

BCN Critical XXL


2 x 3 Gallon fabric pots CANNA Terra Professional 24 Hours of light Water feeding only


Day 176 (Week 26)

31 updates

224 photos

Day: 176

Grow Complete !

3 years ago

Day: 175


Right Plant Dry Weight (FINALE)

3 years ago

Day: 162



3 years ago


zenmaster FINALLYYYY !!! 160+ Days !!! So I already chopped the left plant (check log to see that harvest if you want) And now the right plant is finally ready so I chopped her down today I’ve hung her up to dry and will leave her for the next 7-14 days I will post a final update then with the total weigh up from this plant and both plants put together


hashcompany That things is wild!!! Looks frosty

Forty Two Oh hell yes!!! That’s what it’s about. Killer job. 🔥🔥🔥

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Day: 161


Day 161 - Week 23 from soil - LIGHTS OFF

3 years ago


zenmaster The time has finally come !!! It took so long haha but a good 90% of pistils have now turned amber, tbh it probably could’ve gone for an extra couple weeks but I want to get started on my next run so I’ve decided it’s her time for harvest ! I have now turned off the lights and will leave her for the next 48 hours before chopping her down !


Roart Such a beautiful plant!


hem-p Amazing grow, so unique 💯🙌🏽🥇

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Day: 156


Left Plant Dry Weight

3 years ago


zenmaster So she was left to dry for 15 days, (this is the left plant from the grow set) Trimmed up all the buds today DRY WEIGHT: 12g I’m alright with that, I was really aiming for around 25g but I said to myself anything over 10g I’ll be fine with, and I was so close to hitting half oz so not amazing but I’m happy with it and I still have the right plant which I will be harvesting and hanging to dry at the end of this week


hem-p Very Quality looking bud 💯👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🏆


dollface42 Good job 👏 Looks tasty 😋

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Day: 154

Day 154 - Week 22 from soil

3 years ago


zenmaster Okay finally about 80% of the pistils have turned brown now, she has really fattened up and filled out, trichomes are still quite clear but I think I will harvest next week so I can get started on the next run and I’m happy now the pistils have at least browned up

thagrower This shit so pretty 🤤


zenmaster @thagrower thank you sm ☺️✌🏽🌱

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Day: 147

Day 147 - Week 21 from soil

3 years ago


zenmaster Finally staring to see some amber pistils !! However the majority of the pistils are still white so still got some more time to go but at least we’re seeing some progress She is fattening up quite nicely Trichomes still look clear to slightly milky, I’d prefer to wait for them to be milky to amber


greengrowlady She looks amazing 🤩


zenmaster @greengrowlady thank you very much ! And I checked out your page and saw you’re doing northern lights auto, that’ll be my next run !

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Day: 142


Day 142 (cut to dry)

3 years ago


zenmaster The plant had 48 hours of darkness and today I gave it the cut and hung it up to dry, I will leave it now for 7-14 days and check in between to see how the drying is doing No edit on these photos just flash and I think it looks alright ! Will just have to wait and see I find out what the end yield weight is

Mcmuzzy Gorgeous


zenmaster Thank you bro appreciate you !

Day: 140


Day 140 - Week 20 from soil

3 years ago


zenmaster Okay so I have moved the left plant out of the tent and put it into complete darkness for the next 48 hours, it probably could’ve stayed a bit longer but I think this is the perfect time to harvest as all pistils are now amber and trichomes look clear to milky white As for the right plant it just doesn’t look anywhere near ready, it’s got super long white pistils and trichomes are just clear, it’s annoying it’s taking so long ! But I’m hoping it fattens up and fills out and hopefully ends in a good yield I have also raised the right plant up closer to the light in hopes that’ll help speed the growth a little bit

Day: 133


Day 133 - Week 19 from soil

3 years ago


zenmaster Okay so the left one looks almost ready, I may take her down next week But the right one is still shooting white pistils out and growing buds on the buds and very slowly fattening up so as much as I want to chop it down I think if I leave it longer it will get a lot fatter it’s a real pain

MarciTheSunKing So obvious question here, but that is an auto flower hm? And if so what week did it start growing baby buds? Mines past 8 weeks. Just wondering if I’m doing something wrong 🤔


zenmaster I checked your page but it says there’s nothing there unless the app is glitching but it’s hard to tell without seeing, however some can take longer, yes this is an auto flower and you check the whole growth progress by looking at this log but this one is going slower so give it another week or so

Day: 126


Day 126 - Week 18 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster Full water done today they are slowly getting fatter Left plant looks like quite milky trichomes and pretty much all amber pistils Right plant still has a lot of white pistils Hopefully not too long to go

