutes but be careful your soil might have all the nutes you need till flower/bloom if it does just water them until you need to add nutes for flowering

CBD Thank you for your feedback 👍🏻

Day: 24

7/5/19 Temp 83.1°F Humidity 35% Water pH 6.05 Ppm 587 Started LST yesterday afternoon on both plants. I had to remove 3 fan leafs total to give the bottom more direct light. Plant 1 is showing strong signs of life and the bottom of it is growing just overnight from this exercise. Plant 2 however is just really not a big performer. I wonder if plant 2 is going to provide poor buds. I don’t know what could be causing plant 2 issues as plant 1 is thriving unless it is genetics? They both are in the same environment, same watering, the same light height, plant one popped a half a day sooner and was put in soil 1 day sooner and that is it. Everything else is the same. Idk Woke up and temp was high. I guess the ice melted too early last night and I woke up too late today which didn’t help. Started feeding nutrients today. Each plant got 82 oz of pH balanced water with Alaska Fish Fertilizer. I ordered fox farm trio 3 days ago and still they haven’t processed my order yet, and shipping saying it is going to be 2 weeks still before I’ll get it (don’t order them from Walmart just to save a dollar or two)! Got the exhaust fan and carbon filter today as well as the Dr. Earth insecticide, aluminum duct tape, & the flex duct to arrive Monday. Got the exhaust fan set up now. I’m sure the temps will go down and stabilized more. Will find out during the day and will update tomorrow.

6 years ago

Day: 23


7/4/19 Temp 77.1°F Humidity 33% To all my American friends Happy Independence Day The girls are looking and smelling good. No changes just keeping the ice flowing in the tent and keeping those temps down. Most packages I ordered have shipped and should be here tomorrow or within a few days. The nutrients won’t be here for nearly two weeks it says which is a real bummer. Don’t buy your nutrients from Walmart as they will take an unreasonable amount of time to ship them. Will be ordering 5 gallon fabric pots for my next grow. I’ve been hesitant to start a second grow yet as my plan was to start a set of seeds once a month to keep them rotating so I won’t run out of bud between grows, but I have a feeling I will be okay if I hold out a while longer yet? Any suggestions or thoughts on this? I haven’t been smoking bud because I’ve been putting all my money into this grow operation. So I’m really eager for these girls to finish 😂

6 years ago

Day: 22


7/3/19 Temp 80.6°F Humidity 38% The temps stayed down pretty good today. The ice is definitely working well. I misted them with about 20 or so sprays of tap water. Ordered exhaust fan, carbon filter, nutrients, cal-mag, etc I open the tent and I’m greeted with the smell of these girls and with this being my first ever grow it is the most beautiful smell I’ve ever smelled in my life. I’m hooked! Idk if this experience is normal but I’m hooked. Will be growing cannabis forever now thank you very much.

6 years ago

AlphaKush Yeah man felt the same way with my first grow. Wait until they start flowering then you’ll be hooked! Btw they’re looking healthy can’t find any problem. Next time use fabric pots they’re a lot better.

CBD Thank you I plan on buying some next grow for sure👍🏻 Appreciate your feedback and I am truly looking forward to them flowing

Day: 21


7/2/19 Temp 78.9°F Humidity 41% This is my 2nd time posting this, for some reason it didn’t post the first time? This app is very very bad but it’s the best I’m willing to use since all the other apps require you to sign up for their services and this one doesn’t. So until they fix things with this crappy app or I find something better I don’t need to sign up to use, I’m stuck with using a bad Grow journal app! *Rant over Keep rotating the ice and blocked off some areas in my house I was getting a lot of heat from to help bring the temps down in my home which will translate to lower temps going into the tent. It seems to be helping. I’ve got more plans to bring the temps down in my house some more soon. The ice and cooler temps are obviously helping as the girls are thriving and growing like weeds😏 I don’t understand why the temps even matter since it would be much hotter outside in the elements with temps in the 90’s but what do I know?! Maybe it is just while they are in vegetative stage it matters since that’s when the temps likely would be cooler outside considering their normal growing environment. Then when they begin flowering it would likely be much hotter and perhaps the temps don’t matter nearly as much but I honestly don’t have a clue what I’m talking about.

