
White Rhino - LST

Summer 2021

5 plants indoor start in window to outdoor. LST for windy conditions outside.

White Rhino

Day 128 (Week 19)

21 updates

73 photos

Day: 128

Seeing some pretty bad yellowing going on. Thinking nitrogen deficiency. But with all the rain they could just be over saturated.

3 years ago


Caliban Looks like N to me. Rain probably leeched out the Nutes. Maybe cal mag too.

sammcgowan I’ve been using Magnifical from Remo nutrients as I use collected rain water for them, as well as monster gro veg nutes. As they are in fabric pots I’m not surprised that it would leech out

Day: 113


There they are before the flowering months come

3 years ago

sammcgowan Indica strain really showing it’s true colours here.

Day: 95


Just an update of their growth coming up on 100 days

4 years ago


Zeyberlin Pretty girl

Day: 82


Wrinkled new growth has stopped and leaves have recovered. LST is going well, apical dominance has been broken. And one seems to have perfectly made two main stems.

4 years ago

Day: 78


Branches coming in strong. Still that weird wrinkled growth. Less on some of the newest growth. Depends on the plant. Fed yesterday at 1/3 strength two cups.

4 years ago


Ranc1dM3at Ive had a couple people tell me its just a really quick grow of the leaves and not to worry the couple times i noticed it

sammcgowan That’s great to hear. Helps settle my nerves.


Ranc1dM3at Could have been calcium or potassium but it looks like its past. As long as it dosent get any higher than the damaged leaves

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Day: 75


New growth seems somewhat wrinkled but they’ve recovered from what I think was nutrient lockout 2 weeks ago.

4 years ago

Day: 69


Been a while since update. They’ve bushed up a lot

4 years ago

sammcgowan Buddy gave me a plant he snapped and gave up on so I cloned her and suppercropped the bastard.

Day: 56

Moving outside for the next couple days. Keeping the small pots to move back in as there will be some cold weather coming soon nights will be 6c tonight is 14c

4 years ago

Day: 49

Treated yesterday with insecticidal soap. Hoping for the best after seeing signs of bugs

4 years ago

Day: 47

Starting to see new growth in between nodes.

4 years ago

sammcgowan Also wondering what these spots on the third photo might be. Anything helps

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 Spots on the leaves you mean? Seems like some sort of a pest maybe that bitten the plant 🪴 not sure 🤔

sammcgowan Thanks for the tip. Do you figure neem oil would be a safe way to go?

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Day: 47

Second major tie down

4 years ago

Day: 44

Fed yesterday. Happy with more sun in their new home

4 years ago

Day: 35


Growing like weeds now

4 years ago

sammcgowan Thanks man! First time grower trying not to helicopter parent these buds. Well... first time growing on my own property where I can actually take care of them properly.

Day: 32

Everybody transplanted and tied over. Stem growth working fantastic. Soil amended with worm castings and blood meal.

4 years ago

Day: 29

Started training strongest two buddies three days ago. Feeding starts tomorrow. 1/5tsp monster grow to ~4gl seeing what might be leaf miners on one plant. Squished the leaf in hope to get rid of them. Any advice appreciated.

4 years ago

Day: 17


Everybody looking happy added worm castings to the topsoil. Cups still seem heavy.

4 years ago


godsproblem Great progress! I believe I have that same nanodome. Do you have the T5 18” bulb? And is that what you have been using for the past 17 days?


mystrain420 Domes are for clones not seedlings, seedlings don’t need a done or to acclimate. Your slowing them down, also get a gentle breeze on them to increase growth and stem strength u can’t most with plain water if u worry about rh. Check out my alien rock Candy, she’s on day 62ish but u can see how I trained and the environment on day and 16-17 she’s in coco/perlite/ewc. Good luck with the ladies👍🏾

sammcgowan I’m actually just using the sun. I have them in a window and the humidity in that room is really low. I’m taking them out on today. Our favourite holiday

Day: 15

Overwatered last watering still wet and will wait to water again until dry. Humidity kept between 60%-70%. temp 25 day. 19 night.

4 years ago

Day: 9

Watering day for the friends. Yesterday was hot under the dome. 5 successful babies.

4 years ago

Day: 6

Growing well. Watered today. Still only 5/6 have popped. Holding out hope.

4 years ago

Day: 3

5/6 sprouted so far. Bottom left seems to be stretching due to window lighting

4 years ago

Day: 1

Just planted the germinated seeds day 1.

4 years ago