


Spring 24

11L pot, lightmix, Papiertuch-Keimung, hybrid Balkon/Küche

Do-Si-Dos Auto

Day 68 (Week 10)


13 updates

34 photos

Day: 68

The most compact do si dos I’ve ever seen. What ever she really is. Seems like typical bs from r*s. I love the way she looks like a single, massive bud. She burned a bit because of too much nutrients I think. It didn’t get worse in the last 2 weeks. Seems I made it. Now just waiting for the trichomas to evolve. Maybe 4 to 6 weeks more.

2 months ago

Day: 63


Seems somebody needs a little trim.

2 months ago

Day: 56

Last LST (?)

3 months ago

Day: 36

A little bit more LST. The first signs of blossoms. I’m so excited. 🥰🖤

3 months ago

Day: 36

LST a few hours later.

3 months ago

Day: 30


Guerilla Tabs + LST

3 months ago

newgrower05 Man thats only a month old ??


Felyxis Aye… she looks pretty small next to others in my hood.

newgrower05 I wish my plant looked that big lmao ive been growing mine for abt a month and a half and is about half that size 😂

View 6 additional comments

Day: 29


Hello Thripse… do you feel nice and cozy? No more longer… 🙄 *buying neemoil sounds*

4 months ago

Day: 21

Water, more soil, recovering very well

4 months ago

Day: 19


Water, it was pretty windy 😬👉👈 i feel so sorry for her. 😢

4 months ago

Day: 18

Water spray on

4 months ago

Day: 14

Draußen übernachtet, gestern Wasser

4 months ago

Day: 10

More soil for stabilisation

4 months ago


Nessi_the_blue How big is your pot?


Felyxis 11L (it’s written down in the information)


Nessi_the_blue Ah, jetzt hab ichs gefunden. Danke. 👍 Kenne mich in der App noch nicht so gut aus. 😅

Day: 9

Wasser, Balkontag, Übernachtung drinnen

4 months ago