6 years ago

Day: 20


7/1/19 Temp 79.5°F Humidity 35% Keeping the ice rotated in the tent is helping but it’s a lot of work. Overnight it may get a little warmer but nothing like it was. Ice is helping for sure. Freezer isn’t keeping up with demand very well but I’m managing to make things work. Temps got up to just above 83°F but I don’t think it got any hotter than that. The girls are growing just fine. I ended up giving them non pH balanced tap water before I went to bed last night. I don’t see a need to ph test the water until I begin giving them nutrients.

6 years ago

Day: 19


6/30/19 Temp 82.0°F Humidity 35% I opened the grow tent up last night to help bring the temp down until the containers I filled with water and put in the freezer could freeze. Woke up and the temp was low 80’s which is better than it was. The girls are steady growing. I’m not sure how big they should be at two weeks but they seem to grow a little each day. Got several buckets of ice ready to rotate in the tent now. Put the first bucket of ice in the tent a few minutes ago and closed it. Hopefully the ice will keep the temperature down enough and all I’ll need to do is keep the buckets of ice rotated throughout the day as they melt. Daytime Update- My Freezer sucks and is struggling to freeze the water fast enough. I’m going to bump up the temps in the fridge which will freeze my eggs in the fridge but I need the water to freeze faster than it is now so. It’s a sacrifice I’m going to have to make. I’m rotating the ice water as often as necessary which is keeping the temps down around 83.3°F. Significantly lower than the past few afternoons which reached over 89.9°F a few days. Decided to give both girls a little misting of water. I think they are still too young and the environment isn’t good enough yet to tempt Low Stress Training. I’ll wait till I get an exhaust fan and carbon filter then see how that works in helping keep the temps down for a week or two before moving forward with LST.

6 years ago

Day: 18


6/29/19 Temp 86.1°F Humidity 34% The girls are growing nicely. No water again today. Going to wait till the girls show signs they need water.

6 years ago

fortylix Look at them go gj

fortylix 86 is too hot tho! Get 1 fan to exhaust air out,1 to bring air in and 1 more that spins to circulate the air otherwise they will die of heat!

CBD Thanks for the feedback. I got one fan pulling air in but I have to wait another week or so till I get paid then I’m getting an exhaust fan and carbon filter set up. The temps reached 89.9°F today in the tent. I’ll open it up to let cooler air in.

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Day: 17


6/28/19 Temp 83.8°F Humidity 32% Noticing some more spots here and there on plant 1 (blue bucket) leaves, not holes just spots. I keep checking the underside of the leaves throughout the day/night, but don’t see anything. I’m sure I have some sort of a problem but the plants are growing just fine as you can see in the pictures day to day. I can’t do anything about the potential issue for at least another week or so. Have to wait till pay day and then wait for delivery of the dr earth final stop yard and garden insect killer and new fox farms ocean soil to come and the other items I’ve got in queue to order (listed below). To be honest, I’m very hesitant to transplant them from the miracle grow to the fox farm ocean soil when I get it because these are auto flowers and I don’t know what I am doing!!!!! Also, after I buy these items listed below, I’ll be in a financial bind till the first week of August. So if something happens to them between now and then (for example because of transplanting them) I won’t be able to buy anything I may need to fix any potential issues that may arise. Working on an extremely tight budget and I get paid only once a month. This is why I’m slowly buying what I need each month. Items on my list to purchase are: 1) Exhaust fan 2) Flex duct 3) Carbon air filter 4) metal duct tape 5) dr earth final stop yard and garden insect killer concentrate 6) plastic water catchers 7) Grow bags 8) large charcoal air purifier bag 9) cal-mag 10) fox farm liquid nutrients I know it is hard to predict potential disasters that can happen, but I’m sure there are things I’ve not listed I will for sure need. But Is there ANYTHING else I will NEED that’s not listed above that I will absolutely need to buy before the first week in August- which should be around day 50 from seed? If someone can chime in on this I would appreciate your wisdom very much so. Thanks to everyone who has offered their advice so far.

6 years ago

Day: 16


6/27/19 Temp 82.9°F Humidity 33% Plants are thriving and growing so fast it seems. I’m not watering them today. I am using Miracle Grow Moisture Control potting mix soil so I don’t think I will need to water them for a day or two more. I have been told that people have issues with this particular soil mix but so far I haven’t seen any signs leading to alarm. I think it is in part to my very observant attention to the soil even digging down an inch or so to see if it is still damp or drying out nicely before watering them again. I think as long as I can control this watering like this I’ll be okay. I will order some Fox Farm Ocean soil but I will not transplant these girls since I don’t see any negative issues with the soil so far. No more newly chewed leaves and no signs of bugs anywhere on the plants. Both seem to be thriving and growing wonderfully. Will be ordering cal-mag, exhaust fan and charcoal filter as well after payday.

