Tree Thinkers 🌳

Tree Thinkers 🌳

Buddha Auto Mix

Spring 23

Two mystery autos Plant A had a longer root than Plant B. Planted 2 days ago when the moon began waxing.


Day 77 (Week 11)



23 updates

93 photos

Day: 77


Cut off the bud rot pieces today 🫤 Update: Ended up chopping this lady the next day. Plant A (Rotten Blueberry) is finally dry and weighs ~22g. it has similar taste to orange tree/tropicana cookies but smells like the name. Plant B dry weighs ~23g after removing the bud rot areas

a year ago

Day: 75


Saw a spot that looks like bud rot and found a caterpillar inside … mutilated cola pic at the end

a year ago


BigCatDad Oh damn! That sucks! Was it one of those big green ones?

Tree Thinkers 🌳

Tree Thinkers 🌳 It wasnt too big yet but yes definitely seemed like it!


saviibaby Oh no! Did it get into all of it? Or is it just the top bud?

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Day: 71


✂️ & some very diluted nutrients

a year ago


Devanguy56288 Beautiful green!

Day: 70


Just a lil update on plant b

a year ago


adders Looking good 👀

Tree Thinkers 🌳

Tree Thinkers 🌳 Thank you still hoping she fattens up 🤞


adders I’m sure she will, looks like she’s still got a little left in her yet 💪

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Day: 67


Smaller one is getting chopped today!!

a year ago


DolphinsFan13 Crazy colors that thing looks wicked..

Tree Thinkers 🌳

Tree Thinkers 🌳 Agreed and she smells sooo fruity.

Day: 67


All chopped up to dry

a year ago

Day: 62


Plant A is so close to being ready for the chopping block. Plant B is a lil skyscraper and was just fed 1 tbsp neem + 1 tbsp kelp meal. She probably has at least 2 more weeks.

a year ago

Day: 57


The smaller one (plant a) is definitely almost ready. Plant B still has some time but maybe 3-5% of pistils seem amber on her. Plant A has maybe 60ish% amber pistils.

a year ago


BigCatDad Looks nice and full.


BigCatDad Are you growing these outside?

Tree Thinkers 🌳

Tree Thinkers 🌳 Yes mostly outside but it’s been raining and getting a little colder at night so we’ve been bringing them in sometimes!

Day: 49


Fed today bio bizz grow+bloom

a year ago

igrowza Looking good 🔥

Tree Thinkers 🌳

Tree Thinkers 🌳 Thank u I’m so excited to see their effects and flavors ☺️🍃

Day: 43


Glam shots, added borage and sage, & neemed🌿

a year ago

Day: 41


Plant B is actually taller than Plant A now 😲 Also it’s looking more like a sativa structure and Plant A more an indica. Can smell them too🫶🏼

a year ago


Drizz Are they auto?


Drizz And that’s cool👍

Benissa Stoners

Benissa Stoners Yes! No idea on the strains it’s a random experimental mix from Buddha seeds 🪷

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Day: 39


Sprayed with 3g/1L sea salt spray

a year ago


Drizz Is the sea salt spray for the bugs?

Benissa Stoners

Benissa Stoners Yes! It was a tip from our veggie guy who is the absolute king of plants! 🐐 They don’t seem more eaten at all today.

Benissa Stoners

Benissa Stoners We are using the spray specifically for caterpillars 🐛

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Day: 36


Last neem sesh for these babies!

a year ago

Day: 34


Living mulch of lavender added. Sage and borage next. Fed them bio bizz grow nutrients today 💪

a year ago

Day: 33


Neem yesterday caterpillar bites (and 💩) today. WTF 🤬

a year ago

LeChron James

LeChron James I have not had any luck with Neem. I gave up on it. I’ve had good results with Trifecta and have added diatomaceous earth as well. Bee Safe also seems to work better than Neem.

LeChron James

LeChron James And I’ve got some ladybugs on the way. No idea how well they’ll work

Benissa Stoners

Benissa Stoners I have to try diatomaceous earth out… not even 100% if it’s caterpillars and/or earwigs since I found one sitting pretty on what will be the cola!! I’m putting out a soy sauce/olive oil trap tonight. We have ladybugs around here but they haven’t seemed to help tooo much. What is Trifecta?

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Day: 32


Pre flower ?! That’s crazy. Time really flies with autos. Neemed and inoculated with micorriza mushrooms. Let’s see what happens…

a year ago


Drizz Looking good, what are you growing in and mico is good for roots 👍


Drizz My bad forgot⁉️

Benissa Stoners

Benissa Stoners I’m growing in some 11L grow bags rn with bio bizz all mix! Just bought some new white 25L grow bags to try out since our plants haven’t been growing too big in these small ones! Im excited to see the results from the micos tho😄

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Day: 32


Neem yesterday caterpillar bites today?! WTF 🤬

a year ago

Day: 27


Fed bio buzz grow

a year ago

Day: 23

Looking good. Had a feeding on Thursday😍

a year ago

Day: 19

Big ladies comin thru .. XD. Plant A still looking good with that third set showing herself. Plant B still smaller but also onto the third set. Wonder what strains they’ll turn into 🤔 Feeding for the first time today. Thirsty Thursday for my ladies 🧚🌱

a year ago

Day: 11

Plant A is going strong Plant B had a major comeback

a year ago

Day: 8

Plant A lookin good Plant B in recovery from ear wig eating her up.

a year ago

Day: 3

Plant B lookin overwatered (yellow and red tint to stem) Plant A looking like the picture of health! Both have cute teeny fan leaves popping up!

a year ago