

#6 Cannaverse

SSH round 2

Let’s goooo

SSH Auto

Day 74 (Week 11)

8 updates

12 photos

Day: 74


Some really nice reds & purples coming through

2 years ago


fiyrpacks is that growing in a converse? lmao


vampyler Yeah lol


NovaCanee Lmaooo if it works 😅👍💯

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Day: 59


3 years ago


JG705 I don’t know my friend, but something ain’t right with your plant…🤓


JG705 I just can’t put my finger on it 🤔


vampyler Neglected the poor shoe

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Day: 46

Why helllooooooo

3 years ago


JG705 🤨 ummmm, is that growing out of a shoe? Lol


JG705 Cannaverse…now I get it… 🤓

lijah legendary

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Day: 35

Let’s goooo!

3 years ago


steezykayla Is that a shoe with an ashtray for runoff ? 😆


vampyler Bingo 🤣

DracoBEBO We need an update on her

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Day: 23


3 years ago

DracoBEBO Stretchy lil girl but she’s going through the steps.

Day: 12

A little stunted (that’s my speciality with this strain) but she’s pushing through

3 years ago


gotnibuds Love the shoe as pot, made me and the old lady laugh after a morning blunt.


vampyler Glad hahaha thanks

DracoBEBO “there was an ole weed who lived in a shoe…”

Day: 3

Hung er up

3 years ago


Prodigy Lmfao is that a shoe? Should be an interesting grow, you going to transplant it? Maybe a tall boot?? Love the ingenuity

DracoBEBO Yup… I’m following a shoe grow…


vampyler It will stay in this shoe till chop prodigy 😁 enjoy y’all

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Day: 1

Inspired by Reddit, 2 pepper seeds in there too lol

3 years ago

power of the flower

power of the flower So you wanna grow 3 plants in one old shoe? I don’t get it, why why why should you do that. This is not the way to make you weed extra smelly or to create big buds , I don’t see the benefits. But good luck with your grow.


vampyler Gonna remove the pepper seeds but eh it’s just a fun idea

power of the flower

power of the flower Maybe it’s better to remove the lady and give her the proper space that she’ll need to grow some roots. Without any space for her roots she’ll die. There isn’t any nutrition in your shoe and there’s so little soil so it’s still fun to grow your peppers in your shoe and save the girl… but always keep growing 👍

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