Mcmuzzy I left a northern lights go just a bit past this stage recently and i found it started to loose some of its density! Something to look out for, looks soooo good


zenmaster Thanks for lookout bro ✌🏽 what did the pistils look like on your NL before you harvested ? Because if you look at the last photo on the slide it’s shooting white long pistils so I’ve left it to run longer in hopes that it will get fatter and fill out those pistils

Day: 119

Day 119 - Week 17 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster I was hoping harvest would be ready around this week but from the looks of it I’ll be waiting longer The plants started shooting out a bunch more pistils the past couple of weeks so I will let it go longer in hoping that it will fill out and fatten up Since I put the Mylar sheets under the plants I have notice the lower buds start to fatten up Hopefully it won’t be too long but the right plants pistils are still white so maybe few more weeks

BabyT the G.O.A.T. Is that a auto


zenmaster BabyT yeah it’s an auto

Day: 112

Day 112 - Week 16 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster Well I was hoping to harvest in a week or two However I’ve noticed the plant has grown a whole bunch more white pistils shooting out which makes me think it will increase and get fatter so I will be waiting for the white pistils to turn amber and for the bud to fill out the pistils so it may not be harvested as soon as I hoped unfortunately

Day: 105


Day 105 - Week 15

4 years ago

Day: 98


Day 98 - Week 14 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster Both plants looking to be fatter this week, the majority of pistils have turned amber with just a few white ones remaining Trichomes have become more noticeable now which is good as the trichome production started a little late I hope/estimate these will be ready around day 120 ish the same as my cup grow challenge seeing as they’re the same strain and genetic Full water done today

Day: 91


Day 91 - Week 13 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster They have both really fattened up this week Still not ready yet but good to see their progress More trichomes starting to appear as the bud fills out Full water done today

Day: 84


Day 84 - Week 12 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster They’re both looking good this week, the buds are finally starting to fatten up a little bit and I can see a few more trichomes coming out, still not doing as good as the bonsai but they are coming a long just slowly Some leaves are turning purple, I haven’t done anything this week, no pruning or defoliation, just gave them both a full watering each

Day: 77


Day 77 - Week 11 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster So this weeks update I’ve defoliated pretty much most of the leaves, I’ve kept a couple of full green healthy leaves on but I’ve taken the majority off to allow more light exposure There’s hardly any trichomes so far which is concerning because my bonsai is only around day 50 and she’s covered in trichomes and my cup grow was also covered in trichomes by this point but my theory is because they’re in smaller pots they have been forced to flower earlier but because these pots are larger the roots are still growing so hopefully the bud start thickening up and gain more trichomes because at the moment there’s loads of white pistils but the buds aren’t really filling out yet and this made me nervous since I saw those seed pods growing All I can do now is wait and see and hopefully she fattens up soon, gave them both a full watering today


blueherbalist Took off way too many leaves in my opinion


zenmaster @blueherbalist I took off all the leaves that were yellow or dying, goal being to focus more energy into the bud production

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Day: 70


Day 70 - Week 10 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster So I have still had some issues with having some balls and showing signs of hermaphroditism, so I have lollipopped all the lower branches removing all tiny bud sites and defoliated all fan leaves that are losing color Lots of pistils but so far there’s pretty much no trichomes around the leaves which is concerning

chellybuds Just out of pure curiosity (beginner here) how big were these when you switched them to flower :)


zenmaster @chellybuds these are autoflowers so they flower on our their own and I have kept a 24/7 light schedule from seed to now, but if you check this grow diary I have posted weekly updates to show difference in their size :)

Day: 65

Day 65 side update

4 years ago


zenmaster I have pruned off a lot of the leaves today, but while doing this I noticed this tiny little seed like things growing on both plants, I have no males in the tent but I read that plants can hermaphrodite from stress so this is very annoying, I’m not sure how bad this will effect the result or what exactly this means, I have picked off all the seeds that were on it but this is very disappointing

Day: 63


Day 63 - Week 9 from soil

4 years ago


zenmaster Looking great ! Left plant is a beauty all her lower bud sites are prominent and her main cola is reaching up and shooting so many long pistils which is promising Right plant is looking like a bush it’s lovely, so many leaves popping out, and all bud sites are on an equal level, with the main cola just a little higher, I have re adjusted the bamboo sticks to bend the main cola over a little for some light exposure to the buds underneath Did not do a full water as I did 2 today’s ago and the soil is still a little damp so I just lightly misted the top of the soil

