
(1st Grow)OG Kush x G.S. Cookies

From Seed 29 Nov

2x4 Grow Tent. Using MH light to germinate. Germinating 10 feminized seeds 5 of each. Using rapid rooters.

OG Kush x G.S. Cookies

Day 121 (Week 18)

51 updates

252 photos

Day: 121

Post dry trimming. Only Girl Scout Cookies OG Kush next week

5 years ago

Day: 117

Day 6 of drying GSC tonight I will Gang the OG Kush plants

5 years ago

Day: 105


Flushed Plants- Took longer than expected

5 years ago

Day: 94


Day 36 of flowering things are going well. Still debating if I want to flush 2 weeks prior to harvest or not. I see mixed reviews. Open to yalls opinion on this one. Thanks

5 years ago

Day: 83

Flower week 4 Flower day 25 They are still drinking water like crazy and are starting to get frosty

5 years ago

Day: 75


Day 17 of flowering- all is well, but damm they drink water up so fast. I went from watering every 4th day during the veg stage. But now it’s every other day. Also now I air on the side of caution when I water, seeing how I over watered some of my plants that died earlier in this grow. I have learned that I much rather water lighter every other than the risk over watering ever 4 days.

5 years ago

Day: 69


Day 11/Week 2 of flowering. Watered the girls that were in the big tent. Big Tent I’m using HPS lighting 400w Small Tent 600wLED

5 years ago

Day: 60


Day 2 of flowering. I fed all plants with the transitioning feed plan.

5 years ago

Day: 57


Let the Flowering began. Starting tomorrow morning at 9am we will enter the glorious stage!!

6 years ago

Day: 50

PH 5.8 watered this weekend day 53 I will feed again in prep for flowering starting next Sunday . I can’t wait to switch to 12/12 and either can my utility bill haha

6 years ago

Day: 47

Fed plants today - PH 6.2

6 years ago

Day: 46


Miss Michigan has passed away she had been struggling since the start of the veg stage so I’m down to 6 out of the 10. Glad I started with 10 , as a beginner it allowed me to make mistakes... 15 more days until flowering stage

6 years ago

Day: 42

Watered PH 6.3 .. I have a new tent coming in next week so I can give the plants more room for the flowing stage. I plan on going 12/12 at 31 Jan

6 years ago

Day: 38

Did nothing with the plants today, may water tomorrow or day 40

6 years ago

Day: 37


Rotated and will remove humidifier Also what’s wrong with my plant in the first pic. Steams seem to be stretching laterally

6 years ago

Ckutz Your playing with your plants too much, and also you put them in too big of a pot, should gradually get bigger as the roots grow.

Rosebud24 Appreciate it thanks !

Day: 36

Rotated and tried setting up the screen of green

6 years ago

Day: 35

Fed all plants today and rotated each plant counter clockwise

6 years ago

Day: 34


LST bending.. First timer so please let me know if I F’ed up. Lol thanks

6 years ago


StayMedicated Personal preference would be to turn the girls to each corner of the tent so the bends under the lights and to defoliate lower fan leaves other than that they look sweet 👊🏼 StayMedicated!

Rosebud24 Will do thanks!

Day: 33

Just rotated plants

6 years ago

HendrixKush There looking good man

Rosebud24 Thanks man

Day: 32


Feeding day is not until day 35, but OG Fatz had yellow leaves on the bottom so I went ahead and fed it today. Watered all plants except Miss Japan with PH 5.9 water. All is looking good, I hope to do some more LST on day 46

6 years ago

Day: 31

73temp 53RH. Rotated the plants counter clockwise Did some topping today Ran intake for 30min

6 years ago

Day: 30


Watered all plants except Miss Ohio. Water was about 6.0 PH Humidity is looking good and same with the temps. I started yesterday running my intake fan for about an hour a day to allow fresh air flow in the tent. When intake is not running I have regular 6in fan over the canopy . I stopped running the intake fan 24hrs on day 10 I believe , because it would cause my humidity to drop to 30% or below . It’s possibly due to my tent being small (2x4)

6 years ago

Day: 29

Rotated pants right. Trying to prevent any stress, since I introduced the HPS early on.