6 years ago

Day: 15


6/25/19 Day 14 not 15🤷🏼‍♂️ Temp 79.1°F Humidity 41% Plant 1 (blue bucket) is definitely growing faster than plant 2. I don’t know what would cause that other than that’s just how it is sometimes?! The soil was still a little moist about 1/8” inch down, so I’m holding off on watering again today. Will double check them again tonight to make sure they still don’t need watering otherwise will wait till tomorrow to see if they need watering. Was advised to wait till week 3 to start adding nutrients slowly and from my best research I think that’s safe advice to take. But I’m still open to opinions on this topic. I saw on one of the larger leaves on Plant 1 (blue bucket) had some damage like something ate on it. There’s a narrow gapped hole in it. I’ll add a picture of it if anyone knows what happened and if this is something to be concerned over? Thanks for following my grow journal.

6 years ago

Gocolts18 So I read your entire journal. I have a few questions before I can offer any advice. 1. How high are your lights above the plants? 2. What kind of soil are you using? 3. Do your buckets have drain holes? 4. When you say you’re giving your plants non-pH’d water... do you mean you’re not reading/adjusting the pH before you water them???

CBD Okay cool 1) 30-32” (raised from 26-28” 2) Miracle Grow (blue bag) 3&4) yes

Gocolts18 You want your lights about 18-24 inches above the plants. If that is regular miracle grow and not the organic stuff, change the soil to something organic asap. I recommend Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting soil. You really don’t want any synthetic fertilizers going into the plant.

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Day: 15


6/26/19 This is day 15 Temp 80.4°F Humidity 36% Looks like lowering the light was good advice I was given yesterday. You can read as much as you possibly can about something but at some point you just have to dive in and go for it. For good or bad you live and learn, but it’s good to have the helpful feedback. Very much appreciated everyone! Checked on the plants all day and they are really starting to grow now that the lights are lowered. Looked under all the leaves and do not see anything out of the ordinary, no spots, no white or black dots, no bugs, nothing but the underside of a leaf. I’ve checked them a bunch of times between yesterday and today and nothing is ever there.

6 years ago

Day: 13


6/24/19 Temp 78.6°F Humidity 37% They are growing. I may water them this evening. Trying not to overwater. Still not sure when to start feeding nutrients 🤷🏼‍♂️

6 years ago

AlphaKush Your ladies are looking good. I would personally only start feeding them nutrients on week 3. They don't seem to need it yet. Start with something simple (rather less nutrients than too much) so go with 0.5ml Grow 0.5ml and work your way up.

CBD Thank you

Day: 12


6/23/19 Temp 75.9°F Humidity 36% Just checked on the plants. They are doing okay. Forgot to mention I raised the light above the canopy several inches hoping to stimulate more growth but I don’t have a clue if that is the right thing to do. It was just a gut move mostly. Suggestions?

6 years ago

Day: 11


6/22/19 Temp 78.8°F Humidity 34% I sprayed them down today with regular tap water non pH tested. I leveled the soil in plant 1 (blue bucket) which buried half the growth of the stem but the water was compacting the center and I wanted it to be level. I don’t think it hurt anything but we shall see.

6 years ago

Day: 10


6/21/19 Temp 78°F Humidity 34% Growing and looking fairly healthy from what I can tell. Still not 100% sure when to start feeding them nuts and cal-mag. I know it’s too early yet but I’m sure that time is coming sooner than later. I did not water them today. The soil was still wet this morning and one was slightly dry tonight. Seems like plant 2 (white bucket) soil gets drier way faster than plant 1 (blue bucket). Also plant 1 is growing bigger faster but she did get planted a half a day sooner and she sprouted a whole day sooner. Plant 2 is about a day and a half behind the growth of plant 1. Still count the days the same because they were both planted in soil the same day. Checked the girls this evening and plant 1 has some light discoloring on the very tips of the first leaves (not the seedling leaves). I’m not sure what’s going on if anything but I’m going to be keeping a close eye on it and double check her tomorrow morning to see if there’s any changes to them. It’s very very light. Could be nothing, could be something?! *Pics are from this morning

6 years ago

Day: 9


6/20/19 Temp 80.7°F Humidity 36% The girls are looking pretty good. No signs of stress from what I can tell yet. No need to do anything different right now. I just popped in to check on them and gave them some non pH’d tap water.