Day: 56


Day 56 - Week 8 from soil Not much really, this is a very slow stage No height growth They both look healthy but quite small, no real noticeable changes to update on

4 years ago

Day: 50


Day 50 side update So yesterday I posted the 7th week update and was very worried because the plant on the right looked dead and I had no idea what the issue was but I heard it could be from being underwatered, so I gave them both a full watering and less than 24 hours this morning she has came straight back to life perked up and all the leaves are lifted up towards the light so they both look very healthy today

4 years ago

Dorisg Ahhh underwatered! I looked at your grow info after I suggested N toxicity and saw you had good soil and not using nutrients so it couldn’t be that

Dorisg Such a good improvement tho, glad you figured it out?


zenmaster @dorisg yeah I was surprised how well they bounced back after just giving them a watering, but thank you for having a look for me I appreciate that ✌🏽🌱

Day: 49


Day 49 - Week 7 from soil VERY WORRIED The plant on the right looks like it is dying, the leaves are very moist and soft and the branches are very soft and weak, it looks like overwatering but I’ve been letting the soil dry out so I’m wondering if the problem is lack of water and I need to water more often, I have no idea what’s wrong with it but it doesn’t look good at all and I hope it doesn’t die, any ideas would be appreciated, I am still new so please be respectful Plant on the right is the one I didn’t think was going to turn out good because it was a slow starter but she looks amazing and has reacted very well to the LST although her leaves are doing a similar thing

4 years ago

Day: 42


Day 42 - Week 6 from soil There doesn’t seem to be much height growth and I am worried they’re going to be small little runts all the way to harvest which will suck massively But I have removed the bamboo sticks and added some plant bends so hopefully in a few days they grow up and outwards The branches are very flimsy and the leaves are extremely soft and limp which is strange because I’m not over watering at all and the humidity isn’t high so I’m not sure why they are so moist

4 years ago


ZenMaster Very short about 5.5” high

Dorisg Too much nitrogen?

Dorisg Yeah I just googled it, your plants are showing classic signs of nitrogen toxicity

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Day: 35


Day 35 - Week 5 from soil Both looking good, the one of the left has amazed me on how well it is doing after the trouble I had with it The one on the right is drooping a little so im going to let the soil dry a bit more as the leaves are quite moist so it could be that I have removed some fan leaves from both of the plants, I removed the Mylar sheets from both to allow the plant to grow upwards some more and I have added bamboo sticks on both plants for LST to allow the lower branches to get more light I also have a new plant in here the little bonsai which is purple haze, I have made a separate grow diary for this on my page

4 years ago

Day: 28


Day 28 - Week 4 from soil Looking very good so far, small but bushy I have re adjusted the LST on the left plant to allow the other branch to grow out I also removed the Mylar sheets from the right plant and added them to all to the left plant so that the left plant can get more light and branch out and also to let the right plant stretch taller a little bit Finally gave them both a full watering

4 years ago

Day: 21


Day 21 - Week 3 from soil

4 years ago


ZenMaster Sooooo much progress in just 1 week !! The plant on the left is standing tall and looking better, still thin but much better than last week, doing some LST as well on this one As for the plant on the right, I have cut some Mylar sheets and place under the plant and all the lower branches are fully extending outwards and it’s creating a large bush effect, never seen this been done before so I’m not sure of how it will turn out but so far it seems to be more effective than LST

Day: 14


Day 14 - Week 2 from soil The right plant is looking very healthy, nice big leaves coming through The left however looks a little deformed and has pretty strange leaves, hopefully nothing to concerning

4 years ago

Day: 7


Day 7 - Week 1 from soil I was worried that the seed that floated wasn’t going to sprout as it was a very late bloom but she’s popped up out of soil now, I think she will slack behind compared to the other but I’ll just have to wait and see, the other seed is standing tall and showing sign of the next set of leaves

4 years ago


ZenMaster No pal, doing some LST instead

Day: 1


Grow update 16/09/20 - I put the seeds into some PH 6.2 water and left them to sit in the tent in complete darkness 17/09/20 - so one seed sank and the other seed didn’t sink which is worrying, I have put them both in a some tissue and sprayed it down and put it inside a humidity bag, hopefully they both germinate 20/09/20 - luckily both seeds have popped, I was unsure about the floater, the one seed popped through the tissue and out of its seed fully, so I have filled 2 x 3 gallon fabric pots up with CANNA Terra Professional soil, lightly watered the soil, planted both seeds and put a plastic cup over them to increase humidity, the lights have now been turned on and hopefully we will see some growth soon !

4 years ago