6 years ago

Day: 28

Fed plants today a full spout for the gal and 3qtr of spout for 3 gal My MH bulb went out this morning. Now I’m forced to use my HPS light earlier now.

6 years ago

Day: 27

Miss ohio is still drooping

6 years ago

Day: 26


18/6...78 degrees -42% H I was going to change the hours to 16.5/7.5 but decided to just move my plants that seemed to have light stress to the sides of the tent I will feed plants on day 28

6 years ago

InstigatOr Nice!! Cookies Kush.

Rosebud24 Thanks I appreciate it.

Day: 25


Watered no feed Yesterday switched to 16.5/7.5 Miss Ohio is still drooping same with Miss Japan. Hoping by tomorrow they will perk back up. Prior to today I last watered them on day 21.

6 years ago

Day: 24


Transplanted plants to final medium. OG Sparky(3 gall-premium flower 201) OG Fatz(5 gallon- premium flower 201) Miss Ohio( 5 gallon- Fox farm) Miss North Carolina ( 3 gall -Fox farm) Miss Japan. (3 gall- Fox Farm) Miss Texas (3 gall-Fox Farm) Miss Michigan (3 gall-Fox Farm) Didn’t water -I plan to water tomorrow and feeding on Wednesday Experiencing some dropping leaved 2-3 hours before lights out. But in the morning the leaves perk right up. I believe they do this when they are preparing for bedtime. Tonight I will go from 18/6 to 16.5/7.5

6 years ago

Day: 23

Plants are looking good.

6 years ago

Day: 22

Why are the stems purple? Is this bad?

6 years ago

LOV|LED Is it the OG that's purple or the Girl Scout Cookie?

Rosebud24 It is the Girl Scout Cookie

Rosebud24 The main steam isn’t purple just the top ones

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Day: 21


It’s a GIRL!! Thinking of a transplant Friday evening. First Pic is of Miss Japan(Girl Scout a Cookies) Fed with Flora series recirculating program

6 years ago

Day: 20


Watered but no nutrients.

6 years ago

Day: 19


Sprayed water Will go 16/8 for light . Is it to early? When will I be able to go 12/12?

6 years ago

Ckutz Looks like you nailed the light issue by raising the plants with boxes. Now I would recommend that you don’t spray your plants, could leave burn marks from the water getting hot and also when your plants start to produce all those little crystals you don’t wanna soak that stuff down. Best way is to water slowly around the outside, so the roots grow out from the plant in search of water instead of bringing the water right too the roots.

Rosebud24 Thanks for the tips. Especially the watering tip. That is probably a reason I lost 3 plants. I was pouring water right down the whole the steam was coming out of. Smh! Thanks again !

Day: 18

Turned 400w Lum to 75% Lowered light to 12inches above canopy.

6 years ago

Day: 17

Think I lost another OG plant OG TAZ

6 years ago

Day: 16

Watered no feeding.

6 years ago

Day: 15

I plan on watering tomorrow

6 years ago

Ckutz Get your plants closer to the light so they don’t stretch.Use your hand to feel for heat so you know your not burning them.

Rosebud24 Okay I just lowered the light to 12inches

Day: 14


Moved out OG Red and OG Copper. I put them by the window. Where they will go to their final resting place R.I.P. Now we have 8 remaining. I only plan on keeping 5 of the 8. That’s all I have room for. The intake fan is till shutoff. But I keep a 5inch fan blowing of the plants. While keeping the exhaust on. Average temps: 72degrees /68H

6 years ago

Day: 13


Yesterday evening I learned by shutting off the intake fan while keeping the exhaust on while also running small white fan keeps temp and humidity at ideal leaves 70 humidity and 73temp. OG Copper is looming promising to make a comeback while OG Red May just be dead Top 5 Miss North Carolina Miss Japan Miss Texas OG Taz OG Fatz ——————- Middle Third: Miss Michigan Miss Ohio OG Sparky ————- Throw aways: OG Red OG Copper

6 years ago

Day: 12


0636...70degrees /55%...Don’t know why,but two of my OG Kush plants went limp hopefully they will come back to life. Watered this morning