6 years ago

Day: 8


6/19/19 Temps range between Low 77.3° and 83°F Humidity ranged from 63%-41% (muggy rainy day today so I’m sure that’s why and my air conditioner is way too small for my apartment which doesn’t help) I checked on the girls all throughout the day and they both are coming along. I was nervous when the temps climbed up over 80° but I watched some videos of people smarter than me with way more experience and they seemed to think it was okay. So I had the grow tent slightly opened to let some cooler air in to bring the temps and humidity down which only helped a little. Eventually I just closed it back up and am letting her grow how she grows. Like always I find myself getting so worked up about every single detail that I lose sight of the fact that these are hardy plants with a life of their own I can only manage to manipulate on a much smaller scale. So my idea is to do my best but not sweat the small stuff that’s out of my control right now. I have plans on buying a good air filtration system for it and I did look up some mini air conditioners but they all seem to want me to use ice or water and that’s not what I’m looking for really. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated on both of these things. Thanks! I had gotten some yellow sticky bug traps because I noticed some very small bugs crawling around on the soil before these were even popping up out of the ground. So I cut them into four squares and put them in the containers to help act as a deterrent and try to stay one step ahead of things Incase bugs try to get in my grow tent and ruin my babies. Everything else seems to be going good. I did not water them today as they both look very healthy right now and growing pretty fast from what I can tell. I raised the light up to about 14-16 inches above the plants now as they are in their new growing environment upgrading from that short grow tent I had them in. Now I have plenty of room for these girls to grow. And I’ve got two drying/starting tents now as well which is a luxury for me. Let me know if you see something I’m doing wrong or have advice to give. Thanks!

6 years ago

Day: 7


6/18/19 Temp 71.4°F Humidity 47% morning & 61% night Okay I didn’t water either of the plants all morning. I ended up having surprise company over all damn day and they just left a little bit ago. Man I want to hermit while these plants are growing. The pictures are from this morning. I got my grow tent delivered but couldn’t set it up till just now bc of company 🤷🏼‍♂️ so frustrating knowing my girls could be in a better home all day. New tent is nice and tall and big enough for nearly three or four plants to grow in. But I’m just going to stick with the two for now. Don’t want to make mistakes and kill all my seeds. This is a patience game and I’m learning it. I added my fan inside the grow tint now that there is room to fit it. So excited to see their second set of leaves coming out. They looked somewhat healthy to me but what do I know?! They have grown some more today for sure. I’ll take more pics of the plants and their new home for tomorrow’s post. I did end up watering plant 2 tonight as I moved the soil around and it was bone dry. She’s the runt of the two but she’s managing to come along. I watered her and I added a bowl of water to the grow tent to help increase humidity a little. I’m not sure exactly how much humidity they need but I felt like it was too low this morning. I’ll check it before bed to see how it’s doing. Till tomorrow.

6 years ago

Day: 6


6/17/19 Temp 71.7 Relative Humidity 49% Plant 1 is sprouting and I can’t be more excited about it. She was the first seed I put in soil and she is doing great so far. The force is strong with her. Plant 2 has not sprouted yet but it was planted about a half day later than her sister Plant 1. I added this greenhouse lid hoping to help keep the humidity near the plants a bit higher. It’s worth a try anyway. I’ll check it later today to see if it’s helping any. The bigger grow tent should be here tomorrow and these girls will get a new home. I totally forgot to put holes in the bottom of the white bucket for water runoff, so I have that chore to do today. Any advice regarding the bottle of nutrients and/or cal-mag (I’m not sure what it is exactly) and when I will need to start giving it to them would be much appreciated. Thanks!

6 years ago

fortylix My advice is let them grow a bit before introducing any nutes if you do. Member you’re soil more than likely contains enough nutes to carry you a while so cal mag usually is a good add and than when flowering starts you can add some blooming nutes but honestly my first grow I went way over handed with the nutes and now I’m seeing the benefit of stepping back a little and letting your plant do it’s thing.