6 years ago

Day: 11


Yesterday I decided to get the plants off of the tent floor. I also lifted the space heater off the floor. I found out having the space heater and humidifiers on the same level caused low humidity in the tent since the heater was drying the humidity out so I raised it off the floor and left the humidifier on the floor and saw an immediate difference

6 years ago

Day: 10


70degrees-78H.. I’m currently letting my tent stay open today so I can see how that effects my H level and temps...Seems like my plants stopped growing. I will water today with the week 2 early growth nutrients. Also added 4tsp. Tap water PH 7.5 .. once nutrients added PH 6.8... no need to add PH solution

6 years ago


Be42ohh Some of those have a lot of stretch, how far away is your light?

Rosebud24 15inches

Rosebud24 Should I bring the light down?It seems to be the OG Kush strain that is stretching. The GS Cookies haven’t stretched. So I was thinking it was just because KUSH grows taller than GS.Should I drop the light to 12”?

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Day: 9


0630...62degrees/33%heater was off all night and humidifier was off when I opened tent . OG Sparky and OG Copper did no open leaves . It has been a few days- so I pulled the excess seed that made them stick together 0929...68.1. Degrees 59%

6 years ago

Day: 8


0500.. 76degrees/34%... All plants have leaves except for OG Red who has yet to sprout and Miss Carolina sprouted last night . OG Red and Miss Carolina were late seeds I planted maybe 2 days after others Turned up 400wballast to 100% Is it to early? 0925...71degrees/55%H At 0530 I turned off the heater to see if that would elevate my Humidity. Which it did! So I’m happy now I may turned the heater back on to only 72 degrees instead of 78 which I had it before I turned the 400w MH light to 100% Lum

6 years ago

Day: 7


0530...72.8 degrees/32%H changed out water in both humidifiers Gave all my babies names- The “Miss” names are GS Cookies and the “OG” names are OG Kush. Right now Miss Ohio seems to be the strongest plant OG Fatz,OG Taz ,Miss Texas, and Miss Ohio. Are the ones that got the soil that was not cold Moved light down to 13inches

6 years ago

Day: 6


0656... 74.4 degrees and 30%H This evening I’m planning on moving rapid rooters into solo cups with soil. Not sure if it’s to early/ is it risky to move them to one source just to have to move them to a pot eventually. Let me know what y’all think. OG Kush is on the right of the picture and looks to either be taller than the GS Cookies or maybe they are just reaching for light . I have the light(400w) at 50% Lum and roughly 32inches above seeds . 3 of 5 have sprouted but no leaves. 3of 5 GS Cookies have 4 leaves while the 4 one sprouted but still no leaves and the 5 has yet to sprout I places the solo cups in the tent just so they can get to the same environment as seedling so when I do make the transfer it won’t be such a shock. Thanks for the comments and help.

6 years ago

Rosebud24 1814-2100.. 68degrees / 51% H. I added an additional humidifier which at this point has helped. I also did a transplant. I had 10 solo cups placed in the tent for 12hours with soil already placed in them in order to get them acclimated to the temp so the plants won’t experience shock....... Well at least that was the plan when it came time to transplant by the time I wet the soil in the solo cup with water and the recommended nutrients (1gal of water, 4tsp,2mlFloramicro,1ml FloraGro,1ml Florabloom)... I poked a hole at the bottom of the solo cup. Well by the time the soil was wet I soon realized that out of the 10 cups I only had 4 cups worth of soil that was acclimated to the tent environment. The 4 cups to the left not including the clear wrap one were filled with acclimated soil the rest were filled with the same soil and nutrients but the soil was from my garage where it is about 35 degrees. So I’m pretty sure I shocked the remaining 6 plants . But at the end of the day they are weeds and I’m sure they will power through it(I hope)... the transplant took me 3hrs to do so I figured I would go ahead and allow the plants to rest so I started lights out an hour earlier to hopefully ease the stress.