CBD Okay thanks for the input. I have been assuming some of that based on what I’ve read and watch. I got miracle grow (#notsponsored) and the bag says there’s enough nutrients in the potting soil to last 6 months. I don’t know if I should just water and not worry about nutrients? It’s all very confusing but It’s good to have a little clarity on some things. I’m also using just spring water so far but will switch to non pH’d tap water tomorrow morning.

fortylix I used miracle grow organic and I didn’t add nutes for a while but always use PH water usually from 6.5-6.8 otherwise your plant might not absorb the right amount of nutes. I think once your plant is almost done for the last 2 weeks you can do un PH balanced water cause you’re plant doesn’t need nutes at that stage! Always read up tho I’ve done a few grows but I’m always learning

Day: 5

6/16/19 Temp 69.8° Relative Humidity 50% Both seeds are in soil the light is on 24hrs a day since these are autos. I’m sure my light is too close but there is nothing I can do about that right now. I spritzed them both with spring water yesterday and today I added more but I’m trying not to over water them so I only gave them a little. I figure a little each day should be okay but what do I know?🤷🏼‍♂️ If someone can guide me on that I’d appreciate it very much! Last night I was able to buy a bigger grow tent- A1Kingdom 32”Lx32”Wx63”H (#notsponsored). It should be here by Tuesday so I’ll transfer everything over from this tent to their new home then. I also purchased a TDS meter that should be here tomorrow. I’m looking at different cal-mag’s for the cheapest out there to see if I can get some, but I can’t figure out if what I got is good enough or if I need to get the cal-mag specifically or what? I’ll include a pic of it below perhaps someone can guide me here. I got it from Walmart so I don’t know if it’s just nutrients or what exactly? When it comes to nutrients, I’m in the dark still. Been trying to learn as much as I can daily, but there’s so much confusing info out there. Combine that with the fact I’ve never grown anything before it’s like trying to learn a foreign language for me. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated in this area as well! Enjoy the pics.

6 years ago

Abz I wouldn’t use nutrients

Abz Organic sun is basically the best you can do for it or Led the more light the better

CBD Thanks. I’m not using nutrients right now. I just am unsure if this is nutrients or cal-mag or both? And I’m really not sure when to start giving her nutrients either. I posted the picture hoping someone would know and can tell me.

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Day: 4

6/15/19 Temp- 74.8°F Relative Humidity- 57% It took two days but the Seeds have germinated yayyyyy. I was so excited to see those seeds pop and then see the tap roots coming out. This morning one was big enough to put into the soil. The other I am leaving in the toilet paper for a while longer. I just put the second seed in soil and used a spray bottle to wet the top of the soil pretty good but not enough to drown them. I hope I did right by not over spraying the soil? Got my 2 grow tents today I ordered from amazon (CoolGrow #notsponsered). They are very small, only 2’Lx2’Wx3’H, so I’m going to return one and keep one as a drying tent for when the time comes and as a starter nursery. I plan on getting a taller and wider tent so I can put more than one 5 Gallon bucket in it. I got 7 seeds and only decided to germinate two bc I didn’t know exactly how many plants these grow tents would be able to handle. Money is tight so trying to grow as cheap as possible without sacrificing the integrity of the plants/seeds. I’m really pushing my luck trying to fit two 5Gal buckets under my 600w LED light in this small tent. It’s obvious to me this tent is only temporary for a few days, maybe a week. I think It’s okay right now for these seedlings, but once they sprout up for a few days, I don’t trust the light being so close to the buckets (maybe 12” right now and it’s at the highest I can get it in this tent already). I still need to buy a vent fan as well as flex hose, clamps, and a filter. But I got three of the tent holes open and a fan blowing air into it steady for now it will be okay I think. I’m working on a really really tight budget and it is taking me some time to get all the supplies I really need. So I may lose these two seedlings but I hope not.

6 years ago

Day: 2

6/13/19 Seeds sank to the bottom after touching them. Waited till approx. 20 hrs to remove them from pre soak and folded them in wet toilet paper and placed them inside of two cardboard boxes and closed the lids attempting to ensure a dark place for the tap root to sprout. Did not notice any visual popping of the seeds.

6 years ago

Nitrogrow Hey I’m new to growing as well and I feel the best and easiest method for the most effective germination is to use the jiffy pods. I have tried multiple methods including the paper towel method but that has never worked too well for me. You can find the jiffy pods at Home Depot or most gardening stores. Keep up the good work👍

Day: 1

6/12/19 Got first two seeds soaking in spring water 24 hrs as of today

6 years ago