Day: 5


0636...70.8 degrees and 53%. I had to refill water to humidifier. Humidifier lasted 12hours. SPROUTING on 3 of 5 OG Kush and 4 of 5 GS Cookies. 3 GS Cookies has two leafs. 1720...71 degrees 35% I added water to humidifier. I roasted trey and removed lid due to the height of the OG KUSH Today I’m having trouble maintaining a good Humidity level it drops down to 35-30 . Which yesterday it was sitting at 45+.. Not sure what the issue is, I have tried almost everything thing I’m hoping it maybe a result of the lights. I adjusted night time hours to 2200-0530

6 years ago


Be42ohh You should be good with the humidity, my state is really dry and my RH is usually sitting around 18%

Rosebud24 Thanks!

Day: 4

0819...75degrees/50% Humidity The reason for the temperature increase is due to the Exhaust fans were off during the dark period at night. Also I found a SPIDER in tent. 0821...72 degrees 31% Humidity Exhaust Fans are running. I’m removing the water bucket and cheap humidifier. Since I see no difference temp and humidity. 0825... SPROUTING. 3 of 5 OG Kush sprouting and no GS Cookies sprouting. 0835...68 Degrees 39% I cut off in fake fan and turned on white fam level two. 0953...67.4 degrees 38% Humidity 0954... Shut off outtake fan also. 1014... 75.2 degrees /34% Turned on both exhaust fans and turned off white fan 1222... 69.9 degrees/33%H raised light to 75%lum 1735...71 degrees 32%H about to add heater and nice humidifier. 1810... After adding humidifier and space heater-I also pulled up the light. Moved darkness time to 2330-0430 Darkness. I moved the light lum from 75%. To 50%. I also added 3 hot glasses of core water. I’m going to spray for spiders on outside of tent. 1814...69.9 degrees 43% H... 1814...SPROUTING 3 of 5 OG Kush and 2 of 5 GS Cookies.

6 years ago

Trichomesunited Very detailed notes👌🏻. Hope all goes well with your grow!

omaroso I recommend using a mother plant and using clones. Growing from seed is hard, trust me, i’ve had 9 out of 9 seeds not sprout on me. You can guess how disappointed i was 😂. But anyway, once your flower starts to grow look up how to clone so you can literally get the same exact flower every time(since a clone shares the same dna). Im gonna keep you posted, im about a week from switching my plants to flowering.

Rosebud24 Thank you both

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Day: 3

0806... 69.2 degrees 30% Humidity. Light stay on for 24hours the night prior. I moved the light from 32inches down to 25 inches. 0825... Temp 69.8 degrees 30% Added shot of water. 1326... 67.8/31%, I wanted to try a new way to use rapid rooters. So I placed two in solo cup. Filled it with core water(7.4ph) and I will let soak for 3hrs. The reason I did this is due to finally read instructions on how to use rapid rooter . Before I had just placed cubes in tray after placing seeds in them. 1329..Also I’m hoping that the cup of water will raise the humidity. 1616... 71degrees,30%.. I planted OG Kush and GS Cookies I’m slacked rooter pods after 3hrs of soakage , they are on the outside of their family pods. I used latex gloves to touch seeds this time. Covered holes with rooter soil. 1642...Dark hours established- Midnight to 0500. Instead of 24h light. Also adding 1 gal of water inside tent (great value spring water) in mop bucket. I also added name tags. 2118... Added the cheap humidifier 69.9degrees 31% Humidity

6 years ago

Day: 2

21:30... I put seeds in 2x4 tent. Current temperature is 63degrees. Prior to moving seeds in tent they were on a black footlocker. Currently no sprouting has happened at this time. I will set the timer to provide 8hours of darkness. I left fans running on low. Dark hours will be 2200-0600. Light was set to 50%Lum and 32inch away from seeds 2300...68.3F 31% I will not allow dark period to happen 24hrs of light. I need to keep like on so seedling knows which way to grow. 2304...Shut off intake fan and out. Then turned on white fan to level two. I want to make it a bit warmer. Currently at 68.7F would like to get it to 72degrees 0000...27% Humidity 79.8degrees. Turned fan off and Turned on exhaust fans. This temp is to hot and humidity too low. 0039... 68.5 degrees 30% Humidity

6 years ago

Day: 1

23:06...I planted 8 seeds 4 GS Cookies 4 OG Kush both feminized seeds. 24hr light, with basic ceiling light bulb. Used rapid rooter plugs and temperature heating pad

6 years ago